
A deficiency? Dang. I suppose you're right, 'cause I haven't been eating too many veggies these days...
a change in diet or malnutrition will usually cause them to yellow.. or produce ridges or bumps in the nails.... different medications are good at causing that too.
a change in diet or malnutrition will usually cause them to yellow.. or produce ridges or bumps in the nails....
Phew...nothing like that yet. *goes and stuffs a bunch of carrots down*
i know. the big words make it sound scary. i have a little spot on my middle finger right now. it always makes met hing of fingernail leukemia.. "leukonychia" ..LOL
*laughs worriedly* :) I've got one on my middle finger too. Tomorrow I'm going to go to school and ask everyone to take a look at my Leukonychia, and pretend to be shocked at their exposed epidermis. :D Big words rule. :)
Actually, twits, it's only a fetish if both:

A: The use of nonliving objects is repeatedly preferred or exclusive method of achieving sexual excitement.

B: The fetishes are not limited to articles of female clothing used in cross-dressing or to objects designed to be used for sexual stimulation.

In conclusion, anyone who says this discussion is about fetishes does not know their ass from a hole in the ground, which is not an Axis II disorder at all.
Now be nice Xev, besides your definition, where ever you got it from is not strictly correct in a clinical sense.
A: Fetishes can involve the use of a living object or part of a living being such as the feet, hair, breast etc. Some people just prefer to cause it a partialism becuase of the stigma associated with the word fetish. They only become a fetish if they disrupt your life. So, if you like to suck someones toes, say, but can still have a perfectly good relationship, a good social life and a good work life then you really do not have a fetish, you just enjoy another part of your partners body. But if you must see your co-workers feet, go around accosting people and stealing shoes, then you have a fetish and some real problems.

B: Yes fetishes can be used to described a non-sexual object but thats whole different subject altogether and is more related to religon.

Bluesoulrobot: nah I can't but I knew a girl who could. It used to gross me out all the time.

i once had a woman come in who wanted me to put acrylic nails on her.. but one of her fingernails had fallen off.... i ended up gluing on a fake one to her skin. it was the most disgusting thing id ever seen
I'm horrified just reading this.
Archwriter, it's the CLINICAL definition. It's straight from the DSM-III.

Now be nice Xev, besides your definition, where ever you got it from is not strictly correct in a clinical sense.

I need not point out the irony of claiming that the diagnostic standard is not correct in a clinical sense.
Nightfall, is there any way to make them grow faster?
jello, protein, and pre-natal vitamins.... (as well as regular manicures).. oh.. and that annoying way people click their nails on the table.... stimutlates blood flow, so that should getchya somewhere....

make sure you always file your nails tward the middle.. never the otherway or they could become ingrown ETC. :eek: