TOTAL FIELD THEORY w'out mathematics

It's up to you to opportune yourself to consider and evaluate that evidence.
You've cultivated a method of denying resolutions that are already resolved.
Give me the page number where you demonstrate you have a working quantitative model of electromagnetism and where you compare your quantitative predictions to precisely measured experimental results (experiments done by other people are fine).

Provide me with the page number where you give mathematical proof that any theory built on point objects is mathematically inconsistent.
Give me the page number where you demonstrate you have a working quantitative model of electromagnetism and where you compare your quantitative predictions to precisely measured experimental results (experiments done by other people are fine).

Provide me with the page number where you give mathematical proof that any theory built on point objects is mathematically inconsistent.

Presently, the source of information is inaccessible, due to renovations being conducted by the host.
I think you've answered your own question, from what I can discern of what you're saying - and you're expressing it pretty well. :)
Lol, I was afraid you would say that. If what I said expresses it pretty well, then:

1) There is no space empty of field.
2) As the volume of space occupied advances, space "inflates" to accommodate it.
3) It is an imponderable to consider where that space comes from or was before EM occupied it, it is just there when needed and isn't anywhere where it isn't yet needed.

My problem is that my decrepit cognitive power wants to interpret those conditions as "something from nothing". I know that you and Einstein don't see it that way. Hence we differ. To me, instead of space appearing when needed I personally find that space already being there solves a few mental questions:

If one universe exists, whether it is like your view as presented in TFT, the reinstatement of steady state theory that is eternal, of if it is like the current consensus Big Bang Theory that back tracks to a point in time sometimes referred to 10^-30 (Alan Guth's number), then why is it unreasonable to speculate that there could be other similar (or dis-similar) events with that corresponding finite spatial characteristic.
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It may be just a matter of perspective, QW. Mine is that whatever 'other universes' there may 'be', they're still - another - part of the same universe.
Well then we agree to that extent. But have you ever taken that "whatever other universes universes there may be" concept one step further?

I'm talking about whether we can assume uninterrupted expansion even in the four dimensions as you describe your view, or in the fifth and sixth dimensions which includes the electromagnetic field. If you exercise the concept one step further then two such occurances of the same phenomenon would have to eventually intersect and overlap (given eternity).
A wasted life is a wasted life, no matter how many dimensions it exists in.

I have requested your perspective - as well as that of AlphaNumeric - of whether the hyper cube / super cube projection perpendicular to itself is a time line or a space line.

Given the fact that it represents what Einstein meant by having discovered a previously unrecognized 4th dimension of time, inherent to the three recognized dimensions of space, it is my conclusion that said projection is a time line.

If that is in fact the case, then it is proof that the entire physical universe, being at least 4 dimensional, is constantly moving at right angles to itself. ('Which, obviously it is not'.)

Pursuit, translation and application of that premise has rewarded me incalculably more than the investments made.

Meanwhile, until further notice, I have - with a minimum of mathematics - generated an educationally valuable working model of the universe, based on the observed universal status quo. This was not accomplished by displacing the existing facts as we presently understand them - the accomplishments are effected via the recognition and acknowledgement of previously unrecognized and/or rejected conditions/dynamics of the universe, in situ.

Your choice to resort to a vacant personal barb is duely noted.

The last two thirds of post 245 on p. 25 of this thread is a brief partial autobiography which celebrates life - and my adventures with this work - in high contrast to your would-be summation.
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I have requested your perspective - as well as that of AlphaNumeric - of whether the hyper cube / super cube projection perpendicular to itself is a time line or a space line.
I've bloody told you the answer in your big bang thread already.

If a cube is formed by unit vectors $$\partial_{x}$$ , $$\partial_{y}$$ , $$\partial_{z}$$ and you are in Minkowski or Euclidean space-time then the directions which are orthogonal are both $$\partial_{t}$$. This is a time-like vector.

If that is in fact the case, then it is proof that the entire physical universe, being at least 4 dimensional, is constantly moving at right angles to itself. ('Which, obviously it is not'.)
No, it's just a trivial fact of geometry. We pick orthonormal Cartesian bases usually because its convenient in many cases and the flat space-time metric is diagonal. In non-trivial space-time the direction orthogonal to the sides of a cube is not automatically purely $$\partial_{t}$$. It depends on the space-time and the position of the cube in that space-time.

Given a vector X and a vector Y we pick coordinates such that $$X = X^{a}\partial_{a}$$ and $$Y = Y^{b}\partial_{b}$$ they are orthogonal is $$X^{a}g_{ab}Y^{b}=0$$. This is metric dependent. A Kerr black hole has space-time which is not stationary and mixes time and space in a non-trivial manner. Not that you'd know.

Pursuit, translation and application of that premise has rewarded me incalculably more than the investments made.
You've been rewarded by not learning high school stuff?

generated an educationally valuable working model of the universe
A model which models nothing is not a model.
I've bloody told you the answer in your big bang thread already.

If a cube is formed by unit vectors $$\partial_{x}$$ , $$\partial_{y}$$ , $$\partial_{z}$$ and you are in Minkowski or Euclidean space-time then the directions which are orthogonal are both $$\partial_{t}$$. This is a time-like vector.

No, it's just a trivial fact of geometry. We pick orthonormal Cartesian bases usually because its convenient in many cases and the flat space-time metric is diagonal. In non-trivial space-time the direction orthogonal to the sides of a cube is not automatically purely $$\partial_{t}$$. It depends on the space-time and the position of the cube in that space-time.

Given a vector X and a vector Y we pick coordinates such that $$X = X^{a}\partial_{a}$$ and $$Y = Y^{b}\partial_{b}$$ they are orthogonal is $$X^{a}g_{ab}Y^{b}=0$$. This is metric dependent. A Kerr black hole has space-time which is not stationary and mixes time and space in a non-trivial manner. Not that you'd know.

You've been rewarded by not learning high school stuff?

A model which models nothing is not a model.

Unable to follow youre equations, AN. Then there is your proclamation:

"A Kerr black hole has space-time which is not stationary and mixes time and space in a non-trivial manner. Not that you'd know."

Incidentally, you may call it whatever, but a 'Kerr black hole' is another black hole hypothesis ('Not that you'd know' - hey AN, you don't know...), by any other name. Like 'particles', they have yet to be confirmed to be what they are called. And, in this same thread, you proclaim that "black holes are not controversial (in the physics community')", while you just jauntily launched that subject; after having earlier argued that 'black holes are popular only in 'pop physics' sources: while the fact is, you just exemplified the hang-over 'midstream physics' is still suffering from, in the wake of the dominantly foregrounded celebration of black holes, from the time of their appearance upon the (humorously misnomered) 'physics community' stage.

Whereas: 'Particles' are surfaceless electric charges that possess mass value and occupy at least three dimensions of space - becoming more dense toward their centers.

Between subjection of black holes, particles and strings, sometimes you actually talk about realities that are not hypothetical. But certainly not when you advocate the premise that all of the laws of physics are nullified at the moment of the BB (musn't say 'creation' in your company - it's ok with Stephen Hawking, but it's beneath your - ostensibly intimidated - miscreant standards). That cop out, right alongside your denial that heading for the measurements beneath Planck length isn't 'fudging', when you can rescue yourself with 'sub quantum' mathematics.

As large as the CERN/LHC is, there is always something larger, and, as small as the 'particles' that linear accelerators (and variously configured cyclotrons) produce, there's always something smaller: squared. A career of breaking little rocks into ever smaller ones; indexing same with correspondingly descending nomenclature. 'Oh my God! George & Gracie' is it?

What you call 'a trivial fact of geometry...' if you're alluding to the time line in the perpendicular projection of a 4-D hypercube: massive portions of post-modern physics are compromised therein.

That pensive consideration is hardly 'trivial'.

You're called upon to prove physical reality isn't in a constant state of omnidirectionally accelerating expansion (refer perpendicular axes) - your opportunity to do that is present in your option of disqualifying the principle themes in my book, which you have yet to read.

Moreover, until the host of the website my work is featured on is through renovating that site, you don't even have the opportunity to critique it at this time, until further notice.

Indeed, it all whittles down to what you describe as 'a trivial fact of geometry'.

Were I you, I would pounce on this factually trivial opportunity to disqualify my work. Heck, you shouldn't even have to read it to meet the simple ('deluded'/ 'lying')) challenge(s) placed before you, here and now (not to mention there and then)... Never mind what you say I 'can't', 'won't, or 'don't' do.

Until you prove other wise, you can't disqualify the 'stupid', 'idiotic', 'hypocritical', 'lying' statement that the physical-material universe is constantly growing larger - along with the more conventionally referenced and understood 'expanding universe'. Flaunt some of your cosmological sagacity this way and show the error of my misguided, deluded, sub-standard ways, Mr. 'Ph.D thesis completed'.
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Unable to follow youre equations, AN.
So don't complain people haven't answered your question when you're incapable of understanding the answers.

Incidentally, you may call it whatever, but a 'Kerr black hole' is another black hole hypothesis ('Not that you'd know' - hey AN, you don't know...), by any other name. Like 'particles', they have yet to be confirmed to be what they are called.
So the masses of experimental observations for cosmology, black holes and particle physics don't count but your claims about 5th and 6th dimensions are fine?

Nice hypocrisy.

And, in this same thread, you proclaim that "black holes are not controversial (in the physics community')", while you just jauntily launched that subject; after having earlier argued that 'black holes are popular only in 'pop physics' sources: while the fact is, you just exemplified the hang-over 'midstream physics' is still suffering from, in the wake of the dominantly foregrounded celebration of black holes, from the time of their appearance upon the (humorously misnomered) 'physics community' stage.
I said nothing of the sort. Provide links to the posts where I said black holes are only popular in pop science books. I have never said that.

hereas: 'Particles' are surfaceless electric charges that possess mass value and occupy at least three dimensions of space - becoming more dense toward their centers.
So me talking about Kerr black holes is not justified but your claims about particles being 3d is?

musn't say 'creation' in your company - it's ok with Stephen Hawking, but it's beneath your - ostensibly intimidated - miscreant standards
My point was there's nothing to do with the religious notion of 'Creation' in the big bang.

That cop out, right alongside your denial that heading for the measurements beneath Planck length isn't 'fudging', when you can rescue yourself with 'sub quantum' mathematics.
Once again you try to tell me my research. The Planck length is not a 'minimum length', its just the distance where gravity becomes comparable in strength to the other forces and quantum gravity cannot be ignored. Before that you can use classical approximations to gravity. I have published work which talks about objects ~1 Planck length in size. Part of the requirement in that was to make them larger than 1 Planck length else quantum corrections become unavoidable.

Telling you a fact about something you've never studied is not a 'cop out'.

What you call 'a trivial fact of geometry...' if you're alluding to the time line in the perpendicular projection of a 4-D hypercube: massive portions of post-modern physics are compromised therein.
You make claims about geometry, a subject you admit you can't do. Rational people realise it's a good idea not to make claims about things they don't know about.

That pensive consideration is hardly 'trivial'.
That Cartesian coordinates form an orthonormal basis is trivial. It's pretty much the first thing anyone studying vectors learns. $$\mathbf{e}_{i} \cdot \mathbf{e}_{j} = \delta_{ij}$$. Never heard of the 'dot product'?

Were I you, I would pounce on this factually trivial opportunity to disqualify my work
You have no derived results, no quantitative logic, no predictions, no working models. You have no results. What am I to disqualify when a model can't model Nature?

Provide me one phenomenon in Nature which you can model, with your own work, and show how you construct that model. Neither you nor q_w have ever stood up to that challenge.

Until you prove other wise, you can't disqualify the 'stupid', 'idiotic', 'hypocritical', 'lying' statement that the physical-material universe is constantly growing larger - along with the more conventionally referenced and understood 'expanding universe'.
I can't disprove that every time I am not looking the oceans turn to custard and the Moon into a giant banana, only to turn back to normal when I look back, but that doesn't mean such claims are worthwhile. When you make a claim its up to you to support it. You can't.

Mr. 'Ph.D thesis completed'.
Wow, what an insult. I love it when cranks insult me because I have achieved something. Yeah, you're really going to hurt my feelings by pointing out I've completed 3.5 years of research, published original work in reputable journals, and passed peer review on the accumulation of my research. Yeah, that's so terrible for me.....

I guess you don't like that fact I've managed more than you in your 40 years. Boo hoo.

Yeah, it is pretty painful reading Kai's nonsense, I agree.
I said nothing of the sort. Provide links to the posts where I said black holes are only popular in pop science books. I have never said that.

Page 15, Post 147 in this thread: Total Field Theory w'out mathematics

PhD Thesis : 100% Complete (2,568 posts)
12-21-09, 12:24 AM #147

“ Originally Posted by Kaiduorkhon
Your metaphor is reminiscent of the 'effects of (hypothetical) black holes'. Black holes are very controversial - the issue has increased public and professional tolerance threshholds for what constitutes the difference between fact and speculation. ”

Black holes are not controversial in the scientific community. You sound like a creationist saying "Evolution is controversial". No, the scientific community has an overwhelming consensus. The 'controversy' is stirred up by people who don't do any of the science. Like you.
“ Originally Posted by Kaiduorkhon
Unable to follow youre equations, AN. ”

So don't complain people haven't answered your question when you're incapable of understanding the answers.

“ Originally Posted by Kaiduorkhon
Incidentally, you may call it whatever, but a 'Kerr black hole' is another black hole hypothesis ('Not that you'd know' - hey AN, you don't know...), by any other name. Like 'particles', they have yet to be confirmed to be what they are called. ”

So the masses of experimental observations for cosmology, black holes and particle physics don't count but your claims about 5th and 6th dimensions are fine?

Those experimental observations are meaningful, they're just not resolute. Do you even know what my claims about identifying the 5th & 6th dimensions are?

Nice hypocrisy.

A well tailored oxymoron - in two words. You seem to specialize in reverse confessions, and: inducing guilt and passing the hat.

“ Originally Posted by Kaiduorkhon
And, in this same thread, you proclaim that "black holes are not controversial (in the physics community')", while you just jauntily launched that subject; after having earlier argued that 'black holes are popular only in 'pop physics' sources: while the fact is, you just exemplified the hang-over 'midstream physics' is still suffering from, in the wake of the dominantly foregrounded celebration of black holes, from the time of their appearance upon the (humorously misnomered) 'physics community' stage. ”

I said nothing of the sort. Provide links to the posts where I said black holes are only popular in pop science books. I have never said that.

Page 15, post 147

“ Originally Posted by Kaiduorkhon
Whereas: 'Particles' are surfaceless electric charges that possess mass value and occupy at least three dimensions of space - becoming more dense toward their centers. ”

So me talking about Kerr black holes is not justified but your claims about particles being 3d is?

'Particles' are generally perceived as being 3-D, though Einstein proved them and everything constituted of them, to be 4-D. A list of professional statements that the 4th D is 'incomprehensible' and 'unimaginable' is in post 88of this thread.

“ Originally Posted by Kaiduorkhon
musn't say 'creation' in your company - it's ok with Stephen Hawking, but it's beneath your - ostensibly intimidated - miscreant standards ”

My point was there's nothing to do with the religious notion of 'Creation' in the big bang.

I understand your point, AN. I don't even disagree with it (as far as it goes). Yet, the last sentence from the Stephen Hawking quoted paragraph on this subject (as posted in this thread), is:
[I]"No matter how incredible it sounds, it seems that the church's ideas of a moment of creation were right from the beginning."[/I]

What we apparently don't agree on is the BBT's premise that nothing begat something, or in other words, something came out of nothing. That's what I mean by my usage of the word 'creationist' - a 'beginning' of the ('expanding') universe, which I maintain had no 'beginning'; that matter 'and' space (including the dynamics of same) always has been and always will be approximately as we observe them (SST) - based on the Conservation of MassEnergy Law. Einstein's CC is the converse of gravity, and again I allude to Friedmann's having pointed out that E's CC can easily be interpreted as a 'repelling force'; causing the observed accelerating expansion of the universe.

“ Originally Posted by Kaiduorkhon
That cop-out (that the laws of physics 'break down' at the moment of the BB), right alongside your denial that heading for the measurements beneath Planck length isn't 'fudging', when you can rescue yourself with 'sub quantum' mathematics. ”

Once again you try to tell me my research. The Planck length is not a 'minimum length', its just the distance where gravity becomes comparable in strength to the other forces and quantum gravity cannot be ignored. Before that you can use classical approximations to gravity. I have published work which talks about objects ~1 Planck length in size. Part of the requirement in that was to make them larger than 1 Planck length else quantum corrections become unavoidable.

Telling you a fact about something you've never studied is not a 'cop out'.

Sub quantum computations are confined to mathematics: is not physics.

“ Originally Posted by Kaiduorkhon
What you call 'a trivial fact of geometry...' if you're alluding to the time line in the perpendicular projection of a 4-D hypercube: massive portions of post-modern physics are compromised therein. ”

You make claims about geometry, a subject you admit you can't do. Rational people realise it's a good idea not to make claims about things they don't know about.

Make your allegory case against what I say about the modern-classic hyper cube/super cube'.

“ Originally Posted by Kaiduorkhon
That pensive consideration is hardly 'trivial'. ”

That Cartesian coordinates form an orthonormal basis is trivial. It's pretty much the first thing anyone studying vectors learns. . Never heard of the 'dot product'?

“ Originally Posted by Kaiduorkhon
Were I you, I would pounce on this 'factually trivial' opportunity to disqualify my work."

Ok. This trivial fact has been underestimated,to say the least. Make your case.

You have no derived results, no quantitative logic, no predictions, no working models. You have no results. What am I to disqualify when a model can't model Nature?

Post 138. Quantitative models derived from nature.

Provide me one phenomenon in Nature which you can model, with your own work, and show how you construct that model. Neither you nor q_w have ever stood up to that challenge.

Post 138. Quantitative models derived from nature.

It is also noteworthy that you should be redundant in that false denial, since posts 141 and 141 - in your own words - concede that 'there are no quantitative models for string theory.'

“ Originally Posted by Kaiduorkhon
Until you prove other wise, you can't disqualify the 'stupid', 'idiotic', 'hypocritical', 'lying' statement that the physical-material universe is constantly growing larger - along with the more conventionally referenced and understood 'expanding universe'. ”

I can't disprove that every time I am not looking the oceans turn to custard and the Moon into a giant banana, only to turn back to normal when I look back, but that doesn't mean such claims are worthwhile. When you make a claim its up to you to support it. You can't.

The 4-d universe doesn't vacillate (when you turn your back on it), as you imply. The real question to be addressed to it, is, 'Where and when is it not?'. Your ocean custard and moon banana may draw some disarming laughs, but they do not disarm the unanswered challenge put to you - where and when doesn't the 4th D manifest?

“ Originally Posted by Kaiduorkhon
Mr. 'Ph.D thesis completed'. ”

Wow, what an insult. I love it when cranks insult me because I have achieved something. Yeah, you're really going to hurt my feelings by pointing out I've completed 3.5 years of research, published original work in reputable journals, and passed peer review on the accumulation of my research. Yeah, that's so terrible for me.....

You are free to feel insulted. You are righfully proud of your formidable achievements. My objective is to point out that credentials do not make you invulnerable to meaningful argument - which you hysterically deny encountering, in my disagreements with you.

I guess you don't like that fact I've managed more than you in your 40 years. Boo hoo.

Your volunteered 'guess' sounds more like an awkwardly vanquished segment from a 2nd grade skunk fight.

“ Originally Posted by quantum_wave
Ouch! ”

Yeah, it is pretty painful reading Kai's nonsense, I agree.

Kai: Yeah. Calling a turtle a giraffe does not a giraffe make. The encountered/unexpected nemesis throughout this thread, with the unanticipated provision of the (demanded & provided) posts and the information brought forth within them are pretty 'nonsensical'. Sort of like your vacuous metaphor of alleging to have brought peace to Angola because you shook hands with a black guy, or, the irony of a creationist rap about the popularity of evolution.

As one who emphasizes his presence within the 'science community', it mismatches your method of name-calling: particularly when there is no need, call-for or substantiation of it. Occasional unconventional and out of character - colorful - remarks can be stylish and effective, but, only when they are true and constructively contribute to whatever targeted objective. (Neener-neener?)

Noteworthy - your empty purportations that I do not qualify my allegations, which is much more a reflection of your communications inadequacies than mine, or those of QuantumWave.

Post Script:
Although undergoing renovation, all articles including Total Field Theory have been vacillating on and off the air. It seems to be stabalizing lateley.
The url is:
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I said nothing of the sort. Provide links to the posts where I said black holes are only popular in pop science books. I have never said that.

Page 15, Post 147 in this thread: Total Field Theory w'out mathematics
This post?

I said there's no controversy in the physics community about black holes. Nothing in my post says anything about "black hole are only for pop science books". You quote me and yet you don't see I said nothing even remotely close to what you claim I said.

Those experimental observations are meaningful, they're just not resolute. Do you even know what my claims about identifying the 5th & 6th dimensions are?
I know your claims have no experimental justification and thus your whole "The Kerr metric isn't resolute" is hypocritical.

'Particles' are generally perceived as being 3-D, though Einstein proved them and everything constituted of them, to be 4-D. A list of professional statements that the 4th D is 'incomprehensible' and 'unimaginable' is in post 88of this thread.
Einstein said nothing of the sort. Perhaps if you'd learn some of his work rather than reading other people's interpretations of his work, particular those people you find using Google, you'd know better. The universe is, on large scales, 4 dimensional. Firstly, Einstein didn't demonstrate this first, Newtonian physics has space and time totally 4 dimensions. Einstein demonstrated they affect one another, which Newton didn't say. THAT was his new work, that they form a single coherent interlaced structure. You don't understand Einstein's work because you've never learnt it and now you're telling me things which I know to be false because I have actually learn relativity.

Particles, in relativity and quantum theory, are point objects. Point ]particles. Look it up in any book on the matter. The notion of extended objects being the fundamental building blocks of matter is not what Einstein said. Get your bloody facts straight.

"No matter how incredible it sounds, it seems that the church's ideas of a moment of creation were right from the beginning."
Oh well, if Hawking made a throw away comment in a single line of a pop science book devoid of detail then surely he is being literal. :rolleyes: Other than "The universe is of finite age" that's as close as religion and the BBT get.

Make your allegory case against what I say about the modern-classic hyper cube/super cube'.
Modern? The notion and definition of a cube hasn't changed over time. What I've said is as valid now as it was 100 years ago. Learn basic Cartesian coordinates!

Post 138. Quantitative models derived from nature.
Here? You provide no quantitative model for any phenomenon in Nature, nothing which allows me to describe quantitatively and accurately any system through which your claims can be tested. Quantitative means numbers, accurate quantities. You don't provide any.

It is also noteworthy that you should be redundant in that false denial, since posts 141 and 141 - in your own words - concede that 'there are no quantitative models for string theory.'
I didn't say that. Infact I have told you that string theory predicts gravity, with the correct equations of motion and thus leads to all the same predictions as GR.

My objective is to point out that credentials do not make you invulnerable to meaningful argument - which you hysterically deny encountering, in my disagreements with you.
And you having sold some books to idiots on California (and theres plenty, its not the home of Scientology for nothing) for 40 years doesn't make you right. You can't provide an iota of results.

Your volunteered 'guess' sounds more like an awkwardly vanquished segment from a 2nd grade skunk fight.
The fact remains, I've contributed more to science in 3.5 years than you have in 40. I've certainly learnt more.

Sort of like your vacuous metaphor of alleging to have brought peace to Angola because you shook hands with a black guy, or, the irony of a creationist rap about the popularity of evolution.
Since reading the following message from Moderator 'D. H.', I have engaged the 'Edit' option to (retrospectively) include the following qualifications, regarding my inability to use the 'Quotes' (mult-quote) mode... On page 3, post 23 (in the 'What Big Bang?' Psuedosciece forum) it is explained that I have (a Vets Administration diagnosed) acquired post traumatic stress disorder induced learning handicap (including a mathematics block), for which I petition no sympathy; simply understanding.

There are two kinds of post traumatic syndrome - PTS, post traumatic stress; which is temporary, and, PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder, which is permanant. Telling a person with PTSD to 'Get over it', is comparable to telling a truck driver in a traffic jam to 'Move on'. It is not appropriate advise.

AlphaNumeric has done a lot of accusatory name-calling, including 'intellectually lazy', to which he attached the words 'despise' and 'contempt'.

I have posted a title: "How to acquire post traumatic stress disorder", which is a partial list of my PTSD stressors, at:

A Novel/Journal (- faction book: fiction based on fact) may be accessed here:

I also host a PTSD forum at:

Kai's Forums accessible at:

This editorial Post Script is in response to the parting shot of 'Read-Only' (at the 'What Big Bang?' site), who apparently could not restrain himself from what he perceives as the opportunity to malign my qualified leave of this thread. The same evaluation applies to prometheus in this thread.
On the other hand, my sincere thanks and appreciation to and for QuantumWave.

Moderator (1,909 posts)

Kaiduorkhon: Two comments:

1. Please learn how to use the quote tags.
2. Please, not so much verbiage!

Registered Senior User (408 posts)

Dear D.H. (Moderator), and whomever else it may concern:

In lieu of learning how to use multi quotes, I will discontinue the ongoing discourse; with no hard feelings toward anyone. Thank you one and all.
- Kai

Post Script:
Please refer to my (parallel) statements in Post 43 'What Big Bang?', also in the Psuedoscience section of this site ( SciForum. com )
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That seems to be pretty much your attitude to science - ignore the better way of doing things in favour of bloody minded adherence to your own dogma.
Bye for now Kai. I can’t imagine what it must be like to suffer from PTSD. From what I can tell you are on top of it even though I know it makes some computer things difficult for you; things that others consider simple.

In any event I have benefited from your work and understand why you say you have reinstated steady state theory. Like you, I consider cosmology from the perspective that when it is a complete view, it describes the universe. Science does not claim to have a complete cosmology but we know that any complete cosmology cannot be quantified, proved, or compatible with all of the various major aspects of science theory.
Telling a person with PTSD to 'Get over it', is comparable to telling a truck driver in a traffic jam to 'Move on'. It is not appropriate advise.
Something I haven't said to you.

Kaiduorkhon;2461049AlphaNumeric has done a lot of accusatory name-calling said:
You have repeatedly shown you are ignorant of facts which are non-mathematical. You have also shown you are willing to copy and paste other people's comments, which you agree with, without regard for their factual accuracy. You have also shown that you lack basic reasoning skills, thinking that because something has Google hits its worth listening to.

To use an example, you linked to someone's comments about the big bang. That person claimed neutrino masses were invoked to solve the issue of dark matter. This is factually incorrect because the experiments for neutrino masses have nothing to do with cosmology. Further more, the total mass of neutrinos is still not enough to account for dark matter. And further more, neutrinos are not cold dark matter (CDM), they are hot. 3 factual errors which require no mathematical knowledge and can be found on Wikipedia, pop science books, papers, journals, textbooks, lecture notes, TV documentaries, anywhere. Your inability to do mathematics does not excuse your basic refusal to educate yourself to even the level of a well read layperson. Intellectual apathy, in a subject you've spent 40 years whining about, is something I find contemptible. Nothing to do with mathematical skills, you whine about things you've made no attempt to learn about and you are intellectually lazy for just copy and paste quoting other people without regard for the accuracy of what they say, you are only concerned with the fact you and they agree on something. Agreement due to ignorance is not a valid argument.
Your choice to resort to a vacant personal barb is duely noted.
You do not have a valid model of anything, let alone the universe. It is still not too late for you to accept this and move forward. If you consider pointing this out to be a 'vacant personal barb', well tough shit.