Translations of Koran and bible

How odd that only people who read Arabic can know what the Koran says, how conveeeeeeenient, Zak.

Dear IAC,
thank you for your comment.

Surely you can do better!

What i was saying to Adstar is that if he can not tell me who translated the Quran he had quoted then he must have translated it himself.

Why do you know whether he translated it himself or who provided the translation?


take it ez
The meanings have not changed, except where a few "liberal" translators have made de-emphasis of Jesus' divinity by some word selection, but it's all the same, except for the "thou's and thine's" of the King James.
The meanings have not changed, except where a few "liberal" translators have made de-emphasis of Jesus' divinity by some word selection, but it's all the same, except for the "thou's and thine's" of the King James.

Dear IC,

thank you for your comments

the translations do change the meanign though, like this just one example

In the King James Version Ecclesiastes chapter 11, verse 1 reads like this: “Cast thy bread upon the waters and you will find it after many days.” The Contemporary English Version translates it as “Be generous and someday you will be rewarded.”)

So which one is right?

That is just one very mild meaning in translation difference.

take it ez
Dear IAC

It is not the bible we need to be arguing about but the tranlsations or the people doring the translations.

which bible Version do you recommend i Buy. I have the King James Version at home

take it