TWA 800 Another US Military Blunder?


Registered Senior Member
Okay people,

Amid the speculation of the fate of Egypt Air, least we forget the victims of TWA 800. Recently a report released by French officials have placed the blame firmly in the palm of the US Military.

The full story can be found here.

When you read this article, please remember that this is an official source, not some crack pot conspiracy web page. Then ask yourself who should we be more afraid of? Extremist terrorists, or bungling government incompetance?
(What the heck. This IS the Conspiracy forum...)

As much as I doubt the government or it's agencies would admit to the incident, I also find it disturbing that the only stories cropping up that point to a guilty US military are coming from Communist sources.
I'm pretty sure France isn't a communist state, and since the end of the cold war either is Russia.

The main evidence for the French claims exist in the recorded radar footage, which shows a missile heading toward the plane.
France is not Communist on paper, but ask 666 about the political ideals of her government heads (not toilets, either :D). He's got a lot of information on that, complete with sources. As for Russia, they're so screwed up they don't know what they are. See 666 about this, too.

I didn't see any images from the tape. Are there any?

France is a socialist country which is one step away from communism. Even at that France is sympathetic to the communist cause. As for Russia, the big misconception is that with the fall of the Iron Curtain communism fell with it. The hard line communist party is very strong in Russia and gaining speed every month. Due to the fact they (the Russian people) were so harshly forced into to a chaotic system which you can't even call capitalist, more like anarchy. More and more the Russian people are feeling like their lives were better before. This is becuase of the USA. We fought so hard to bring down the Iron Curtain but never set up a vaild plan to help the Russians enter a new form of government. Communism is still very prevalent in the world. Just look at how many countries are under communist rule and becuase of ther globalization of our economy we are forced to embrace these countries and support their efforts. If you have other questions fire away. I'm thinking of starting a topic along these lines but on a bit larger of a scope.

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born

[This message has been edited by 666 (edited November 19, 1999).]
Hell, Canada is a centrist nation, which is one step away from socialist, which is, as the French communists will attest to, a Marxian utopia. And those Mexicans, the way we're exploiting them, it's as if they don't care about money and profit. We certainly can't trust them.
We're surrounded!!

Of course, the US is so far right it's practically, dare I say it, fascist???
Dave, do you know any Mexicans? The ones I know, mostly actually from Mexico, are very concerned with money. That's why they come up here and take the crappiest jobs that the gringos don't want. They work their colas off in the field for slave wages because it's more money than their relatives back home have ever seen.

As far as America leaning too far to the right, it depends on where you're standing. I see it as leaning too far to the left. Where you see fascism, I see the brink of anarchy.
Oxygen & 666

There's a ring of communist paranoid manhunts of the sixties ringing in your posts.

Yes France has a left wing government, but the economics of socialism that your suggesting just wouldn't fit in to the Western European Unions integrated economy, ands what's Russia's economic turmoil got to do with an air accident in the US? It seems fairly clear to me that the US doesn't want to give up its cold war propaganda machine.

Good old fashioned snobbery if you ask me. It's not enough that 230 people are dead because of a US Army F**K *P! But you have to insult the memories of the people who died, because it's more of an embarrassment to admit the Russians aren't such useless bumbling hicks as you'd like people to believe, and in this case have evidence which if true demonstrates incompetence on a tremendous scale.

I don't understand Oxygen why you said "Why does all the evidence point to a US blunder" Well in this case to me it seems fairly clear that the guilty party is holding a smoking gun. These denials by your government are an insult to the ideals for which your country says it represents and was founded upon.

[This message has been edited by Mike (edited November 22, 1999).]

I'm not looking for a manhunt. I was just pointing out the facts. If see things for what they are is paranoia, then I am in the discussion group.

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born
If the US military was the cause of the disaster it wouldn't be the first or the last that I can assure you.

I think the problem here is that apparently the west won the cold war. We've been told by our governments that the Russians are a bunch of useless hicks so many times, that for them to Admit Russian credibility at this stage of the game would cast doubt on there own credibility.

Look at Chechnya, during the Kosovo farce we were all told that the Russians could barely feed themselves, and now they're fighting "and winning" a gorilla war. So far their response to west disapproval has been a two finger salute, and who is gonna do anything about it? Nobody that's who, because ? Well that's easy. They're not as crippled as we've been told, and may be their military capability isn't as inadequate as our governments would have us believe

To me it's not about communist manhunts, it's about mutual respect. Russia is being treated by the west after the cold war in a similar way to how Germany was treated after WW1, and we all know what happened next.

The TWA 800 event is a good example, they've offered to help uncover a mystery. The US response is to say to the world that these people are idiots "only to cover their own tracks". Now if somebody called your nation a bunch of idiots, how would that make you feel? Coupled with economic hardship, eventually you reach a point whereby you have nothing to loose but everything to gain.

At this rate the communists will get back into power, may be that's what the US government wants? You tell me.
Great band. Downloaded the realplayer. Excellent. Nothing to do with this string, but thought you should know. Best link on this board.
Regards, Bert. Kisses to Oxygen too ;)

Accept it.

Just so this post isn't a total waste of bandwidth, has anybody heard the current explanation of that flight that flew for a few hours with everybody on board dead? It was the one that killed that golfer. I've heard that a slow oxygen leak (not me! I swear!) put everybody slowly to sleep without tripping the alarms before they all suffocated. Anybody hear anything different?

At this rate the communists will get back into power, may be that's what the US government wants? You tell me.

This is exactly what I am talking about they have regained power and will continue to build more. In fact they real haven't lost any power at all. As for the US telling us that they are useless hicks, well that is exactly what they want you to believe. The fear faded before the Iron Curtain fell. They had to end the cold war. Now they over do the enviroment issue (not that it is a light issue)to strike fear into us. Fear is used to promote confusion and that they have done very well. The centralized banks, which is run by the CFR and has maintained a domminate presence in the presidential cabinet ever sence Pres. Wilson works very close with the communist. It is no mistake they chose the comunists as bed fellows. The communists boast a no class society but in fact have a 2 class society, the under class and the ruling class. If the CFR throws in with the communist they will end up on top. They have a lot of money wrapped up in this whole thing. They run the fed. reserve (our centralized bank) and are working on centralizing the world's banks. Ok well now I am starting to ramble. so for now I will say good night.

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born

So what makes you believe that communists are back in power, and to that matter. What's the difference to us in the West even if they are?

Just because people have different political beliefs doesn't make them evil. To say it's not democratic is non-sensicle, because there is no true democratic society, and the US is a good example of that
Mike-Interesting you should bring up the fact that the US is not a true democracy. When I was very young, but not too young to understand such things, I noticed that our Pledge of Alleigance says of our nation:

I pledge alleigance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

In song and rhetoric, the US is described as a republic. True democracy, like communism, is a fine way to deal with smaller groups of people. Which one you use may depend on your goal, but both systems are equally ineffective when dealing with entire nations.

Can you imagine if every eligible voter in the US were allowed to write in just anybody as president? We're talking world-class logistical mess, here. I believe it's more accurate to describe the US as a democratically-based republic.

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited November 24, 1999).]
With everything important going on behind the scenes are we sure its a democracy or even close for that matter? Does our input really matter
with most issues? Lets face it, the american people are the last to know.
democracy-government by the people.2 political and social equality in general.
We are becomeing isolated to this definition with every passing day.


[This message has been edited by Alien (edited November 24, 1999).]

Demos-Cratos or Peoples Rule "ish"

If you wanted to become President, would it be possible? How many of your Presidents in the last 40-50 years haven't been multi millionaires? How many of your Presidents have been non-white, and from the elite ruling class? How many of your Senators aren't millionaires?

It seems to me that a nation that has a minority in control, and only that minority can attain power, is a direct contradiction of democracy.

Yet Americans are told every day on TV that they live in the ultimate democracy, and that they live in the land of the free.

Well for some reason, and I don't understand why? American culture is.... If it's on TV, well then it must be true.

My apologies if you find that insulting, but isn't that just the truth?