TWA 800 Another US Military Blunder?


There are a lot of people in the US who belive every thing they see on TV or read in the news paper. To show you how far the conspiracie goes, the CFR owns all major TV network, news station, and news paper here in the US. To dwell on how America conturdictory to it's base foundation (the constition) is just simply dwell on a minor issue. We (citizens) need to move pass it and focus on the issues at hand. Such as pulling out of the UN totaly.

The communist never lost thier power in Russia. They simply used a tatical surrender, as they have done in the past many times before. You may ask how that may help them. Simple, as long as we (the citizens of the US and other countries) belive that they no longer have the strangle hold that they have had we don't bother them. This allows them more time to gain more controll. How do I come to this conclusion? The big misconception is that the USSR feel over night. That belief is total wrong. The USSR feel over a period over years, in fact Gorbachev filed his papers to open the Green Cross ( an international enviromental organization) 1 year before the USSR feel. Now normaly this would mean nothing, but he was going to be the one running the Green Cross. Running an organization like this is no simple task and would not allow him to run his country. Did he chose the fate of the USSR? On top of that he had made a speach to his cabinet and other high goverment officals that there would be a lot of outward changes, but the goverment would be run the same as before.

To much ale and conspriacies do mix! Don't complain about the spelling I know it is bad! Now look here PAL! :)
The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born

[This message has been edited by 666 (edited November 25, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by 666 (edited November 25, 1999).]
Searcher, downloaded another song. I'll look out for a CD. Great!

Oxygen, you card you.

Mike, as to the usa not being a true democracy think of this.

republican or democrat - some people just have too much choice.

Accept it.

The United Nations is a forum for all nations no matter how big or small were all are equal, and all can voice their opinions to the rest of the world. We may live in the bloodied century, but I feel without the UN it would have been by far much bloodier.

Anyway, the US is in depth by a number of billions to the UN, the US supplies the absolute minimum number of troops that it can, and the UN HQ is in the US. It's fairly clear to me that the US gets alot more from this forum for which it uses to publicise its international policy than what it puts in.
Bert - if you have a Border's near you, you should be able to find a CD there. "Things We Do" was their first album, which was recorded at Pachyderm Studios - my personal favorite. "Blues This Morning" is good, but only has 6 songs on it (2 are hidden "bonus tracks"). "Live Blues From the Sky" was recorded in front of a live audience at the Nebraska Public TV Studios - another great one!

I apologize for the detour; now back to the discussion at hand. :)

Did anybody think about our own country? Mike could be right about France saying they saw a missile on their radar. The military is hiding their problem and don't want to admit they screwed up.

everything is not what it
appears to be