Trust on the internet

I would actually put my money on the Swedes, oh i did...

...and it paid off. British people are ok, but never trust an Irishman. :eek: :bugeye:
some british peeps are fine, even tho were being very steriotypical. Aussies ... noooooo!! Germans hmmmmm... Americans hah!. French ..errrr! Afganies,*cough, cough....*
The amount I trust someone probably goes with the amount of time I've spent talking to them (real time). So, don't trust any of you lot at all. ;) :p
The beauty of trust really shines in virutal worlds (such as Everquest, Ultima Online, Asheron's Call, etc). People are paying real world money for computer genearted bits and pixels (in game currency, items, real estate, etc).
As Zero so vagely put it. 'Trust' and 'Internet' are two words found in the same sentence unless talking about the 'lack of'
Rephrase: it is impossible to think of 'trust' and 'internet' as linked together in any way. The two are concepts that contradict each other!!

There is no fucking thing like trust on this god damn internet. When will people get it!?
*Shakes head*

What's wrong with you people? There's no difference between trusting a person online and trusting them off - both are very bad decisions.

Well, perhaps you cannot kick somebody's ass for a bad deal when you are online.
No such thing as trust or faith exists in this world. It's all about deception, and how well will you lead this sucka on to getting you some stuff, like a job or scholarships etc.

You don't trust anyone. Not yourself, either. If you do, you're screwed. you might form some temporary partnerships, but you just don't trust that partner, either. The whole concept of 'trust' is stupid.
Trust takes commitment. Some people would trust you if you trust them first.

Trust is a relative concept. Nobody can be trusted 100%, but some people, like myself for example, are more trust worthy than others.
I am pretty sure you guys are wrong. Trust is like respect. You have to win someone's trust.
Originally posted by Xev

What's the point?

I am just having a philosophical disagreement right now. That's all. Philosophy is not my strong suit usually, but I don't think trust is a completely a stupid concept. Maybe partially :) Nobody is perfect. Your relationship with people all around you like your boss, friends, your co-workers are all based on trust. Trust is relative not absolute. Okay I am not making sense I guess. I am giving up.