Top 7 Acts of Christian-Bashing and Why it's Okay to Bash Christianity

The Christian Anti-Defamation Commission has assembled a list of what it considers the seven worst incidents of Christian-bashing that happened in 2007. They are:

Colorado Church Murders
Federal Hate Crimes Bill
Violence on San Francisco Church
Attack on Jerry Falwell
CNN's "God's Warriors" and "Friends of God":
John Edwards' Campaign Bloggers
Golden Compass, the movie.

I think Anderson Cooper's CNN show bashing Falwell the day he died is a new low. :(

you do know the golden compass was gutted right? plus it is more of an attack against religion getting intertwined. and you have know idea what truely constites to hate do you.
every single act on that list is bull shit just like 90% of the stuff you post here
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Wow Skinwalker, that's quite a tirade! Sandy sure hit a hot button didn't she? I didn't realize how emotional you have become, how fearful of God you are. You have become a theophobe and it consumes you. Too bad it has clouded your judgment. The Golden Compass is not anti-religion? Even the author states it is. In the series he kills God! Duh.

and the main person who wants to kill god is a villian. i have read the first 2 books and seen the movie its not as anti religious as people belive
I don't make common mistakes.

National Socialist is quite correct. Look at Nazi party beliefs and compare to the left wing:

  • Higher taxes
  • Gun Control
  • Punish profits and demean big business
  • Anti Capitalist
  • Attacking the rich and well born
  • Champion the working poor.
  • Regulate business to death
  • Etc Etc Etc

Hitler himself said: ""We are socialists. We are enemies of today's capitalistic system"

You have fallen for the Big Lie. The Nazis were Socialists, no matter what our tainted academia and corrupt media wishes us to believe.

facism is right wing the nazis were facicist therefore they were right wing
Oh, I see now. It's called socialist, it has socialist policy, Hitler says it's socialist, but they really didn't do socialist-like things?

Study your history son, and don't believe everything you read.

how bout talking to people who lived there. I talked to my granddad bout it nothing fucking socialist about the nazis
revolvr said:
Oh, I see now. It's called socialist, it has socialist policy, Hitler says it's socialist, but they really didn't do socialist-like things?
Aside from no particular socialist policies, that's about the size of it, yep.

They were fascists, they had fascist policies and did fascist-like things.

The Soviet Stalinists called themselves Socialist too - same reason, similar relationship with reality.
I'm glad you posted this since its evidence of the complete and utter nonsense that the superstitious resort to in the defense of their superstitious beliefs.

The New Life Church attack was conducted by a Christian (quibble over "true" xian all you want, the guy believed in God and expected an afterlife), so this is an example of a Christian "bashing" Christians.

The Federal Hate Crimes Bill? Making it criminal to incite hatred is bashing Christians? What a bunch of nutjobs.

The Golden Compass isn't bashing Christianity however you'd like to cut it. Go see the movie or read one of the books, then come back and tell us how this is the case.

Hitchens scathing remarks about Jerry Falwell was bashing Jerry Falwell. The guy was nutcase and deserved it, particularly postmortem since there were so many accolades being given to the guy after he died. Nutjobs like that should be remembered in death for what they were: nutjobs.

With regard to the rest, I concede that there is a bit of "bashing." Much of it, however, is fair criticism and could only be considered "bashing" by the most deluded and ignorant of the Christians claiming this to be the case. Particularly with regard to the CNN documentaries.

Lets face it, if this were a matter of "bashing" someone's economic ideologies, political ideologies, what football team they favored, or culinary opinions -then no one would bat an eye. Christians prefer to keep in place the taboo against questioning, criticizing, and ridiculing religion -particularly their own cults.

Sorry, sandy. That shit doesn't fly in modern times. The cat is out of the bag and religion, particularly Christianity, is fair game for criticism, inquiry and ridicule -just like all other human endeavors. If your "faith" is actually worth anything, you wouldn't care since not a single question, critique or ridiculing statement would be able to waiver it or threaten it in anyway.

Obviously this isn't the case since Christians like you whine so much about 'bashing,' calling any criticism, ridicule or inquiry of your religion 'personal attacks.'

Let me clarify: It's okay to bash Christianity.

Excellent post Skinwalker.
Some have called it a "tirade." (well, one really)

I'm curious -what do the rationalists think? Did I com across as "emotional?" If so, which emotion?
...It's okay to bash Christianity....

So *YOU'RE* the one who changed the title of my thread?:confused: I never said it's ok to bash Christianity. I would NEVER post that. WTF? :(

Moderator's Note: Updated the thread title to avoid the need for two threads on the topic

"Updated"? You mean changed. You can remove my part of the title and take over the thread. I want nothing to do with any thread that says it's ok to bash Christianity. Since when is this allowed? :(

Stop bashing christianity. You'll go to hell. So stop it. For your immortal soul, pleas stop bashing christanity.
I think it still means the same thing. It's like asking, "why is society allowing Christianity to be bashed?".
"Updated"? You mean changed. You can remove my part of the title and take over the thread. I want nothing to do with any thread that says it's ok to bash Christianity. Since when is this allowed? :(

This forum and the discussions here are for all participants and not limited to just a few. We don't selectively discriminate. And, as moderator, I've opted to broaden the topic. There's no requirement that you participate, but if you disagree, you're free to posit arguments (hopefully cogent and/or sound ones) that dispute the claim that "it's okay to bash Christianity."

Indeed, why isn't it okay to bash Christianity?

Is it okay to bash Liberals? Dems? Republicans? Conservatives?

Is it okay to bash the football teams of other cities?

Is it okay to bash the cuisine and culinary proficiency of a restaurant -even if it's a bad one? With health/hygiene issues?

Is it okay to bash the economic practices of elected officials -if their failing?
Some have called it a "tirade." (well, one really)

I'm curious -what do the rationalists think? Did I com across as "emotional?" If so, which emotion?

I saw expressions of frustration, relief, and aggression. Congratulations, you're human and not a robot.
This forum and the discussions here are for all participants and not limited to just a few. We don't selectively discriminate. And, as moderator, I've opted to broaden the topic. There's no requirement that you participate, but if you disagree, you're free to posit arguments (hopefully cogent and/or sound ones) that dispute the claim that "it's okay to bash Christianity."

Indeed, why isn't it okay to bash Christianity?

Is it okay to bash Liberals? Dems? Republicans? Conservatives?

Is it okay to bash the football teams of other cities?

Is it okay to bash the cuisine and culinary proficiency of a restaurant -even if it's a bad one? With health/hygiene issues?

Is it okay to bash the economic practices of elected officials -if their failing?

In a superficial view, an american republican is someone, basically, who 'believes' in the constitution. When you see a republican acting poorly, do you bash the constitution? Tear it down? Would that be the way to approach the problem?

When you don't like a football team, do you stop contributing money to your local school's sports teams?

If you don't like the way food is prepared for you, do you stop eating altogether?

Maybe your post is taken out of context, but even Jesus rebuked the status quo.