No, I mean you believe a specific story of creation.
In that sense, even your average atheist physicist is a creationist too.
So what is the story of creation that you believe ?
In short, the material world is but one contingent eternal potency of god (another one is the living entity, and another is the spiritual world ... but to mention a few).
So the idea is that you have eternal living entities moving between eternal worlds (according to their desire) that are orchestrated by an eternal personality.
Since the material world is all about accommodating desire that is contrary to eternal nature, its very foundation is change. This means that not only living entities are required to change their bodies to experience different terms of existence (aka reincarnation through a range of species of life, from the microscopic to the gigantic) but also that the universe undergoes change as well. Just as we are all too familiar with the cycles of day and night, months and seasons (all of which offer unique circumstances particular to their environment .... for instance its difficult to grow tomatoes in winter, but it serves as a great opportunity for many other plants to go to seed), there are greater cycles that govern the universe.
So just as winter could be defined as a period for things being mostly non-manifest, there are universal periods that see things enter into a non-manifest stage (ranging from partial to complete devastations)
Can you please offer a reference, specifics.
here's a link to yugas
(however there are greater cycles that even yugas appear in, but there's probably no point in discussing them at the moment)
really, so you believe god hand no hand it that.
not really since no living entity (not even milky sapped plants) have the capacity for independent existence
In it's totallity please, do you believe in evolution or not ?
I don't have any problems with (some) aspects of microevolution (there's even reference to it in scripture, how the physiology of organisms changes according to the yuga its appearing in).
The notion of one phyllum giving rise to a different phyllum (the greater topic of macro evolution) is simply a theory based on correlation.
Even in terms of methods of evidencing the claims of evolution, it is split in two general camps, so it doesn't seem practical to discuss it in terms of "totality".