Transgender, law, and etiquette.

That's a genuine problem to wrestle with. A person with male anatomy but female identity feels uncomfortable going into the men's room. But the ladies in the ladies' room feel uncomfortable when he walks in on them.

Um, more like they can get raped in the men's, arrested in the ladies'. You didn't look at the links?
It's not just making everyone's getting hauled off or assaulted, or both.

Then they should be required to live in China for a few years and learn the language. There is no gender in Chinese. Ta means "he," "she," and "it."

It is pejorative in this culture, Frag, you know that...indicates you're not human.

When I was younger...and not ready to admit what I was but still knew I felt good presenting androgynously, redneck boy children would actually make fun of me in public:
"Are you a man or a woman? Hur hur hur."

Not so much anymore...too bad, I can ask them to tell me if they are an idiot or an a$$hole now...great line...
But my looking the way I do seems to be less stigmatized now. Perfect strangers don't glare at me hatefully.:shrug:

You must not live in a city with a lot of Muslims. Their men are terribly modest and always use the stalls. Many of them are visibly uncomfortable with us standing there using the urinals, and when they go to a gym they change at home and never go near the locker room.

Only a couple at my job, and the one I see regularly is a woman...and not terribly conservative.
Before I met her I didn't realize Ramadan included ciggies, she was fiending last month.
All the Muslims here live on the better side of town, I live on the poor side...:rolleyes: