Try To Come With With A Truer Truth

where the muslim view says jesus was not on the cross, leaves alot to be figured out..

why did jesus let judas take the cross,
(we do not know if jesus 'let' judas take his place,)
we do not know why jesus would allow this,
what did jesus do after judas took the cross (did he retire?)
it would explain how he was seen after his death..
You are a smart one squirrel . Hats off my dear. I donna . I just recently found out the Muslim believes this about Jesus. I find it very fascinating to say the least. Are you suggesting the Roman Guards could have taken the wrong person by mistake. That would be one scenario I recun. I have held to the believe for a very long time Judas was framed as when Jesus put the piece of bread in his cup it seems more like a deceleration( < that word , Did I use it right) instead of all mystic like seeing the future ( don't stomp the dyslexic guy he bits )
Are you suggesting the Roman Guards could have taken the wrong person by mistake.
we just have the words of the disciples themselves to say that it was jesus, but several times in scripture they tried to talk him out of it,what if they succeded?
not saying any of this is true or not, just speculating..
judas was portrayed as a bad boy..

I have held to the believe for a very long time Judas was framed as when Jesus put the piece of bread in his cup it seems more like a deceleration( < that word , Did I use it right) instead of all mystic like seeing the future

deceleration: a reduction in speed?
declaration: a statement?
( don't stomp the dyslexic guy he bits )
?retteb daer uoy pleh siht seod

i was just messing with you..
If there were other gods
in either [Heaven or Earth]
besides God [Alone],
they would both dissolve in chaos.-Quran
My new religion is descendant worship.

Those great guys of a few thousand years in the future have discovered time travel, and reach back in time to pluck our minds from our bodies at moment of death, and put them into super computers, so we can live for ever in a virtual paradise.

What do we have to do to achieve this paradise?
How the hell would I know?
Lucky hell, I am the sixth prophetess and I am here to teach Arabic men how to rub ointment on my aching feet and how to sew better dresses.

LOL. I see I have offended you. You are just trying to get back at me with nasty comments. I might have been offended if you were not so see through.