

Registered Senior Member
Xev believes few here want her to stay. So, simple idea, if you want Xev to stay at sciforums and keep posting - write your name below and any comment.

Thank you.

What makes Xev believe that? :confused: It's not like she's been posting crap from the Weekly World News, or anything like that.:p

Please stay, Xev!

And btw...I'm sure that most male members here would appreciate any good links to any nude pics series that you have on the web/////////:eek:

I know that I would.

Oh heck' I'm just joking, Xev. So what are your dimensions anyway? Hey, it's just out of scientifivc curiosity.

Personally, I love gorgeous Redheaded women. The strange ones are the best!;)

Please don't leave Zev, I haven't even gotten your phone number yet!
We need you. Think of Joeman, think OF JOEMAN
Now, you two kids play nice, and keep this between the two of you on ICQ. No need to spoil everyone else's fun.
Bloody 'ell. I'm not bloody leaving. I love you all too much.

Look, Tyler, I know your preferences in the matter. Boo fucking hoo. That's what ignore lists are for. I also know I'm not well liked. Boo fucking hoo, I don't care.

I'm just not up to dealing with my own existential crises and the histrionics. So, like I told you Tyler, I am off for a while.

And besides, Tony1 might come back and then Adam would start moving in on him. Couldn't let that happen.


McGuyver: You new here? I haven't seen you around.

Here are Linux babes.

They're semi clothed though. Oh, and none are me. Or maybe one is. (Don't tell anyone, but I still use a Windoze platform)

Oh, and my # is 666-4355. Ask for the Consort of the Dark One.

Oh, and I'm high on doxylamine. Kewl.
geez, now we got an opinion poll for one member started by another? If i wanted this sort of crap i would watch the fucking daytime soaps.

i left briefly when this sort of shit of shit started, then i came back shortly afterwards cause it got interesting again, and now... more crap. fark.
Originally posted by Tyler
Xev believes few here want her to stay. So, simple idea, if you want Xev to stay at sciforums and keep posting - write your name below and any comment.

Thank you.

:rolleyes: Enough with this shit Tyler, if you have a problem with Xev go talk to her on private chat.

Posting a thread as to whether someone should stay is ridiculous and it shows that your taking these forums WAY too serious. Just use the damn ignore feature if its causing you so much grief.

This crap is unfair to Xev and makes you seem petty...
Tyler, I fail to see how a thread with the purpose of trying to show someone how many people don't like them can be called a "truce".

Granted, I do not frequent the religion and philosophy forums, so I have not seen all the horrible abuse you are supposed to have endured, but frankly, regardless of what it is, grow a fucking thicker skin and get over you big crybaby. Can this stupid "take my ball and go home" bullshit.
People don't learn to get along with others by running away from them....unless the others are armed. Getting along requires some measure of compromise, and that involves some measure of behavioral modification, and initiating attempts thereof.

People just as often have to be convinced they really do have behaviors needing change as they are able to recognize them on their own.

Now, no one likes to be told they're a twit, as a 'for instance'. Yet, even as you think you are not a twit and no one bothers to tell you that you sometimes are, your destiny thereafter becomes being a clueless twit and giving others another reason to shake their heads. ;)

This crap is unfair to Xev and makes you seem petty...


Although I wouldn't be surprised if I did something similar, so no stones in your direction.
Uh no, the purpose of this wasn't to show Xev how few people want her to stay - but how many want her to stay. I'd been trying for the last while to convince her to keep posting.
But a thread like this will draw to many attention to the subject. When she posts, we will all think: hey, the thread worked! And: luckily she's still rude. Or: at least she's a bit nicer now.

It will be hard for her to just be her normal self.

But as I said, I understand your thread.
"I'm not staying because one person asks me to"
- Xev

So, I thought. Hmmmmmm, if she said one person couldn't convince her possibly the whole of sciforums could! Thus - Truce thread.
Make a final statement saying the thread was a bad idea, close it or have it closed, and after a week, have it deleted.
Good Idea

This thread was a bad idea. One of the reasons I was going to leave was in hopes of Xev continuing to be the member on these boards that she can be and has been for so long. It seems this was misinterputted by a lot of people. The reason I titled it 'truce' was to indicate that it was, indeed, a truce. I want Xev to stay posting, not stop. So, to whomever has the power - could we get this thread closed? Thank you!
Tyler ...

Read your 'Bye' thread ... and just about barfed.

Male or female, you're a twit.

Considering all the abuse I've had to take since coming to
Sciforums, and still hung in (being the obstinate, cantakerous
cuss that I be) to read your 'Woe, poor me' bit makes me feel
all the stronger about the need for Universal Military Training.

Take care and watch out for mosquitos (or cluster lizards) :rolleyes: