
Humans are instinctively good that’s total BS! Humans are animals, be it smart ones with opposite thumbs and advance language. We abided by the laws of selfish genetics just like all other animals. We breed like animals, we fight like animals and we desire like animals only thinking about our self’s or at the very best our group.
We breed like animals, we fight like animals and we desire like animals only thinking about our self’s or at the very best our group.

Mighten't this be because we are animals?

Good and evil are nothing. Definitions spit from a void, touching nothing and signifying nothing.
Are animals evil? Is the lion who eats the gazelle a murderer? Is the cat that kills the fifth mouse of the hour a fiend? We are animals and humans at the same time, and while the relative stances of good and evil may service us when we consider ourselves human, they become meaningless when we return to our animal roots. There is no good or evil in the humanless world, just action and reaction.

Xev, I love the Shakespeare quote. Which play is it from? I haven't read enough of him, I know more than the average joe...but...meh. I have no idea what Hamlet is about. There's an example of the extent of my knowledge regarding his works. Sure, I know the Tempest, Midsummer Night's Dream, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, but anything else is a complete blank.

Also...Redoubtable, is Hobbes any good? We talk about him a lot in my history class, and the book Leviathan has been mentioned. Is it a readable book, when, say, compared to--I don't know, anything written by Kant?
No, animals are not evil.

Evil and Good, along with a plethora of other human notions, do not exist.


Well, who's to say what any one of 'em really is?

Nobody . . . that's why they don't exist.

Pollux, on Hobbes, well, if you like tedium . . . you'll love his old English ass.
I've only read a couple of Kant's essays, but I suppose that while Kant is comparatively obtuse, Hobbes is . . . precise though drawn out.
Evil and Good, along with a plethora of other human notions, do not exist

Lust seems to be the only one that can be argued succinctly to be truly out there. Mostly because it isn't really a relative emotion.

Pollux, on Hobbes, well, if you like tedium . . . you'll love his old English ass.

Good, good I've been looking for some old english ass for quite some time now. Need to satisfy my Anglophilia, you know.
I think that even lust is rather open to interpretation when you consider how closely entwined it is with that ungodly ideal . . . dare I say it? . . . love!
Arousal and lust are different things. I can become aroused by looking up the Latin/Germanic roots of English words. That doesn't mean I want to fuck them. I'm consistantly 'turned on' by several different musical peices - I don't want to fuck them either.

Lust...the Germans equate it with any strong desire. One might lust for the stars.

Xev, I love the Shakespeare quote. Which play is it from?

Julius Ceaser, I think.

I haven't read enough of him, I know more than the average joe...but...meh. I have no idea what Hamlet is about.

Wanting to kill your father and fuck your mother.

Good, good I've been looking for some old english ass for quite some time now.

I'd stick with rum and the lash - the former will help you understand Hobbes, the latter will much more efficiantly satisfy the impulses that lead you to read him.
Lust is the only universal emotion because everything alive wants something else. Virii want healthy cells. Bacteria want enough food to multiply themselves exponentially. The squirrel wants those acorns. The lion wants the gazelle. The Velociraptor wants the woman with the bouncing breasts. I want that freshman with the hot ass.

Lust drives everything! Yay!
Lust is the only universal emotion because everything alive wants something else. Virii want healthy cells. Bacteria want enough food to multiply themselves exponentially. The squirrel wants those acorns. The lion wants the gazelle. The Velociraptor wants the woman with the bouncing breasts. I want that freshman with the hot ass.

I want the junior with the hot ass. Anyhow, I'm not so sure bacteriums lust for food, considering they have no brain.