
Absolutly! The world would be a boring place without some confrontation.

For instance, I don't mind my confrontations with Tony1. It is challanging, and I don't have to be 'nice', for he is not overly sensitive.

It's rather a pity, I think he has quite a mind...

Intolerance, for me, would be if Tony and I were chasing each other about with lighted faggots, if Nelson and Kalvin were getting into fistfights over the ONE TRUE CHRISTIANITY.

Intolerance is when you try to force somone to change thier veiws, or prohibit them from expressing them. I've seen none of that.

Last autumn it got so bad that several topics were devoted to T1, including an editorial cartoon implying homosexuality 'twixt two of our most disruptive Christian-advocate posters.

Implying homosexuality is hardly an insult. I thought it was rather, sweet...the sunset, the little Bible quote...

But then again, men are more sensitive to implications of homosexuality.

While we are on that.

Why is it that men are more sesitive about that?

sometimes it seems that every female on earth is bi (not that i would care really if they were, that up to them, as long as i don't get cheated on with man, women or GOAT, it dosn't bother me what atracts people)
I think maybe you two have had contact with a few rednecks, and that may have coloured your perceptions a little about guys in general.

I AM a guy

(and just for the record im strait, guys just don't turn me on and girls do)

I AM a guy
Don't come over here or you might get burnt on a bonfire on Nov the 5th.
:D :D :D
I wonder why Americans call all males after an old British name?
Why not Freds or Berts.
:D :D
Asguard, I realise you're a guy. But I still think it's possible that you have this idea about guys in general being uncomfortable about the idea of homosexuality because maybe you've dealt with some dumb-arses. It's a tad insulting to our gender to say we're all pathetically emotionally impaired or some such nonsense.
He was referring, I believe, to "Guy" being a name. And November the 5th is Guy Fawkes day.
that makes sense now.

Yes i might just have met some stupid people, it just seems that guys arn't as counfertable talking about it as girls are.

Example: *srtgrl* posted in the most beautiful woman thread that she wasn't gay but would be for some girl

I just can't see many guys saying anything like that
Thats Right!

Guy Fawkes.
Guy is an old British male name like James ect.
:D :D :D
Over here they call the dummies they burn on the bonfire guys!
I think the reason you might not hear so many men saying things like that because women are simply far better looking than guys.

Originally posted by Asguard
as long as i don't get cheated on with man, women or GOAT, it dosn't bother me what atracts people


I will never cheat on you with a man or a woman, but the third option sure looks interesting :p
While we at it....

Tolerance turned out to be a good topic, however while we argue our point of little tolerance at some christian posters, we may also ask why is there little "tolerance" of "homo sexuals" by christians?.
There is a thread devoted to this, Asguard this one would be a good one for you to read.

There is a bible verse that says something about men lying with men being a sin, and hence Christians effectively believe they have to persecute homosexuals.

Interestingly enough, (translation: Xev is about to ramble on about pointless matters of Scripture -flee for the exits!)

The Levitical citation merely prohibits a man from taking the 'female' position during sex.

Apparently, 'tis better to give than recieve.

Now, the interesting thing is that (translation:grab your pillows, long ramble ahead) the only reference to lesbians can be found here:

Romans 1:26
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature

I wonder if this would not be an interesting way to get fundie women into bed? (Why you would want to is another question altogether!)

Apparently, lesbianism is forbidden because women's 'natural use' is as sexual objects for men.

So, if one accepts the Biblical prohibition against lesbianism, one must also accept that a woman's 'natural use' is as a sex object, baby factory and nothing more. However, few women in this age would accept such a role, and fewer men could support a woman in such a role.
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Where is this thread and i will read it because im alread posting on TWO gay threads (think they are on gay adoption). I disagree with the catholic churches postion on homosexuals. I also dissagree with the churches position on Contreseption. We were all hoping to get more libral pope when John paul dies but for the moment the cardonal we were hoping to get said he wouldn't do it because he is to old. Pitty because he would have ATLEAST changed the position on contreception
Maybe but we were hoping to get a more libral pope next time because our curent one is conservitive. We all had high hopes for the next one but he came out resently and said he is to old for the job.

I think i got that right, i can never rember because when i think of librals, i think right wing because thats where the libral party is. In this case i ment the oposite of conservitive.