Tolerance in Islam .

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if she knows a capable travel agent who will find one for him.

I have had Cox arrange 2 of my "travel agents" especially for you they think they can hook u up with the nice desert u wanted .

Re: If Islam is so tolerant...

Originally posted by croper
..then why is the UK (particularly) and many other countries, swamped with immigrants from Islamic countries?

And why are some muslim countries are swamped by westerners such as saudi arabia, dubai, qatar, oman, malaysia, indonesia ??
Re: Re: Easy

Originally posted by Blackstone
no, its because the verses dj has quoted abrogated the verses syrian clown has quoted...I woner why muslim apologists avoid mentioning this fact? easy...because lieing is ok in this religion if it is in favour of islam.

Really ????????????


Re: Re: If Islam is so tolerant...

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
And why are some muslim countries are swamped by westerners such as saudi arabia, dubai, qatar, oman, malaysia, indonesia ??

I doubt they are living off the state. I think you'll find the vast majority of westerners in such places are working for a living. They certainly haven't fled their countries for fear of being killed, as many of the immigrants that turn up here (UK) have done.

What makes me laugh is the Extremists who live in the UK, preaching hate for the West.

Tell me, Proud_Syrian, how long would I last if I stood in a city centre square in Syria, preaching hate for Islam, or the middle east or whatever. Minutes? Seconds?
Originally posted by Blackstone
a little too Tolerent are we ?

This is really a matter of taste, and what some people find acceptable might not be to you.....It's a free world buddy, announce your Atheism and become a homosexual if you wish, but we implore you not to shove your shit and filth down our throats.
Originally posted by Blackstone
[Band a muslim is the last person to talk about "shoving shit down people's throat" ...and what shit did i shove down people's throat exactly? care to eleborate? [/B]

Have you ever been to an important interview, where someone wrote on your evaluation sheet that you have no personal appeal...? I'm sure that is the story of your life. That's kindda what I'm talking about...You lack appeal and whenever you nose in a subject that is none of your business, you tend to disgust people that do care.
Originally posted by Blackstone
I can say whatever I want and I am not really waiting

Go ahead and be sciforums guest in making a fool of yourself.

But, a little observation, you have a great ability in sending a thread down the drain quickly, and I was hoping that you be a little conscious of some of us that actually enjoy serious debating and butt off those subjects.
Originally posted by Blackstone
keep your are entertaining me.

very well, Then muslims do good afterall, entertaining minimum wage internet cafe workers.

PS. Geeks in the state make combined $300,000 a year, own big houses, change their cars every two years, bypass cairo and head straight to the resorts at the red sea for vacation, and other geeky stuff like that that you won't know anything about.
Originally posted by Blackstone
...I do not ask my parents for money paying for my education like you apparently did in your sorry life before running out of the country...

Two words for you....
* Research fellowship
* Teaching Assistantship = Work in your field =
Cumlaude Status = study for free = Companies fight to hire you.

Work in a cafe = play with the internet = don't do homework = fail your classes = become a permanent minimum wage employee.

But they do require some brain and massive good gene pool, i.e. have anybody in your family ever done anything to advance the science state of the art, or do theh blackstone looser lack of appeal a hereditary problem.

And, by the way, to correct you, I didn't run out sorry ass, I'm second generation American. My parents are US citizens, and I was born in the US and lived in Egypt for a decade of my life......I just select to keep in touch with old roots.

Now go get your prescription drugs that I prescribed earlier and you'll feel all better.

PS. Don't hate me because I can do my job in quarter the time and still have time to respond to your sorry ass. I've always been so efficient.
poor soul, when you remind him of his sorry life, the envy starts......I hope your post count matches your sperm count
Originally posted by Blackstone
it seem that you are mistaking me with your dear husband, did he know yet wich was the guy you got your couple of retards from btw ?

Thank you for the concern, but It's kindda hard to doubt, when they are a split copy of him. He is also so unique that he puts other men to shame, Now, you seem to be a person that is easily mistaken for the milk man or the cafe worker next door.

Now go along and teach your sparce low quality little boys fried by Cairo's pollution how to swim some where else......
it seem that you are mistaking me with your dear husband, did he know yet wich was the guy you got your couple of retards from btw ?


resorting to the type of banal pot shots mostly seen in the playground.

what you are 18-19? Yet nothing to say.

It's the easiest thing, sitting infront of a PC screen, and typing out insults, there are a plethora of morons doing that on this very forum, no balls, no intelligence....and no originality it seems.

Moderator Intervention.

This thread appears to have gone downhill very fast and is no longer producing useful content.

Thread closed.

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