Trust on the internet


Registered Member
How much trust exists on the internet..

for example would you buy something off of me for say £15, with no actually guarantee you will get anything from me, other then my word.

Does my word mean anything to anyone on the internet?

The internet can be a very powerful tool, but will/do too many people take advantage of 'trust' therefore making it worthless.

The reason for this was beacause just recently someone I met in a chat room e-mailed me saying he would buy a CD off me for £20-
because he claimed he could not buy it where he lived, which again he claimed was sweden.

At first I was very sceptical, could i trust this person? Could i trust anyone... to me the more inportant thing wasn't the money, but having to give my address to a complete stranger.

And to my disbelief, he recieved it, and sent me the money.

I was wrong, but this is just one person...
I don't even know you. You only have 3 posts.
I don't trust anyone, not even my cat
i think it depends on the amount of money. if it is something little and i wanted it, sure! but usually id check ebay or something first where i knew that i would get my money/item. as for the adress, id stick with po box if it was person-person.
Think e-Bay, where the trading happens between two unknown persons. Sometimes there are problems. Usually the buyer pays first before receiving merchandise. The idea is, since the seller would make a profit, it is in his/her best interest to be honest so that he/she can sell more junk in the future.
You should only buy from well known sites. EBay being one as it is popular and you could get hold of the owner if you decide to make a lawsuit.

Joeman you liar. I'm Brad Pitt
You can trust me. I will not hurt you or anything....I just want to keep your credit card numbers safe from, ah, theives.

I don't trust nobody, and nobody don't trust me, and that's the way the world should work.

BTW, I am actually Xev. The real one.
I trust some people, also some I only ever "met" online. But of course the amount of trust is inversely proportional with the amount of value involved. I'd be willing to send, say, 10$ into the blue, if the deal seemed reasonable. There are few people I would send 100$, and I cant offhand think of a situation where I would settle a 1000$ deal with somebody I met on the www.

:bugeye: Hans:bugeye:
as a general rule

you'll find americans less trustworthy than elsewhere. I used to sell rare movies on vhs. so somebody refered my name to a guy saying I had the movie he was looking for. So thru email I talked to the guy & agreed to a price. but it was about a week before xmas so I sent it "on trust"... before the check arrived. It was written on an inactive account. now I could have waited & found out the check was bad & all that but my feeling was why do I want to be so paranoid. might as well give somebody the benefit of the doubt. guy lived up to the general rule.:eek:
well cirtan people on here have my address and EVERYONE has access to my phone number now:p

i don't care about my mobile number but cause i live with my parents my home number and address i don't give out
Trust is an illusion

A true trust relationship could only happen through a truely open Society. Since I can't read your mind...yet...and quantum security systems haven't been you see, is just an illusion.

Am I making any sense? Don't trust what I say, I could be wrong.

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While everyone else was worried about the trust issue I bought an item over the internet from Europe and received an item worth 10 times the cost.

I ran into 3 criminals on ebay that still practice their craft there with ebay's protection.
While everyone else was worried about the trust issue I bought an item over the internet from Europe and received an item worth 10 times the cost.

The true meaning of a good deal.

I ran into 3 criminals on ebay that still practice their craft there with ebay's protection.

Protective as in what way? Do you mean that there moves are now being watched and cataloged for further examination, or do you mean E-bay is protecting their identities?

I'm not really worried over the issue myself persay. It's really all about property rights and digital rights. Will there be a digital set of Miranda Rights for us U.S.A. ers?
God is there anything that 'you' people don't hate Americans for? Listen to yourselves! I'm quiet annoyed, no wonder so many Americans turn into 'in your face patriots', I am now a border one thanks to all of you sciforum American haters!

:p sheesh!
God is there anything that 'you' people don't hate Americans for? Listen to yourselves! I'm quiet annoyed, no wonder so many Americans turn into 'in your face patriots', I am now a border one thanks to all of you sciforum American haters!
and you werent a patriot before? :D, i was just having a little dig, did'nt mean anything by it, you know me, any chance and i'll take it.
Let me give you a saying that pretty well reflects the extent of my trust on the 'net.

Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe...