Top 8 most controversial UFO photos

So would I

The problem ofcourse is that with virtually every photo of some extraordinary event there is some cult of denialist kooks out there ready to call it a hoax and so make it controversial. Even the moon landing photos have their debunkers. Same with Holocaust pics, 911 pics, and ufo pics. Unbridled skepticism is in some ways worse than unbridled belief. It constantly bolsters itself with claims of being objective and rational, when in fact it isn't at all. It is agenda-laden and biased to support a specific worldview.
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The problem ofcourse is that with virtually every photo of some extraordinary event there is some cult of denialist kooks out there ready to call it a hoax and so make it controversial. Even the moon landing photos have their debunkers. Same with ufo pics..
I actually see the hoaxes, as the impressionables and gullibles, that claim every unexplained sighting as of Alien origin, without too much thinking. :rolleyes:
No you don't . you hide behind these peers .
:D No, not at all. I say what I believe and what is evidenced. Most have over recent times voiced there disaproval of your nonsense and carryings on.
It's as simple as that.
:D No, not at all. I say what I believe and what is evidenced. Most have over recent times voiced there disaproval of your nonsense and carryings on.
It's as simple as that.

As in most of the 20,979 members here, or as in most of your gang of like 5 trolling buddies?
:D No, not at all. I say what I believe and what is evidenced. Most have over recent times voiced there disaproval of your nonsense and carryings on.
It's as simple as that.

Wether people think what I say is nonsense is irrelevant to the truth of the matter .

I say the facts not what I believe , period .
Can we at least all be in agreement that there isn't yet an answer to the UFO phenomenon? There are plenty of cases that cannot be explained by our current knowledge. There are also lots of cases that have been falsly debunked by faulty "science".
Can we at least all be in agreement that there isn't yet an answer to the UFO phenomenon? There are plenty of cases that cannot be explained by our current knowledge. There are also lots of cases that have been falsly debunked by faulty "science".
Most certainly: The great bulk have been put down to many factors, illusions, delusions, atmospheric anomalies, fun and trickery, etc.
But most do agree that a percentage are unexplained, as in Unidentified, or the "U" in UFO.
We have no evidence of any other life in the universe, let alone ETI that have visited Earth.
As a consequence, any visitation, contact would be quite extraordinary in all respects and as a consequence, requires extraordinary evidence.
As one who believes quite firmly that ETL of all evolutionary pursasions, exist, somewhere, sometime, due to the near infinite, if not infinite extent of the Universe, the incredible numbers involved of planets, stars, and galaxies, and the "stuff of life" being everywhere we have looked, I also understand that as yet we have no evidence for its existence.

Time and distance are great barriers to overcome, although many are of the opinion, that good evidence for off the Earth life, is not too far off.
I certainly hope that is verified before I kick the bucket.
Is there one single photo or event that stands out over others.
It could be that there are visitors who were spotted once or twice but those events have been hidden amidst all the crap out there.
They may be observing us and doing documentaries for their home planet. Maybe they are eating us...just think of all the missing persons world wide.
Where may they come from, are they carbon based?

What is the best photo or event?
Is there one single photo or event that stands out over others.
It could be that there are visitors who were spotted once or twice but those events have been hidden amidst all the crap out there.
They may be observing us and doing documentaries for their home planet. Maybe they are eating us...just think of all the missing persons world wide.
Where may they come from, are they carbon based?

What is the best photo or event?

Here's some of the best photos according to some. There's more, but this is a good start:

Here's 55 more photos considered the best:

Here's one of my favorites:


"Indiana-01-31-2008-I was home alone and decided to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water and maybe find a snack. Just as I approached the kitchen/dining room area (they're the same room and we have a bay-window/patio door there) I noticed what I immediately thought was a helicopter about 300-400 feet away, just across the street and above the tree-line. Because we kind of live in the country, I thought that was unusual... then it hit me that I couldn't hear any noise at all! And then the obvious shape difference hit me like a bag of rocks and I ran for my camera - literally (I almost tripped over a rug).

I don't know how long it was there before I saw it, but it hung around for 2 or 3 minutes after I noticed it... not moving or flashing or anything. The only thing I noticed was a sort of wavy-ness of the air surrounding the object - that's probably what stuck me most, actually. It resembled kind of what you see over a hot road on a summer day. It was getting dark, but I distinctly remember the dark tree line shimmering just below the object, against the sky-glow.

I had just enough time to take a picture on my camera (before the batteries died), and then I got one on my cell phone right before it "disappeared" --- I say that, because I believe it just went directly away from me at a high speed very suddenly... it actually appeared to grow smaller and disappear, but curve up slightly as it was doing so. The direction was about directly westward I believe.

Long ago, when I was a young kid, I remember seeing a funny light in the sky (from very far away) and watching it do all sorts of "tricks" ~ but I couldn't actually see it as an object. This is the only other time that I have seen something this close, that I know from my own eyes what I saw in a detailed manner. Very exciting indeed (although the first couple nights were difficult to sleep well!)


Source / Credit: MUFON ( Original source webpage / article
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