Too much choice undermines happiness

Too many choices undermine happiness

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • No

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Maybe. Don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Some other option

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
Baron Max said:

Didn't see a damned thing in the orginal post about this being only about humans. Make your posts more clear in the future.

Max, I really need honest answers, so I can figure this one out: Are you having trouble telling the difference, or why is it important to you?

Many of us have no problem following a point of discussion as it moves through each participant, is transformed and transforming, and continues to resemble its most relevant context throughout. What I can't figure out is whether this process is failing you, or if there is something so compelling about seemingly irrelevant aspects that you're hackled about it.

You may well be a perfect subject for study in this topic. For all the choices you see before you, how do you come to behave as you do? Has the fact of too many options simply overwhelmed you, or are you scrambling back after a myth of ignorant bliss? What demands, what priorities, structure your classification system? How does the difference between man and dog apply in this one? For starters, at least.
Max, I really need honest answers, so I can figure this one out:...

Tough shit, Tiassa, I guess you'll just never fuckin' figure it out, will ya'?? :D

Baron Max

PS - still typin' all those long, involved posts and saying so damned little doing so? Do you have some kind of problem communicating that you have to type so much ....and say so little?
Baron Max said:

Tough shit, Tiassa, I guess you'll just never fuckin' figure it out, will ya'??

Given that the underlying purpose of any discussion board is communication, I thought it worthwhile to figure out why you're communicating the picture of failed communication.

PS - still typin' all those long, involved posts and saying so damned little doing so? Do you have some kind of problem communicating that you have to type so much ....and say so little?

If I let it be a problem, I wouldn't be doing my job. What you're pointing out is something that is more in the eye of the beholder: you expect to find nothing in my posts, thus nothing you find is anything at all to you, thus the posts are empty as you expect.

One thing you might consider is the fact that some people use more words because they are going out of their way to accommodate people challenged with much the same handicap as your own. There is a simple way to communicate with words, but these folks, as with you, can't make simple distinctions. They can't tell where metaphor ends, but lash out at anyone who tries to mark the boundary more clearly. They get frustrated because the perceived "swing vote"--that is, the audience between them and their opponents--might see the point, but it turns out the audience is more adept than they are. Some of the extra words actually have an effect on this audience; they appreciate the finer points being distinguished. But, strangely, the people who require by their ridiculous demands such accommodation suddenly find themselves unable to understand the clarifications. Instead of simplifying the entire image, each component has been simplified. Quantitatively, at least, this is more complicated. This sad lot of folks end up bitterly lashing out at anything that doesn't strike them like an aphorism or limerick: "So many words I don't understand, ergo so many wasted words."

We continue to communicate with them at all because we do not believe in simply giving up on people.
Well I do admire a well constructed reply that also serves as an analogy delineating the very point I made in the opening post. Kudos tiassa, I do believe you have made the point! ;)
(something, something, Burt Ward)

Well, just don't expect any answers about the humans and dogs thing. Every once in a while, people need to mutter and murmur. I always suspect that more people understand the discussions taking place here--at least thematically--than would admit.

As such, remember that some here exist specifically to derail convention. Many of them are bitter, but it serves better to not speculate. We can consider certain reflections of their own behavior: What is most important to them?

To use a theoretical grouping or stereotype as a starting point: Some people resent the "political correctness" age because it strips away much of the arbitrary hatred that was exploited for our amusement. "Why can't little black kids play in the sandbox?" is one of the funniest jokes I've ever encountered, but specifically for its acute cruelty. I mean, holy shite, man, who the hell wrote that one originally? What would a dialectic snapshot of that moment tell us about the human condition?

Somewhere in there, though, exists an equivocation that often defies other people's understanding. We can grasp it in a functional aspect, as if viewing a schematic. But sensing it viscerally is something else entirely. That difference has to do with the perceived motivations and impacts of behavior. It has to do with classification. "What do elephants use for tampons?" is funny, too. Its crude absurdity is striking, or at least was in its day. But it doesn't have the cruel edge about it the way a nigger joke does. And we can all understand that difference, right? (Er ... I hope?) But the difference between hate speech and just condemnation is absent. Think of those whose (American) First Amendment rights will only be fulfilled under conditions that include the suppression and suspension of said rights for others. Christian library trolls, for instance. Oregon homophobes. Also eroded to a mere shadow of itself is the separation between barbaric and other traditions. The end of open racism in society and politics means the end of an entire way of life through at least a quarter of the United States.

People are ... well, the answer to the hideous joke is ... oh, never mind. Point being, I understand. The end of tradition bites. But--and here's a classification thing again--is it the end of a tradition, or a transformation? "Traditional marriage"? Ha! What Americans call "traditional marriage" is based on a myth purporting a massive statistical deviation between about 1947 and 1962. There are so many "traditions"--many surrounding the selling of brides--knocked down by romantic marriage and marital equality that we might wonder whether to call it "marriage" at all. But we do, and this is because it's not the end of a tradition, but its evolution.

Many of the traditions people feel are threatened will not die if the traditionalist demand is refuted. These traditions will, quite simply, evolve. And this is a difficult enough thing to explain to these disaffected, whining twats.

But if we add to that the observation that certain traditions ought not live on--that some are better left to the lessons of history--it isn't hard to understand why some people see their entire human identity under siege.

And in that sense, we owe them some certain sensitivity. But that's actually beside the point. More importantly, we should bear in mind that there are reasons people choose to focus as they do. In some way, they can't figure out the difference between the two. If it's A and B, the fact that they're both letters ought to suffice. Apples and oranges? It's food. Italian or Chinese? As long as it's takeout ....

Everything else, the bluster and bravado, is merely a matter of selection from the sparse masks offered this statistical outcome. Under different circumstances, according to different classifications, the behavior might be more useful in general, and even rewarding to the individual. But circumstance, being what it is, says otherwise.

Rancid frosting snowflakes on sweating rose-petal tongues teasing to tempt the palate, and sicken the stomach.

That's what we get some days. If you have a God, blame It. If not, life goes on.


Remember: Nature abhors a vacuum.
Remember: Nature is not extraneous.

Therefore: Everything you experience is justified by nature ...
... or, That's the way it goes. We make of it what we will.​
Given that the underlying purpose of any discussion board is communication, I thought it worthwhile to figure out why you're communicating the picture of failed communication.

So, ...who gives a shit what you think is worthwhile?

We continue to communicate with them at all because we do not believe in simply giving up on people.

So you're gonna' force them to listen to your drivel even if they don't want to hear?!

But if someone should do anything similar to you, you'd rant and rave, type up a long, bullshit-filled post, then go crying to mommy?!

Baron Max
What good is choice when you don't need/like/want what's on offer? Which would you rather have a rock or a hard place?
i voted yes becuase someones choice would lead to someone elses miseray so you can never have both
i voted yes becuase someones choice would lead to someone elses miseray so you can never have both

Huh? Please explain that statement.

I might go along with it if you'd said, "...could lead...." instead of "...would lead..."

Baron Max
Baron Max said:

So, ...who gives a shit what you think is worthwhile?

I do. Beyond that, the question may be of significance to those trying to figure out how to deal with people who, like you, behave with irrational aggression, spite, and what seems the deliberate appearance of stupidity. To the other, we can all just decide that you really are as stupid as your behavior suggests. The above-quoted question, for instance. It serves absolutely no purpose except to agitate the community.

To the other, you know that little squiggly thing with a dot after it, called a question mark? (The end punctuation of the prior sentence is an example.) If you are not directly inviting a response, don't use a question mark, or find some method of communicating that the question is purely rhetorical. (Intelligent people, Baron, can generally tell the difference, and thus don't need such cues as, "Rhetorically speaking ....") Given that you only rarely construct your posts to reflect rhetorical considerations, there is no justification for writing off your idiotic questions as simply rhetorical.

So you're gonna' force them to listen to your drivel even if they don't want to hear?!

Should I be as petty as you and point out the word "listen"? It's not important in the scheme of things. To the other, though, "force"? Who the hell is forcing you to do anything? (And no, that's not a rhetorical question. Try giving an honest answer for once.)

But if someone should do anything similar to you, you'd rant and rave, type up a long, bullshit-filled post, then go crying to mommy?!

Wow. I would prefer if you fantasized about me a little less. I'm not sure I even want to know what you think my mother has to do with this.