To those that don't believe


I'm always me
Valued Senior Member
Are your unbelief based on anger/disappointment/etc... against God or simply because there aren't any facts that unquestionably say He exists.

Maybe it's both?

Why I said "unquestionably say He exist" is because there are facts that may support the idea of God. Though no unquestionable facts that say He exist - cause then we would know them allready.

Give me your reasons, I won't try to convert you, but if I see something that I can answer I will try to. You see, nobody can "convert" someone else, it must come from inside, but people can help the process if someone wants to convert. Also since atheist have alot of arguments against the existance of God that they then have to battle their way through. A long way ahead is a long way to go back.
*very tired*
dont even bother trying to get into an argument about God. It is the most likely thing to lead to long boring arguments, which consist of people's whole posts going:
dull moan.

i dont believe in God because it does not appeal to me ion almost every way. I do not believe in God since i see no reason too.
I believe in the metaphor and the message of God, which is good, just not the popery, ceremony and worship.
just stick to 'love thy neighbour' its a strong enough message without having to put this indescribable being in the way, to cloud the anti-religiousists viewpoint on its teachings.
I belief in the possibilyties of a god or multiple gods. But I don´t know what they do or if they have a purpose. Perhaps they even never did take action. It may also be possible that the gods died at some point. Or they never existed at all. Also, there is possibly no religion on earth that ever was or is able to display the correct idea of a god.
And of course, there are personal opinions involved, so, for an example, even if there is a god, I would not change my way of thinking and living for him just because he´s a higher being. He can go and fuck himself, I don´t care.
If my livestyle brings me to a place like hell, that´s just too bad. At least I lived like I wanted to, and I think I can handle the consequences.
My disbelief centers around the human attributes that God is said to have. Not only human attributes, but specifically - partriarchal humans from the ancient middle east accustomed to having a king. I know that humans make up an extremely small percentage of all the life that ever was, and most life had characteristics very different from ours. From that standpoint, it seems obvious that the idea of God is something we made up, knowing also that people are very imaginative and creative, and probably the only creature yet capable of contemplating their origins.

If God exists, it is an inherent property of all matter, not a separate being, and also rather indifferent to the outcome of an individual life, and probably comes closer to the Chinese concept of the Tao.
"because there are facts that may support the idea of God"

And these would be?

"Give me your reasons, I won't try to convert you, but if I see something that I can answer I will try to. You see, nobody can "convert" someone else, it must come from inside, but people can help the process if someone wants to convert. Also since atheist have alot of arguments against the existance of God that they then have to battle their way through. A long way ahead is a long way to go back. "

The sheer arrogance of this paragraph is nauseating. Turn the words around and see how they sound to you. Remember that to think with reason and be an atheist, it must come from the inside. :)

My reason is the lack of any evidence to suggest anything supernatural. To which you will reply 'supernatual' entities of course have no evidence, etc. ad nauseum.
thats not a
dull moan (+smiley = worse)

structure is it?????

and after only FOUR replies!!!!!!!!!!!!! stunning *stunned*
Cyperium said:
Are your unbelief based on anger/disappointment/etc... against God or simply because there aren't any facts that unquestionably say He exists.

Maybe it's both?

Why I said "unquestionably say He exist" is because there are facts that may support the idea of God. Though no unquestionable facts that say He exist - cause then we would know them allready.

Give me your reasons, I won't try to convert you, but if I see something that I can answer I will try to. You see, nobody can "convert" someone else, it must come from inside, but people can help the process if someone wants to convert. Also since atheist have alot of arguments against the existance of God that they then have to battle their way through. A long way ahead is a long way to go back.

Maybe god does exist, but tell me......why does Jerry Faldwell have to get so rich workin' for him? Why wont he get on welfare like I did.
Letter from GOD

Logically Unsound said:
*very tired*
dont even bother trying to get into an argument about God. It is the most likely thing to lead to long boring arguments, which consist of people's whole posts going:
dull moan.

i dont believe in God because it does not appeal to me ion almost every way. I do not believe in God since i see no reason too.
I believe in the metaphor and the message of God, which is good, just not the popery, ceremony and worship.
just stick to 'love thy neighbour' its a strong enough message without having to put this indescribable being in the way, to cloud the anti-religiousists viewpoint on its teachings.

Dear Logicall Unsound,

This is GOD. How are you? Anyway, I am very pissed...I mean,... upset about the things that you are saying about me. You see Logically,... I'm not supposed to appeal to you! Britney Spear's is supposed to appeal to you! A big fish with cheese for a dollar on Friday at Burger King is supposed to appeal to you! J-Lo's big booty is supposed to appeal to you! But GOD, I'm not here to simply... appeal to You! And Just for that buddy I'm refurbishing hell into an Abu Graib style facility and hiring white trash to run it, and guess what! We got a cot ready for ya!

Sincerely Yours,

The Father, The son, and The Holy Ghost :D
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frankly i dont give a shit what god thinks.
if it were roman times id be careful, cause the gods they had bout dem times were wicked, money. but nowatimes, you got dis punk puss god all up in ma face goin 'obey me btch' and im like *waves hand* 'your like such a complete coward. and hes like' well remember sodom' and im like 'go sodom yuself foo'' and he backs off cause he knows im a playa'.
Logically Unsound said:
thats not a
dull moan (+smiley = worse)

structure is it?????

and after only FOUR replies!!!!!!!!!!!!! stunning *stunned*

The part I hate most is the smiley face. Nothing could be more saracastic. :)
Are your unbelief based on anger/disappointment/etc... against God or simply because there aren't any facts that unquestionably say He exists.
Maybe it's both?
The 1st part is quite the opposite for me, im simply happier without a belief in god, and the second part theres no facts either way, its an idea that doesnt have any logic behind it, and rather than say 'i dont know' it has to have an explanation for everything(because its from god) and when the explanation is wrong then someone thinks of an excuse why, all original holy texts were clearly written by a man as he just wouldnt admit he didnt know the answer to some things and logic didnt come into it.
Why I said "unquestionably say He exist" is because there are facts that may support the idea of God. Though no unquestionable facts that say He exist - cause then we would know them allready.
Correct and there are facts that support the idea that he doesnt exist, theres no definitive answer either way, religion is based on faith, atheism is supposedly based on logic against that faith.
But to be honest does anyone really care anymore? We will never all have the same beliefs lets just let everyone get on with it, nobody needs 'saving' except maybe from themselves, but thats for them to decide and work out.
Cyperium said:
Are your unbelief based on anger/disappointment/etc... against God or simply because there aren't any facts that unquestionably say He exists.
It doesn't really matter if 'he' exists. One day I'll die and find out, or I'll just die.

My arguments against religion are against religion. I don't argue against the idea of God most times. Very simply, many people base their beliefs on their relgion. Religious ideals are generally unfounded, unsupportable, and/or outdated... yet people keep using them. Hell, some people still believe the flat earth is the center of the solar system.

Most people seem to realize that their religion isn't always right... but then there are the rest of em'...
Cyperium said:
Are your unbelief based on anger/disappointment/etc... against God or simply because there aren't any facts that unquestionably say He exists.
Is the above sentence the result of a Christian education?

A suggestion: write a coherent sentence explaining why you don't believe in Pixies.
What? Pixies were made by god, weren´t they. Pleaseeeee say yes :(

If I´ll ever meet god, I think I´ll kick him in the balls and spit in his face, just for the hell of it.
Cyperium said:
Are your unbelief based on anger/disappointment/etc... against God or simply because there aren't any facts that unquestionably say He exists.
Oh dear, this is the result of a religious education isn't it? Is that why they told you people don't believe in god? Because they are angry or disappointed? To be angry or disappointed in god you need to think there is one to be angry and disappointed in, AND you need to think you are entitled to things from him, so naturally atheists are not angry or disappointed at god. I think its silly that you should suggest reasons like this as explanation for why people disbelieve in god, as if we secretly believe in him but are in a funk or something. I guess whoever tried to explain atheism to you didn't really want you to think there were folks who actually looked at the issue rationally and actually decided there was nothing to suggest the existence of god over an infinite array of other cosmic architectures.

Why are religious folks so hung up on atheists? We only disbelieve one more religion than any of you do!
SaddamnYouALL! said:
Sincerely Yours,

The Father, The son, and The Holy Ghost :D
now that you are here,
I want to know,
which one of you knocked up Mary? :D