Try To Come With With A Truer Truth


Valued Senior Member
It's a game. You have all religions to cite from. Posit a faith doctrine then debate and come with a better, more ethical..."truer" truth.
I submit my belief in karma. Good deeds give you good karma, bad deeds give you bad karma. The goal of life is to end up with more good karma than bad karma: to be good and not bad.
Ah, sorry. I skipped a step.
All I did was come up with a "truer" truth. :eek:
Jesus was perfect, No he was not perfect. He committed suicide by claiming to be the son of God and then if you take the Muslim point of view where as he slipped out of town and let Judas take the fall? Need I explain the sin in that.
and then if you take the Muslim point of view where as he slipped out of town and let Judas take the fall? Need I explain the sin in that.

where the muslim view says jesus was not on the cross, leaves alot to be figured out..

why did jesus let judas take the cross,
(we do not know if jesus 'let' judas take his place,)
we do not know why jesus would allow this,
what did jesus do after judas took the cross (did he retire?)
it would explain how he was seen after his death..
no you said that, and as we all know 'that' intones a something,i said 'nothing' lasts in essence i said the exact opposite of wht you said.. :p:D

This too shall pass = nothing lasts forever.
Yes? :shrug:
This too shall pass = nothing lasts forever.
Yes? :shrug:


the phrase 'this to will come to pass'
the term 'pass' refers to exiting this world and passing onto the next, so in essence the subject is 'lasting' forever but is just continued to another life..
remember i said 'nothing', which means no thing.unless you are talking gall stones (which,i am told hurt like hell)

the phrase 'this to will come to pass'
the term 'pass' refers to exiting this world and passing onto the next
Um, no it doesn't. Read the link.
It states that whatever is now will at some time not be.
Jesus was perfect, No he was not perfect. He committed suicide by claiming to be the son of God and then if you take the Muslim point of view where as he slipped out of town and let Judas take the fall? Need I explain the sin in that.

What the Qu'ran actually teaches is that a likeness of Jesus was put on the cross and that he was then taken up to paradise to be with Allah. It is not clear whether a substitution took place or if another man who was due to be crucified anyway was simply made to look like Jesus. In any case, Judas isn't even mentioned.
Um, no it doesn't. Read the link.
It states that whatever is now will at some time not be.

think about it..the term 'pass' and how it is used in the context of origins, 'pass',

i read alot of that link and didn't see any context that suggests an 'end' to anything, most is in context of 'bypass'...

so even ;
All I did was come up with a "truer" truth.

doesn't qualify;
This too shall pass.
as true truth..

as it is subjective.
think about it..the term 'pass' and how it is used in the context of origins, 'pass',
As in "pass away"...

i read alot of that link and didn't see any context that suggests an 'end' to anything, most is in context of 'bypass'...
indicating that all material conditions, positive or negative, are temporary
Does "temporary" not imply an end?
What is now will not be so in the future.
I.e. everything is temporary and will die/ fade away/ be gone... er, pass.
One can make eir own luck by one's disposition, and can call it karma, but there's really nothing magical about it. Plus, being alert to the 'Opportune':

Be wide aware when chance shines as your sun,
For she, in turn, happens on everyone—
Graciously welcome the lady of luck
By recognizing her as Dame Fortune.
There are three major religions that are all in agreement in their fear of God, but since Love Conqers All I have just defeated their fear and their God! Ha:cool: