

Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
Why dose EVERYONE here seem to have to bag everyone elses views?

Im not singling out one group here. From what I've read EVERYONE dose it. The Athists bag the Cristans, the Christans bag th athists (so far i havent seen many pagans).

Tolerance is the biggest thing lacking in our world and everywhere else on this site i can find plenty, so why is this bit any different?
Unfortunatly, I have been too busy with finals to 'bag' anyone. Christians included. :(

Okay, that's more depressing than witty.

I haven't noticed much intolerence. People disagree. Disagreement is not only part of life, it is fun!
You are right that dissagreement is good. The reason i posted this is that it seems to be more than that and its spilling over into the feedback area.

Everyone seems to be bagging people. I posted another thread about religon in the genral bit and i got a reply saying that religon is fantsy.

I have no problem with other views but people shouldn't look down on eachother
So, if I claimed that I was caretaker for a stable of unicorns, you would not think that odd?

Somone thinks that religion is fantasy? Bully for them, so do I. People have veiws, they express thier veiws, somtimes they are not nice about it.

That's life.
gess if you want to then go ahead (your opinions would lose respect in my eyes but thats not really important)

Its just a pitty because i like learning about other people religouse views (as well as their views on everything else) and if people are just bagging eachother then people are less likely to post there views and it makes them harder to find even if they do.

Think i will just go back to ethics, politics and free thought were everyone is nicer

The point you make about the Chat thread in the Feedback forum is, indeed, an interesting point. But, truth be told, it's much like the forums in the sense that we can ignore those chatters who offend us.

Tolerance/intolerance is a sticky issue through history. A conservative backlash that swept the United States through the 1990's resulted in a new definition of intolerance, whereby someone was intolerant if they refused to elevate someone to their superior.

I don't necessarily see the tolerance problem in the Chat thread, but I think I see at least what you're getting after. To the other, being that the greatest intolerance we go through regularly is in fact in the religion forum ... well? How many of the most common religions are, in fact, tolerant? And where those religious ideas spill over into politics?

I think intolerance would be demonstrated if Porfiry suddenly began banning users based on the thoughts they express (e.g. for being Christian or Republican or so forth) as opposed to our conduct. In fact, I'm only aware of one conduct-based (posting-based) user ban a couple of years ago, though I've heard rumors of a couple of others. And, in the case I'm thinking of, there was a firestorm of controversy that found the common users of Exosci arguing over the propriety of the ban. Since then, the TOA has been eased and we've been allowed to pretty much sling it out. But judging by the way that one known user ban went down, there's a good number of people presently posting who would not have been allowed to continue posting. We really did used to be considerably more civilized here, but a growing community requires a flexible environment.

As you see, though, Porfiry even tries to let us settle our own conduct problems, and the moderators generally allow us to have at it until someone complains or else it is utterly and irreconcilably out of hand.

I'm all for allowing some of the stupidity we see going on in the forums. To the other, I do feel badly for my fellow posters when petty issues get dragged out, as they are prone to be every now and then. (And I have license to feel badly; after all, I'm usually down in the trench slinging mud with the worst of 'em.) There's a few great examples of that still up on page 1 of the religion forum.

thanx much,
Tiassa :cool:
Oh!! why the heck can't just everyone agree with me?.

Quote: Asguard "Why dose EVERYONE here seem to have to bag everyone elses views?"

If we all agreed with the silliness, and stupidity of some, there wouldn't be any argument.

Unicorns would be kept in barns, blue elephants are gods, the bible would be infalible document, we all be noding our heads in agreement with every silly crap some posters may bring up.

Tony1 would be our priest, Counterbalance our philosopher, Truthseeker our informant of new things, Chris our ethics moderator, "keeping Tony1 in check" and so on...:D

In the words of KalvinB, who has not been around for awhile, is "don't take it personal" You are only been bagged if you take it personal, it's not hard to do, we don't know eachother, we only see words in our computer screen, why get pissed at what everyone is arguing about?, post your opinions, and see who answers, then if you believe you are been bagged, ask the individual to tone it down a bit, and try to make sence of what is been said.
Ok, If thats the way you like it who am i to complaine (i hang around in ethics and politics and stuff, im only here because wet1 told me to have a look). I was mainly comenting on some of the posts on the "please add chat" thread. I didn't really like how people were bagging "KB, T1, TS, ISDAman". I don't even know who some of these people are (i took an intrest because i thought T1 was TI, my GF). i know how it feels to be seriouly abused but if they don't mind then go for it

Perhaps a word of explanation is necessary. Perhaps? Okay, okay ... yeah, a word or two of explanation seem very necessary.
I didn't really like how people were bagging "KB, T1, TS, ISDAman". I don't even know who some of these people are (i took an intrest because i thought T1 was TI, my GF).
Umm ... these names represent KalvinB, Tony1, TruthSeeker, and ISDAman. Personally, I exempt TS from that wrath because while he does seem to get under people's skin, it's not quite as bad as others.

But if I, personally, disapprove of ISDAman, it is because in the past he has advocated violence against children in the name of God. He has, before, baited some of our posters in order to gather material for sermons on his ludicrous website. He generally sticks to his sermons and leaves other topics alone, so I'm not going to criticize him beyond that. But muddying up the water and then hanging the laundry on his website for a sermon was more than a little dishonest.

Tony1 is, in fact, responsible for a good amount of chaos at this site; every now and then you might see one of my posts referring to a more peaceful time when Sciforums was Exosci. (The Exosci url will still lead you here even today.) We had our flare-ups but generally when that happened, it was largely coherent and often relevant to what was going on. Tony1's posting history is interesting. I can't recall him ever starting a topic, and the most part of his posts have nothing to do with the topics being discussed. T1's barrages consist of biblical distortions, anti-Catholicism, and unsubstantiated accusations. His whole purpose here often seems to be to simply needle other posters. Over a year of this, too. Frankly, he deserves whatever wrath people want to pour on him at this website.

TruthSeeker ... I don't have much of a problem with him. Sometimes I wonder about his gray matter, but that's only because of a recent exchange 'twixt us. If you'd like that exemplified, please see my topic For the anti-choice religionists, a scenario from life. Like I said, though, I exempt him from the wrath I might point at T1 or others. It might simply be miscommunication.

KalvinB--what can be said here? Some posters have accused him of simply trolling for hits to his website, and I agree that this possibility has credibility. He has a long history of advocating Christianity, excoriating posters, and even denying that he's Christian. His entire presence here seems to be one of bitter hatred. Though I may eventually come to regret pointing you thus, Asguard, a fine example of what I'm talking about can be found in the False Christians topic. Nobody can figure out what, aside from temper tantrums and insults, his purpose here is.

There are a couple of other posters whose presence here is largely negative, but in the spirit of this topic I won't name them. In fact, twice that I can recall, Christian posters have threatened their debate opponents. In this sense, I find Sciforums to be at least slightly microcosmic of life. It generally doesn't get hostile here except when KB, T1, and a couple of others get into their element. I'd say that G0D's observations in the Chat topic are, in fact, quite on the mark, and speak well against the idea of taking Sciforums into the real-time genre.

But it does seem sometimes that these posters are afraid to allow topics to continue for the intellectual damage they will do to a person's chosen prejudices. Academic discussions of religious points frequently break down when theistic posters load up with vitriol and hold a sentimental line that, often, has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Consider what people say about Christianity, about its nobility, its grace, its forgiving and compassionate nature. You'll find little of that at this website. This, in and of itself, is not the biggest problem, except that the air is thick with such duplicity and scorn.

I don't look at it as intolerance. I see it as posters being sick and tired of putting up with these guys. It's ridiculous. It's shameful. Their presence here serves as a testament to why Christianity should not be allowed. In fact, I've only had one truly good debate with a Christian poster in recent memory (where is MatticiousG?) and it's been months since I've given up on actually communicating with the angry Christians.

And it's quite sad how one-sided the disruptions seem to be. It used to be that our most uncivil poster was a Christian who liked to put censored (@#*$%) blue-streaks into her posts. These days, it's just litanies of scorn from several of them. First T1, then KB, and I've had a few rounds with others. And they go after their fellow faithful, too. (Where has Taken gotten off to?)

Last autumn it got so bad that several topics were devoted to T1, including an editorial cartoon implying homosexuality 'twixt two of our most disruptive Christian-advocate posters. And since that time, everyone in the religion forum seems a little quicker to the draw. Patience has, indeed, worn thin. But that seems to be the way these would-be martyrs want it. Some of our better posters, indeed, have abandoned the site because of the chaos, and that just sucks.

But that's about the best I can put it for you on no sleep. It's not necessarily intolerance that you see in the Chat topic, but rather a pointed observation of an undeniable history. Sure, I might trade a couple of names in and out of that list, but that's beside the point.

It's easy enough to simply ignore, say, Sir Loone, who is generally incoherent and perhaps even hallucinatory. But a couple of the rabble-rousers can write coherent sentences. And occasionally they do have points that either A) are worth considering, or B) require some attention at least.

I mean, it's not as if they're all like Lawdog, advocating the murder of non-Christians, but on the one hand, perhaps if you are acquainted with the nature of these posters perhaps you'd understand G0D's point, and to the other, who knows, you might have some fresh perspective to help us find more civil ways of dealing with this bunch.

However, if you prefer more harmonious and better-thought posts, I can only recommend that you steer about six miles clear of that crew.

thanx much,
Tiassa :cool:

For starters i would just like to say that I am catholic (for the moment, may change when i have herd more about wiccam) and you have been talking to me a lot

I also wonder why you would regret refering ME to that (don't you like me either?)

I have seen a lot of Truthseekers posts in other sections and apart from being a little strange (on the lanuage side) i couldn't see anything wrong with them.

I thought the one post i saw from KalvinB was just stupid (i will check your link) was stupid (it was the time he was posting) and i said so to him because i think that people can only improve if told about the things people disaprove of

Tony1 (who i thought was TI or Tempary_illusion which is the whole reason we are here) i havn't read much of because i don't like wading through huge slabs of quotes

Sir Loone i have only herd of. Aparently he is in love with adam, and adam and Xev have a whole thing about it (actually thats quite funny)

ISDAman i have not herd of so i can't comment
Well i gess i know why you don't like Tony1 or KalvinB if those posts are represinitive. I still dont see a problem with Truthseeker (everyone is entitled to an opinion even if its strange)

I do have a problem with the other guy if what you said about violice against children is true (that IS wrong)

I still dont see a problem with Truthseeker (everyone is entitled to an opinion even if its strange).
Ts represents more in the way of humor than a problem. His excessive enthusiasm for his newly adopted faith has led him to believe he has discovered the secrets of the universe. Combine that with his significant egotism and his questionable intelligence and you have one very confused individual.

But I don’t understand what problem you see here. I agree everyone is entitled to their opinions, but this is a website designed specifically for debate where there are no rules. The value here is that if the opinions have value then that fact will be recognized, equally if the opinions are considered stupid or highly questionable then again those observations will be voiced.

tol•er•ance \"tä-l€-r€ns\ n 1 : the act or practice of tolerating; esp : sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from one's own.

If a serial killer entered your home with the intent to cause you harm, what would be your reaction? Would it be that he is entitled to his practice and although different to your own he must be allowed to kill you for the sake of tolerance?

On the subject of religion there tends to be two extreme opposing views. Unlike other forums where there is often an exchange of ideas, religious debates usually revolve around showing why the other side is wrong. The ideas are usually already well established. This necessarily leads to often very heated debates. Tolerance is specifically of little value in such a debate.

The real issue I see in the religion forum is when the debate descends into personal abuse rather than attacks on the arguments. However, there is often, apparently, little choice since the arguments often revolve around peculiarly personal beliefs.

Those who dislike or can’t deal with that style of debate should not participate in the religion forum.

So while I might have tolerance for the person I have little to no tolerance for their religious beliefs since I believe such beliefs represent real danger to my own chosen lifestyle, just in the same way you are likely to defend yourself against a serial killer.

Does that help.

Tolerance is the biggest thing lacking in our world..
Perhaps. But why would you want to tolerate something that you firmly believe is wrong and represents a danger to your future well-being?


When I typed in "kb, t1....." it was strictly a joke. :) Perhaps you took it more seriously than was intended because you thought temp-illusion was being dissed.

The other names I chose more or less at random. I couldn't think of anyone past kb and t1, so I just used 2 names that came to mind. I never expected that anyone would come foward to suggest that I have anything against any of them ... :D

It's hard to see how that one line classifies as "intolerance". There was no call for silencing anyone, no ad hominem, no name calling, no funky cartoons, etc, etc.

Personally, I never advocate tolerance. I find it too much a platitude. However, since we are on the topic - what did you find intolerant out here? :)

I also wonder why you would regret refering ME to that (don't you like me either?)
Actually, what would cause me to regret it is, in fact, KB. His entry to topics is strange and sometimes suggests that he isn't even viewing the topic but pursuing individual posters. I even pointed that out to him when we were discussing the nature of political cartoons at Sciforums, that he did, in fact leave the topic alone and pursue me when he finally made his appearance in a prior topic that I had cited to from there.

In fact, this whole topic has me wondering when T1, KB, or their primary supporter (unnamed for wisdom's sake) will make their appearances and how civil or otherwise it will be.

Part of the problem these guys create here is that they stir the fury against their positions, and other Christian-advocate posters have taken serious offense at the response they generate. It's all a big mess. But a couple of posters seem to get upset at the amount of wrath those guys take, and are quick to escalate their own posts. It's gotta be hard for them, I admit, watching these guys take flak, but rather than standing up and defending "proper" Xnty. (that is, something less than pure-D crap), they often will jump into the fray at whatever tone the conversation has taken on.

A huge mess. :(

You mentioned Wicca. Interestingly, it was a Catholic arguing on behalf of the "Mother Church" who threatened Wiccans with inquisitory genocide and advocated the murder of non-Christians. While we well understand that each person is an individual ... well, that's why nobody is climbing down your throat at present for noting your Catholicism. We know. We know.

And it always does my heart good to hear of someone considering Wicca. There are, in fact, a couple of Wiccans posting around this site, but the only thing I can comment on is that, while I still maintain a direct relationship with my goddess, I have long set aside actual Wicca because I eventually decided that the imagery of a planetary goddess did not suffice when considering Universal questions. And to that, I have said many times before at Sciforums that the primary reason I never ditched the goddess is that she wasn't offended when I "outgrew" the philosophy. By that, I mean that like any mother, when the scope of her vision and power became inadequate to address my philosophical inquiries into the Universe, she certainly didn't get huffy about it; like a true mother, she can only wish for her children's happiness.

As you'll notice, though, there aren't many Wiccan-centered topics going on here--on the one hand, there's only a few declared pagans running around the board, while to the other we generally find our own answers. It's a symptom of hiding your religion in a society so stained by the Judeo-Christian experience. I think you'll also find that, as you encounter Wiccans in life, you'll find a fairly high rate of waer-loga (warlocks, "oath-breakers" or hypocrites) among the tribe. There are reasons I never joined a coven, for instance. But we can get to all of that in due time.

thanx much,
Tiassa :cool:
tiassa: I have been trying to find info on Wiccam because from what i know of it, there belifs are closer to my inner belifes than the ones i was born to. On what the catholic church did, i would be happy to debate the reasons in my "is religon really so bad thread"

G0D: yes to start with it was because of TI. The reason i posted this was because when i was refered here the posts i found seemed to be personal atacks but then i didn't consider the fact that there might be a reason for that. Just from reading the link that tiassa sent me for KB. The way him and Tony1 had atacked Truthseeker was a descrace.

Cris: I still belive there needs to be more tolerance in the world because lack of it is what causes wars. Just by the way politics could be a direct threat to me (if say they made a law to kill all people with glasses for example) but i prefer to show where someones belifes are wrong rather than atack them (there are lots of different ethics around)
tiassa: I have been trying to find info on Wiccam because from what i know of it, there belifs are closer to my inner belifes than the ones i was born to. On what the catholic church did, i would be happy to debate the reasons in my "is religon really so bad thread"
you may have a look @ it is one of my test-sites, which I made long ago, when playing with frames. There's info on wicca, I gathered. I have never really been wiccan. I'm how do you say: local pagan with scientific beliefs :)eek: I admitted it:D) [no godess here;)] And when on web I first confused paganism for wicca. (I hate when all pagans are named wiccan :p )
Why dose EVERYONE here seem to have to bag everyone elses views
that's what these forums are for:cool: to put facts and beliefs under question and analysis and if someone concludes christianity to be the greatest hoax in 2000 years (now who could tht be:D) it's his conclusion and he has a right to post it. If someone doesn't like it, he may try to disprove tht. ALSO Asguard I looked @ the chat forum and saw nothing so horrific as you said. In fact I have seen bigger bagging than there.
we have to bag eachothers view because if we didn't tis forum would be an extremly dull place and everyone would leave. ;)

we have to bag eachothers view because if we didn't tis forum would be an extremly dull place and everyone would leave.
Right on. A little bit of confrontation adds the spice of emotion.
