Top 8 most controversial UFO photos

Do UFO’s and Aliens Exist?
20 Reasons to be Skeptical:

UFOs exist – that much we should all be willing to concede.

But let’s quickly clarify that UFOs are very likely not aliens from outer space. They are simply objects that are flying and whose identification has eluded us for the time being. Simply put, they are, as the name implies, unidentified flying objects.

If, one day, extraterrestrial intelligence were ever to be discovered (especially here on Earth), then it would require extraordinary and reliable evidence. After all, one could argue that this would be the greatest discovery for humanity to finally answer the question… are we alone?

So, blurry pictures, shaky videos, and spooky anecdotes aside, here are 20 things to consider before coming to the conclusion that what you’re seeing or hearing about is actually a UFO piloted by an alien from outer space…

more at link......
Let's list the reasons they give to be sceptical......

Lightning Sprites

Missile Tests
Cloud Formations
Weather Balloons
Venus (or Other Planets)
Illumination Flares
Airplanes, Helicopters, Drones, Satellites, or the ISS
Military Experiments or Aircraft
A Hoax or Prank
Crop Circles Are Just Made By Humans
The Face on Mars Is An Illusion
The Roswell Incident and Alien Autopsy Was a Hoax
The Term “Flying Saucer” is the Result of Poor Reporting
Alien Abductions Are a Product of Our Culture
Alien Implants Aren’t From Aliens
SETI is Actively Looking For UFOs
The Drake Equation
Just because “we don’t know” doesn’t make it a UFO
But you can’t prove what I saw was NOT a UFO![


Lenticular clouds that look like UFOs
Wow! Those are seven pictures of extraterrestrials, and if anyone doubts that they are clueless sheep who can't think for themselves!
I just came across this video.

9 out of 10 of these sightings are interesting but otherwise not much use.

One though is pretty hard to explain.
#3 (at 0:04:45) shows a sighting that was captured live by the BBC, so (unless this video itself is providing misinformation) this video cannot have been tampered with.

At first I thought it was a fireball, but then it does something quite un-fireball-like.

Note also, that it appears the object - upon first appearance - passes in front of the buildings on the far left.

I can think of only three explanations off the top of my head, both seem pretty unlikely:

1] It's a searchlight on the clouds. Except it doesn't behave searchlight-like at all, especially the second half (it would be quite a coincidence if the path of the searchlight as it went skyward was exactly vertically aligned with the camera angle). Also, the fact that it passes in front of the buildings seems to rule this one out.

2] The two "legs" of the path are actually unrelated, the second path (of something) simply coincidentally starts in the same place and at the same time as the first one (of something else) ends.

3] Maybe a drone? It rises way too fast for a drone, but if the film were sped up upon replay, it could match. Except that the film isn't sped up. You can see people moving around at normal speed in the foreground.

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