James R said:MacM:
Most of your reply to me was irrelevant waffle, so let's cut to the chase.
I wrote:
And your reply was:
This is your entire "argument" (if you can call it that).
But look what you've done. You talk about the "true" tick rate of a clock. You define the "true" rate to be the rate as measured in the clock's rest frame.
But your argument, as you say, relies on this (which is another direct quote of your post):
If there is no absolute motion or velocity, what makes the clock rate as measured in the rest frame any more "true" than the rate measured in any other frame?
In relativity, no reference frame is preferred. On the contrary, in MacM's world, the rest frame of the clock is preferrred. It is the "real" frame, and all other frames are "perception".
It is you who is in conflict with the "basic premiss" of relativity. Relativity says no preferred frames. MacM says rest frame = reality and all others are "lesser" frames.
Your conclusion, from your assumption that the rest frame of a clock is special or preferred, is:
But you haven't shown this. You have simply assumed it, without proof, as you hav done all along.
You have multiple clocks, and each one has a particular tick rate in its own rest frame. But have you established that clock A ticks at the same rate as B in B's rest frame? No. You haven't even started to address that question. You have suggested no method for comparing the tick rates of two clocks. You make a measurement of clock A's rate in one reference frame (A's rest frame). Then you make a measurement of clock B's rate in a different reference frame (B's rest frame). Then, without any proof at all, you claim that B's rate, if measured in A's frame, would be the same as B's rate measured in B's frame, and vice versa.
You'll need to do better than simply repeat unfounded assertions.
You claim:
But you have completely failed to establish this as fact. It is based on nothing other than MacM's "common sense", and we all know how fallible that is as an indicator of truth.
Here's another formulation of your "argument":
The term "proper time rest rate" specifies a reference frame - the rest frame. Yes, I agree that, by definition, clocks tick at their rest rate when they are in their rest frame. There's nothing controversial about that.
You again refer to the proper time as "real time", which shows your preference for one frame over all others.
You again provide no argument to show that a clock's rate in any frame other than its rest frame must be the same as the rate in its rest frame.
This is false.
You need to explain why rest frame time is "real time", and why rest frame time must equal time in all other reference frames.
You stand corrected.
Considering you choose to ignore the obvious and distort every issue and expand, expand, expand your posts without meeting the requirement of having met your burden, plus continue to make unwarranted assertions that invoke SRT as your proof, I decline to repeat the proof.
When you show me the airplane clocks view or the lab clock in the H&K experiment then and only then can you claim SRT is reality. You cannot because there is no such recipical action. Which verifies my view.
Until you show otherwise I am afraid it is you that are full of unending hot air and lack an understanding of the requirements of Relativity.