

Teenaged Transhumanist
Registered Senior Member
Are they superfluous? I mean, if they fall off for some it much of a debility? Has anyone had any fall off before? Whats the skin like underneath? Does it hurt? How long til they grow back, and do they itch while growing back?
They're not superfluous, fingernails are very useful in manipulating objects. And I bet they help prevent infection or something....

And yeah, they can fall off. I had my right pinkie nail fall off when I was younger. It grew back in a few months, and it didn't itch or hurt as it did. The skin underneath is very soft.
Is the skin slimy or wet or anything? Or is it just soft like..butt skin?

How about toenails?
:D I think u have faaaarrrrrrr to much interest in this (IMO). Is this some kind of fetsih u have?? lol Personally (this is a very boring subject but IMO) they are where any unused chemicals taken in from food go i.e. maybe something like phosphourous, is taken by our body and deposited and our fingers/toes end and hence the nails grow. :( im embarassed to even be talking about this lol. what a fascinating subject uve found lol
Embarassed, why? No, i was reading a book and the guy mentioned having good boots and clipped toenails is helpful, and if the nails are too long they hit the front of the boot and turn black and fall off.

Is that phoshorus/waste chems thing true?

No fetish, although i do love painted toenails on girls (i'm male btw) Does that count? :cool:
Fingernails are pretty useful, especially back when they were probably claws, like a dog's. Weird, eh? It's like we're de-evolving, growing weaker bodies instead of better ones.

Anyway, fingernails are tough, so I guess they'll help when your fingers get caught in the door, so the tender ends don't get chopped off. You can use them to pick at things (scabs, orange peels, "other things" :D), and if you grow them long enough, you can menace other people with them. :D

What I don't get (or like) is why people insist on painting their nails. I don't know, they just look so weird to me. Like little blobs of paint at the ends of sticks. And when people don't have nice manicures...blaugh. Painted toenails are the worst, IMO, because toenails aren't that large or nicely shaped, and feet are the ugliest part of the human anatomy (IMO, again), so drawing more attention to them by painting them grosses me out. Plus, you can get all sorts of fungi growing nicely on/under your finger/toenails if you paint them, 'cause no air gets through. :)
Is the skin slimy or wet or anything? Or is it just soft like..butt skin?

It's been years. It was a bit wrinkly, but not slimy or wet. Just very soft.

Like a baby's cheek? Best way to describe.

Is that phoshorus/waste chems thing true?

No, it's not. Here.

And for edification, here is the Kama Sutra on marking and inflicting pain with the fingernails.

On an unrelated note, searching for that link led me to some of the most horrid erotica I have seen in my life.

I think I need to shower. :bugeye:
Painted toenails are the worst
amen to that.
feet are the ugliest part of the human anatomy
I don't know about that, one of the secretaries in our office drives most of the guys wild walking around barefoot. And I must say that she has quite pretty feet. of the secretaries in our office ........
I agree. Even though i have very ugly feet, some women have very nice feet. Also i think it depends it the nature of the nail varnish. Hands look good (imo) and varnish on the feet (toenails) is ok if it is subtle. Nothing that really draws attention to it. Maybe just clear varnish!?? Just to make the nails look tidier and cleaner.

This really is turning into a fetish forum i think. No more posts from me lol :( :rolleyes: :D
Hey, no problem NenarT. :)

I don't know about that, one of the secretaries in our office drives most of the guys wild walking around barefoot.
Gee, isn't that against the dresscode? LIke in Canada, if you walk into a mall without a shirt or shoes, they won't serve you. Maybe that secretary has particular feet problems?

Ugh...feet! Especially when people have varicose veins, blisters, and dry soles. :eek: I like my own feet though, because I'm young (heh heh) and they're 8.5 and narrow. Plus, I can do that funny thing with my pinky toe, moving it without moving the rest of my toes. :D yeah, I'm so talented, I should write that on my resume. :rolleyes: :D

BTW, how are having feet a fetish? :bugeye: Is it because you kick people with them? :D
Gee, isn't that against the dresscode? LIke in Canada, if you walk into a mall without a shirt or shoes, they won't serve you.
Yeah I noticed that in Canada. They seem to have alot of politically correct narky rules like that. Over here in Australia, you can routinely go into stores barefoot and sometimes eateries as well (especially near the beach). I have to agree that its not very nice to be eating lunch and some guy walks in with his big hairy scabby toes hanging all about the place.

Maybe that secretary has particular feet problems?
Well we have about 6 secretaries here that do it all the time.

Plus, I can do that funny thing with my pinky toe, moving it without moving the rest of my toes.
ah yes but can you move your 4th toe without moving the others??

BTW, how are having feet a fetish?
I guess if someone likes to suck your toes, they have a fetish.
Actually, twits, it's only a fetish if both:

A: The use of nonliving objects is repeatedly preferred or exclusive method of achieving sexual excitement.

B: The fetishes are not limited to articles of female clothing used in cross-dressing or to objects designed to be used for sexual stimulation.

In conclusion, anyone who says this discussion is about fetishes does not know their ass from a hole in the ground, which is not an Axis II disorder at all. ;)
When i was a kid i was wrestling around with my brother and a friend, and as i was walking i came down on my right foot with my big toe bent down, and it really hurt my toenail. And then 5 or 10 minutes later i did the same exact thing yet again. Very unusual, and very painful.

Well, in the weeks after i could tell that something unusual was happening. My big toenail "died," and became kinda husky and began protruding away from the skin some. And then eventually some holes began appearing in it, and looking through them i could tell that a new very thin toenail had formed underneath it, and there was a little bit of space between the two.

Eventually i got my fingernail clippers out and cut down the middle of the old toenail, the bottom of it had grown out of the skin by that point. And then i pulled the old toenail out of the skin on each side, which was very painful though i did it fairly slow and took rest periods. :D And that was that. Eventually my new toenail got thicker and it wasn't long before it looked exactly like my old one did.
in all of the pedicures and manicures i ever done.. i've never heard of anything like that. you are lucky.. usually they get black and icky and fall off completely...

i once had a woman come in who wanted me to put acrylic nails on her.. but one of her fingernails had fallen off.... i ended up gluing on a fake one to her skin. it was the most disgusting thing id ever seen... (with hands that is... i could tell some horror-stories about feet)....
After a fingernail or thumbnail comes off (without a new one underneath), is the skin that used to be under the nail very sensitive? And does it stay like that or does it eventually start to feel normal like the rest of your skin?
Once a fingernail or toenail gets air to it, the quick begins to harden. If the old nail has time. the new one will form under it before the old one falls off. The old one will usually be still attached by the skin, which holds it in place. Eventually it will come loose.

Should you lose the nail before the quick has hardened then it will be touchy for a few days until it hardens. It will grow thicker until it replaces the old one. Sometimes an injury will leave a mark in the new nail. Either a white spot, an indentation, maybe even a line under the nail where it never really attaches again. I have such a line under one fingernail where it never really grew back properly. Once in a while I have a boo boo that tears the nail and it will stop at the line. It seems to be thinner at that point. It is just something that happens.
Originally posted by archwriter
I have to agree that its not very nice to be eating lunch and some guy walks in with his big hairy scabby toes hanging all about the place.
Argh, there goes my appetite. :D

ah yes but can you move your 4th toe without moving the others??
Nah, I'm not that special. :) You mean you can actually do that? That's amazing! Is it disconnected or something?

Strange, I've never had my nails fall off, though I find those white spots in my nails sometimes. What are those? And why do they migrate? :bugeye: :D
The white spots are a vitamin/mineral deficiency. I forget which though. Someone else might know