True ghost tales

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
"I work security for a government building that isn’t even abandoned. One day, I’m staring at the security camera screen and this clock on the wall that the camera is facing starts spinning like crazy. Suddenly, it lifts off the hook on the wall and goes flying across the room into the wall. I ran into the stairwell where the camera was filming and there was no one there. I showed all my co-workers and we were all freaked out. There was no rational explanation for it."

"There is this abandoned mental hospital in my town called Prudhoe hospital.

My mom worked at an auxiliary nurse there for years and she said at night, the crippled kids who couldn’t move due to severe diseases and birth defects would somehow get out of their cribs and into the middle of the floor on the wards. Whatever was [enabling] this would also go around and remove blankets from all the patients and again pile them in the center of the room.

Eventually security was hired, believing it was someone getting into the hospital at night and doing all these things to scare people or to just be trouble.

However, even with security, they never found out who was doing these things at night."


“When I was a municipal cop, I was sent to a missing person/runaway juvenile call. The town I worked in was inner city and poor, but it was one of the better streets in town and the family was squared away (the husband and wife were both educators).

While I was taking the report of their runaway teenage daughter in the family’s living room, an older daughter who was in the room pointed toward a hallway and yelled, “Grandma!” The husband ran into the hallway yelling, “Ma, Ma!” The husband returned to the living room, and asked, ‘Officer, did you see her? Did you see my mother?’ I told him I had not, and asked him why it was remarkable that his mother had walked down the hallway. The husband replied, ‘She died last year. We see her walking around the house all the time.’

I took the rest of the report while standing on the front porch.”-----------
“A few years back, prior to sworn LEO, I worked as a security guard at a hospital. Sounds cool, and it was, except for the fact it was 9pm to 7am, I worked alone, and the hospital I guarded was abandoned.

I was always a 3rd shift kind of person. I don’t get night ‘jitters’ or scare easily. But this place could do it to the best of ‘em. Every night I would walk (or ride a wheelchair) through the halls that were supposed to be empty/unused. Every night I would end up having to close doors and re-lock them. I would walk one floor, move up to the next, and continue on.

I got a little shaky when an hour after already walking a hallway, I would have to turn off the same hall lights and close the same doors AGAIN in the building. Or when I would be walking a hall and then I would hear footsteps on the floor above me, doors opening and closing, elevators moving from floor to floor, phones ringing, nurse call lights going on, etc.

There were only three times I got the “I hate this s#&%” feeling. First time I was checking offices on the 4th floor. There was a light on in a locked hallway (no surprise). This hallway hadn’t been renovated since the place was built, short of electricity, so everything was from the 1920’s. Unlock the door, flip the lights, walk out, re-lock the door, and turn to leave. Behind me I hear the “flip” of a light switch. Through the frosted glass I see the lights went back on. I left the hallway alone that night.

Second time was riding an elevator between floors. I was taking the elevator to the top floor, when at about #4 of #5 floors, I hear laughing and muffled talking. It kept getting louder as I got higher. Elevator makes it to #5, doors swing open, and absolute silence. Of course, every light on the floor was on, even in the patient rooms. I checked high and low, not a single living and breathing person in that place except for me.

Third, and worst of all, was just an average night. I’m on the lower level locking a door in a corridor. The door had a glass middle but on the backside it was covered by white tape. The room it led to it was dark and the hallway a few feet behind me was partially lit, so the glass acted like a perfect mirror. Everything normal, key in, lock clicks, turning the key… When behind me I see the full outline of a person walk past me in the hallway. Clear as day, just a full shadow of a person walk past. I froze only for about a second, and then ran into the hall after the supposed ‘person’. No one, just silence.”----
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My dad worked for the government. Once I was in his office looking at this large institutional clock on the wall, the kind you see in schools, when the hands started to speed around on their own! My dad said that's normal, all the clocks in the building were connected, and synced automatically.
My dad worked for the government. Once I was in his office looking at this large institutional clock on the wall, the kind you see in schools, when the hands started to speed around on their own! My dad said that's normal, all the clocks in the building were connected, and synced automatically.

I've never heard that in my life or seen it. I think he was pulling your leg.
No, it's true. His clock was actually broken, so the only time it moved at all was when all the clocks synced up.
I could give you other information that would make this understandable, but I don't want to reveal where he worked. They had many weird features, like a safe that would call security if you even touched it. I leaned against it accidentally once, and security called to confirm he was opening it.
I find it ironic that, of all people, he is the one doubting the authenticity of one of your life experiences... *shrug*
He can be skeptical about my life experiences, but which is more plausible, a central system that updates all the clocks dating from a time before cell phones and personal computers (my experience happened in 1978-9), or a ghost?
He can be skeptical about my life experiences, but which is more plausible, a central system that updates all the clocks dating from a time before cell phones and personal computers (my experience happened in 1978-9), or a ghost?

Going by the fact that there are millions of accounts of ghosts all over the world, and no accounts of clocks in 1979 syncing up like you said, definitely the ghosts are more plausible.
Going by the fact that there are millions of accounts of ghosts all over the world, and no accounts of clocks in 1979 syncing up like you said, definitely the ghosts are more plausible.
Enjoy fishing MR?
Lets see how many you catch here.
I am nibbling see if you can get me to bite.
You are a great entertainer.
This deadass forum is on life support. It needs a little electroshock treatment.
Well in your favour you generate traffic.
You sacrifice your integrity for the greater good and I say that is nice.
I did similar years ago to give breath to a forum.
I suspect you are a confident man who does not give a toss what others think of you... I like that.
Well in your favour you generate traffic.
You sacrifice your integrity for the greater good and I say that is nice.
I did similar years ago to give breath to a forum.
I suspect you are a confident man who does not give a toss what others think of you... I like that.

The mods will probably make up some excuse to shut down this thread like they do all the threads I post in. Nobody likes heretics blaspheming in the hallowed but empty halls of Scienceland. They're the sole reason this forum is so dead.
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The mods will probably make up some excuse to shut down this thread like they do all the threads I post in. Nobody likes heretics blaspheming in the hallowed but empty halls of Scienceland. They're the sole reason this forum is so dead.
Actually, it's your bullshit that's so toxic to this forum. Your nonsense has turned this website into a joke.