True Christian Dilemmas


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Our friend Adstar says that true Christians do not fight wars. It got me to thinking about putting a true Christian in certain situations just to see what they should do.

What should truly good Christians do if.......

1. they come upon a grown man raping an infant and there is a loaded gun within reach
2. they are threatened by death to convert to another religion
3. they are sent pictures of their top church official diddling the choir boys
4. they come upon a person who identifies himself as Jesus
5. they believe their prayers saved a person's life and that person goes on to later murder someone
6. they find a wallet full of money that belongs to a known satanist
7. they discover their boss is an atheist
8. they donate a body part that ends up in a Muslim or Jew
9. their kids want to marry someone from a different race.
10. the homosexual who moves in next door wants to join their church
1. they come upon a grown man raping an infant and there is a loaded gun within reach
Probably try a non violent solution to the problem.
2. they are threatened by death to convert to another religion
3. they are sent pictures of their top church official diddling the choir boys
Inform someone.
4. they come upon a person who identifies himself as Jesus
Call him satan in disguise.
5. they believe their prayers saved a person's life and that person goes on to later murder someone
It was gods will.
6. they find a wallet full of money that belongs to a known satanist
Technically a good christian would have to give it back.
7. they discover their boss is an atheist
Nothing, unless they believe their sect of religion requires them to attempt conversion.
8. they donate a body part that ends up in a Muslim or Jew
Accept it, they have helped someone and will be rewarded.
9. their kids want to marry someone from a different race.
Thats another conversion one i think.
10. the homosexual who moves in next door wants to join their church
Thats a good one.
Apart from the last one then from what i know of the majority of christian beliefs i dont actually see a christian dilemma in any of these.
A true dilemma would be if an innocent christian was to be killed, but the only way to prevent it was to kill, would they do it?
Lemming3k said:
A true dilemma would be if an innocent christian was to be killed, but the only way to prevent it was to kill, would they do it?

They would rather deliberate over that then kill a son of a bitch raping a baby? Sorry don't see the difference.

I'd like to hear of some good dilemmas and have truly good Christians provide an answer. Unless there are no true Christians out there.
PsychoticEpisode said:
They would rather deliberate over that then kill a son of a bitch raping a baby? Sorry don't see the difference.

I'd like to hear of some good dilemmas and have truly good Christians provide an answer. Unless there are no true Christians out there.

M*W: There is no such thing as a "true Christian." All of them are false, because their messiah, Jesus, never existed.
They would rather deliberate over that then kill a son of a bitch raping a baby? Sorry don't see the difference.
Unless you mean the only choice to stop the person is to kill them then that is the difference, they will choose to try a peaceful solution above that, if you mean they must kill the person then i'd suggest rewording the question.
Lemming3k said:
Unless you mean the only choice to stop the person is to kill them then that is the difference, they will choose to try a peaceful solution above that, if you mean they must kill the person then i'd suggest rewording the question.

Man, tough audience. Ok, it's the Christian's baby.

Does solving the situation peacefully make it better? If god is impressed more by the peaceful solution than the violent one then what purpose the baby? Don't kill the bastard, inform him of his wrongdoings, praise the lord and take the kid to the hospital. I'm having trouble with this.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: There is no such thing as a "true Christian." All of them are false, because their messiah, Jesus, never existed.

Wow, this is the stupidest thing I have ever read. I'm not Christian, but I can pick up a history book and it's stated/recorded that the Romans crucified the living man, who clamed to be Jesus. Don't get me wrong, I don't think he did all the fantastical things like opening pathways in rivers and such, but I do believe, from what history books tell us, that he was a real man and was crucified for his beliefs.
OpteronGuy: that was the most stupid, and foolish statement made by a member of sciforums, the subject of jesus ever existing has been debated many a time here, as of yet no proof of a character called jesus ever existing has come to light.
have you ever read of mithra, ( of gilgamesh, ( there are literally thousand of stories, from different religions old and new, the profess a jesus type messiah, it is just a fictious story.
do a bit more studing before you make silly claims, you end up with egg on you face.

below are some of the many debates over the years.
Man, tough audience. Ok, it's the Christian's baby.

Does solving the situation peacefully make it better? If god is impressed more by the peaceful solution than the violent one then what purpose the baby? Don't kill the bastard, inform him of his wrongdoings, praise the lord and take the kid to the hospital. I'm having trouble with this.
The point was you're asking if a true christian would react by killing the person, even though they might want to, by their rules they are not supposed to kill, hence the peaceful solution, it makes no difference who's baby it is or how horrible the crime if they are not supposed to kill then a true christian won't, but you are allowing for a peaceful out, which they would take, hence why i said unless you mean they MUST kill to stop it, that is a true dilemma for them.
You're right, dilemma bad choice of word. There are, gulp, acceptable(I use the term loosely) solutions like choosing death for #2. I agree, in the true sense of the word there should be 2 solutions of which none are acceptable. I just couldn't think of the right word, my apologies.

#4, isn't calling a guy who claims to be Jesus a satanist a bit of a risk?
You're right, dilemma bad choice of word. There are, gulp, acceptable(I use the term loosely) solutions like choosing death for #2. I agree, in the true sense of the word there should be 2 solutions of which none are acceptable. I just couldn't think of the right word, my apologies.
Well perhaps i seemed rude about it, and i apologise as i didnt mean it that way, i did get the gist of what you tried to do just i felt most seemed to have an acceptable christian "escape point" if you will. Im sure we can come up with a few good ones though. :)
I am quite curious how a christian would respond to those situations, though im quite sure most would say it doesnt matter as in their heart god would know they had no choice or wish to disobey his laws and could repent, he who is without sin cast the first stone. ;) I do like the last one since as far as i know being homosexual is considered unacceptable to most christians.
#4, isn't calling a guy who claims to be Jesus a satanist a bit of a risk?
Is if its me! :p
I think it depends on the christian viewpoint, i'd expect most to not believe him, and consider it a trick of the devil, im not sure if identifying them as a satanist is acceptable but it seems to be quite well received amongst christians. Its also quite confusing since some believe jesus will return and i have no idea how they will recognise him.
Lemming3k said:
I think it depends on the christian viewpoint, i'd expect most to not believe him, and consider it a trick of the devil, im not sure if identifying them as a satanist is acceptable but it seems to be quite well received amongst christians. Its also quite confusing since some believe jesus will return and i have no idea how they will recognise him.

Makes me think of 'The Green Mile'. John Coffey (notice the initials) despite his Christlike abilities gets knocked off in a pattern similarly reminiscent of the original JC. I think Christ is going to need a lot of fanfare, horns, lightning bolts etc.
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Here is a true Christian dilema:

True story what would a chrstian do in this scenario?

A man using a bailer gets his arm cought and the bailer is pulling him in, he has two choices, die by being pulled into the bailing machine or cut off his arm.

What would a true christian do?

He'd probably cut or chew his arm off and then thank God that he survived. Then he would find a scripture somewhere that says God had a purpose for stealing his appendage. Then the one armed man will tell everyone that he feels nearer to God now, despite only being able to pray one-handed. Then he would thank God privately that he can still lift a beer and keep 'jerkin the gherkin', and never ever have to wallpaper again. No paper hanging?....That in itself is almost worth becoming religious.
Godless said:
Here is a true Christian dilema:
True story what would a chrstian do in this scenario?
A man using a bailer gets his arm cought and the bailer is pulling him in, he has two choices, die by being pulled into the bailing machine or cut off his arm.
What would a true christian do?
I know the answer - where is the law in the bible that says a man with one arm is cursed to hell? I know you must have found something to interpret that way. We've been through the jewish laws thing a hundred times - and it is always inconclusive, and up for interpretation.
Or, maybe the guy prayed instead - let's all laugh at the "too literal" guy with one arm.
Or, maybe it was the sabbath and some fanatic considers cutting off one's arm "working on the sabbath".

I can't wait to see this one, Godless, i'm sure it will be good.
I'm just curious as to whether 'true' christians love satan.

jesus did say: "love thy enemy". (matt 5)
Well i know what I would do as a Christian

1. they come upon a grown man raping an infant and there is a loaded gun within reach
Shoot the baby raper and pray for forgiveness.
2. they are threatened by death to convert to another religion
Suffer death.
3. they are sent pictures of their top church official diddling the choir boys
Tricky as our only choir boy is the husband of the Minister (yes she is female), but in the tradition sense of Preacher and choirboys turn the picture over to authorities.
4. they come upon a person who identifies himself as Jesus
Tricky as I know several Jesus' (Martinez, Sanchez....), but if he was identifying himself as the true CHrist either I would know or I wouldn't
5. they believe their prayers saved a person's life and that person goes on to later murder someone
Each person is accountable for their own actions. If I save the life of a future murderer I am only creditied with the saving of a life, not the later murders.
6. they find a wallet full of money that belongs to a known satanist
As satanism is technically illegal in Michaigan I can do as I should hand it over to the police.
7. they discover their boss is an atheist
I would try to Witness to him if he would allow it, if not he only pays me he does not own my soul.
8. they donate a body part that ends up in a Muslim or Jew
Be proud that i could do something to positively effect someone in such a way that might alter their views on christains.
9. their kids want to marry someone from a different race.
Well, aren't we all the human species, so that is cool. Now if want to marry dolphins they need to see some therapists.
10. the homosexual who moves in next door wants to join their church
Certainly allowed in our church, some of the conservative might object, but they'll object to paying a light bill some months.
Accepting death over conversion seems a tough choice. Why not lie? Would not God know the lie is false, he's reading your mind anyway or He knew you would? This is a case of "in extremis". Do what you have to do to survive first. Remember the Andes' plane crash survivors, deeply religious people forced to eat their dead companions to survive. How is lying any different. Dying over religion?..... if I was God you'd be off to the furnace.
Well this one truly happened.

The guy the first time I heard of him was on the radio. He won the "having the most balls" award of that radio station, he sawed his arm off with a pocket knife, the second guy was a glimber who also sawed his arm off with a pocket knife, he had been cought between a wedge of rock, and couldn't scape, "climbing alone is a bitch" anyhow I saw that one on TV.

I asked the question because it's about survival, a deeply devoted christian would he, pray, and pray for someone or god to save their life, since they have so much faith and all, do they expect a miracle, or would they take the initiative to "survive and save themselves" like these two gents did? What would a true christian do? It's not about geting into heaven, it's about having the balls to go through with such a task, to save oneself.

Here's one far ya:

A old religious man on top of his house during a flood, prayed, and prayed for god to save him, two teens whent by with a raft, and the old man declined to get in with them, he simply told them, god will save me, 20 min later a motor boat approached him and asked for him to get in, he again declined, and said god will save him, then a hour later when the guy was standing on water on the roof of his house, a helicopter whent by, threw a latter down to him, and he again declined, saying god will save him. When the old man drouned, and went before god, he asked why didn't he save him? God responded, I sent you two teens on a raft, a family on a motor boat, a rescue helicopter, what the hell did you expect? I tried three times to save you.

PsychoticEpisode said:
Accepting death over conversion seems a tough choice. Why not lie? Would not God know the lie is false, he's reading your mind anyway or He knew you would? This is a case of "in extremis". Do what you have to do to survive first. Remember the Andes' plane crash survivors, deeply religious people forced to eat their dead companions to survive. How is lying any different. Dying over religion?..... if I was God you'd be off to the furnace.

First of all you can pray for forgiveness for anything. However I would choose to die rather than convert. I personally believe there are something worth being a martyr for.