Tomb of Jesus & James Cameron

No shit, he has found Jesus' coffin along with Mary Magdalena's.

"Cameron is holding a New York press conference on Monday at which he will reveal three coffins, supposedly those of Jesus of Nazareth, his mother Mary and Mary Magdalene. "

Good I hope the truth will finally be revealed and this will cause the rise of actual Christians, you know people who follow Jesus Christ not and the Church....
Ok then, the Hebrew renderings, lighten up Med Woman.

M*W: Jeez! Let's see... if at the time of Jesus, and in the area he allegedly lived, Aramaic was the common language of the people. Names and titles would be in Aramaic, not Hebrew, but since the NT was written in Greek (not Aramaic or Hebrew), seems only logical that names and titles would be in Greek, not Hebrew, not Aramaic, but Greek.

You have such limited knowledge of your own faith, yet you come here to a predominantly atheistic forum thinking you're going to teach the rest of us something!!! Ha!
Well basically people can believe whatever they want(or were indoctrinated to), but it's not like most jews wanted to copy Jesus, most just thought it was another cult.

Maybe they will find out it is a copy-cat family. Pretty rediculous claim in my opinion Ice Age. Also the tomb is 30BC - 70 AD. So we are talking really 30AD to 70 AD for a copy-cat family. I think your reaching.
one raven said:
That's exactly what they did [DNA comparisons between samples] and they were unrelated.
I'd like to see the citation to the published data on that. The whole thing smells of pseudoscience.

The ossuaries were originally discovered in 1980. 1980!? And not a single academic publication since then? One of the hallmarks of pseudoscience is to pitch your claim directly to the public rather than the academic community. Another is that the "discoverer" works in isolation (since 1980). I'm sure the next hallmark will be the claim that an establishment of mainstream archaeology is oppressing their work.
I'd like to see the citation to the published data on that. The whole thing smells of pseudoscience.

The ossuaries were originally discovered in 1980. 1980!? And not a single academic publication since then?

You know, I was excited when I saw this article, but as I read on, I remember having read it before, and then when it got to the 1980 part, wondered why it had gone quiet for so long.

But then the 'Dead Sea Scrolls' were sat on for a long time too, so maybe it isn't no news day?

I'd be interested in hearing your take when more data comes in Skin.
I'd have to concur with Skinwalker. As a man of science myself, some never before heard of discovery making it's way into the cinemas before a scientific journal some supposed 3 decades after the finding is simply not worth the attention. They claim "DNA evidence", and in my humble opinion not enough people are asking what the DNA is being compared to.

They found some "hobbits" recently and within two months it was in every scientific publication there is.. This has been 27 years and nobody has said jack shit and then consider the best possible way of presenting it to the world is in the cinema - along with Shrek 3 and Land of the Dinosaurs. Do me a lemon.
I'd like to see the citation to the published data on that. The whole thing smells of pseudoscience.

The ossuaries were originally discovered in 1980. 1980!? And not a single academic publication since then? One of the hallmarks of pseudoscience is to pitch your claim directly to the public rather than the academic community. Another is that the "discoverer" works in isolation (since 1980). I'm sure the next hallmark will be the claim that an establishment of mainstream archaeology is oppressing their work.

Indeed this is truely interesting part of this breaking story. They found these things in an Israeli storage for artifacts of some kind. I'm trying to find an online reference, but it was reported in the Toronto Star(which might not be correct). They found them(the canadian documentary people NOT James Cameron) while researching something else. I suspect maybe the Jews made a mistake, or a "mistake" by handing these over to them or letting them look at them.
Here we go:,7340,L-3368731,00.html

"Decades of research

The findings in the cave, including the decipherment of the inscriptions, were first revealed about ten years ago by internationally renowned Israeli archeologist Professor Amos Kloner.

Since their discovery, the caskets were kept in the Israeli Antiquities Authority archive in Beit Shemesh, but now two have been sent to New York for their first public exhibition.

Although the cave was discovered nearly 30 years ago and the casket inscriptions decoded ten years ago, the filmmakers are the first to establish that the cave was in fact the burial site of Jesus and his family.

The film, which documents the stages of the discovery, is the result of three years labor and research. It will be broadcast on the international Discovery Channel, Britain's Channel 4, Canada’s Vision and Israel’s Channel 8, which also took part in the film's production.

According to the filmmakers, the film’s claim is based on close work with world-famous scientists, archeologists, statisticians, DNA specialists and antiquities experts."

Watch it and decide for yourselves i guess
M*W: It's a hoax. Why would they wait 27 years to bring it public? Jesus didn't exist nor did MM. Things change, however. Just a few short years ago, I would have bet my life on its authenticity. Not any more.
Here we go:,7...368731,00.html

"Decades of research

The findings in the cave, including the decipherment of the inscriptions, were first revealed about ten years ago by internationally renowned Israeli archeologist Professor Amos Kloner

Anos Kloner being the man that stated:

"the names found on the ossuaries were common, and the fact that such apparently resonant names had been found together was of no significance. He added that "Jesus son of Joseph" inscriptions had been found on several other ossuaries over the years.

"There is no likelihood that Jesus and his relatives had a family tomb," Kloner said. "They were a Galilee family with no ties in Jerusalem. The Talpiot tomb belonged to a middle-class family from the 1st century CE."

So, Amos Kloner and his "decades of research" came to the conclusion that it's all bollocks and has nothing whatsoever to do with the biblical jesus.

I was serious. I really like to see the published data on that :)

(I realize now that that's my canned answer to pseudo claims, but I really would like to see the published data -if it exists.)
Well the new spin on this is the probability study on those names - in the same tomb.

Snakelord's quotes from Kroner now have me doubting though. It's possibly a copy-cat family. Still even if it was common, isn't it interesting this copy-cat family's "Jesus" was MARRIED TO Mary??
Still even if it was common, isn't it interesting this copy-cat family's "Jesus" was MARRIED TO Mary??

Not specifically, no.

For 7 years, (not concurrent) Chloe was the most popular girls name on the planet. Jack has now been the most popular boys name on the planet for a total of 10 years. In the place where I work there are 5 other people with the same name as me - and that's in a company of perhaps 50 people. If we look at where all these 50 people live you'll find not only people very local but even some that live over 100 miles away upto 500 miles away, (admittedly they generally live in London on weekdays and go home weekends).

What we need right now is a top 100. Perhaps in 2000 years someone will dig up a box that says Elizabeth, Phillip, Charles and Edward and then come to the conclusion that it contains the remains of the queen and her family. What we now need to do is establish how common those names are in comparison to the timeframe. Was Mary or 'jesus', (which wasn't jesus as there was no 'j'), a common or seriously rare name? From our perspective Elizabeth and Phillip were very popular names given the time when the queen and her husband were named.

However, it needs to be understood that if this were jesus and his cronies, it will do nothing but harm christianity. The minute you find god's corpse, ressurrection goes out the window as does his supposed divinity etc etc. Without that there's nothing to keep a christian living with morals. While the rest of us have morals by choice, the christians have had morals through threats. When that means nothing anymore I can only start to worry at how this world is going to go down the shitter.
Here's a PDF file with some of the data claimed. I haven't had the chance to look it over carefully, but some of what I've noted so far is spurious at best, particularly with regard to the statistical methods.

Again, the above is a PDF file, so you need to have Adobe Reader installed.

Moderator Note: I cleaned up the thread of the off-topic bickering. Please stick to the topic at hand or posts will be deleted. Repeatedly posting off-topic may incur a warning or infraction.
The statistical calculation seems a bit flaky...but not being a statistician myself, I wouldn't mind seeing an explanation. 600 to 1 in favour seems awfully probable to me :)
Discovery canada talked to the DNA guy(who specializes in ancient specimens), last night. They only gave him enough bone fragments to compare if "Jesus" and "Mary M", if they were related mitocondrially. They were not, however I wonder why they did not give him more material?

He said if they gave him more he could tell the sex of the bones(he did not even confirm the sex of "Jesus" and "Mary M"). He did not know "who" he was testing on. After they told him who they were...supposidly... he thought why not test Jesus VS Mary mother, Jesus VS JOSEPH father(VERY Interesting), Jesus +Mary VS Judah child?

Something is a fishy here. I still can't wait to see the documentary/drama, I admit I have been hooked in.