Truth in Christianity

The reason God became man or flesh was because human animal can't abstract, but require sensory input to help them make decisions. As an analogy, say I had a schematic of a complex machine that makes something. Unless you can think abstractly, this diagram is a bunch of lines that mean nothing. The human animal will be lost, and will need a physical prototype to see what it is and to show that it works.

The same was true of God. God becoming flesh was a way for those who can't abstract to see some of the prototype through the sensory systems. Like the machine in the above example, even if we made a real machine and showed it did work, the working of the guts of the machine may still be too abstract for the human-animal to see.

Therefore he will conclude what he sees, functioning, does not fully express what was on the blueprint which he does not understand. You would need to walk them by the hand and built a model for each aspect before it would sink into their brains. But before you could do that, some among them destroy the machine so they can remain in the strength of denial, instead of appear weak of mental attributes.

Abstract thinking makes one an individual since it is done internally but each unique person. This is different from memorizing, which does not require understanding. You only need faith that others thought it through for you. But if the others can't figure something out they will deny it works rather than lose face and prestige. It would be easier to destroy the prototype than allow it to make them look bad.
The reason God became man or flesh was because human animal can't abstract, but require sensory input to help them make decisions. As an analogy, say I had a schematic of a complex machine that makes something. Unless you can think abstractly, this diagram is a bunch of lines that mean nothing. The human animal will be lost, and will need a physical prototype to see what it is and to show that it works.

The same was true of God. God becoming flesh was a way for those who can't abstract to see some of the prototype through the sensory systems. Like the machine in the above example, even if we made a real machine and showed it did work, the working of the guts of the machine may still be too abstract for the human-animal to see.

Therefore he will conclude what he sees, functioning, does not fully express what was on the blueprint which he does not understand. You would need to walk them by the hand and built a model for each aspect before it would sink into their brains. But before you could do that, some among them destroy the machine so they can remain in the strength of denial, instead of appear weak of mental attributes.

Abstract thinking makes one an individual since it is done internally but each unique person. This is different from memorizing, which does not require understanding. You only need faith that others thought it through for you. But if the others can't figure something out they will deny it works rather than lose face and prestige. It would be easier to destroy the prototype than allow it to make them look bad.

I see. So God becoming flesh only help the people that knew Jesus. For us God is just and abstraction which you pointed out is meaningless to us.