To Satan

All Satan ever did was offer knowledge. All God ever did (other than millions of evil things) was convince us that ignorance and faith is better than knowledge. I'll stick with my knowledge thank you very much.
You have choosen the path of the Dark one so you are condemened to hell which means your EVIL!!:bugeye:

The logic that because you think for your self, you deserve to be tormented for eternity. Is well beyond me.

Warning:pB&J sandwich eating is hazardous to your grammer
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Lol, look at what... you! wrote. it mak noo sencce, at, all..!

I managed to decipher it, but it gets tiring.
Gospel is dripping with blood,
The blood of disciples who died for the Truth,
This Holy Ghost Gospel is dripping with blood.

The first one to die for this Holy Ghost plan,
Was John the Baptist but he died like a man;
Then came the Lord Jesus, they crucified Him,
He preached that the spirit would save men from sin.

There's Peter and Paul,and John the divine,
They gave up their lives so this Gospel could shine;
They mingled their blood, like the prophets of old,
So the true Word of God could honest be told.

Then they stoned Stephen, he preached against sin,
He made thems so angry, they dashed his head in;
But he died in the Spirit, he gave up the ghost,
And went to join the others, that life-giving host.

It keeps dripping with blood, yes, it's dripping with blood,
This Holy Ghost gospel is dripping with blood,,
The blood of disciples who died for the Truth,
This Holy Ghost Gospel keeps dripping with blood.

Listen! There's souls under the altar, is crying, "How long?"
For the Lord to punish those who've done wrong;
But there's going to be more who'll give their life's blood
For this Holy Ghost Gospel with its crimson flood.

author- don't know
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
I thought that he was half goat?!:bugeye:
poor christians took the image of Satan from the Greek god Pan

Inkubus Sukkubus - Io Pan

Great god of all mankind, of nature and of lust
Of the future yet untold and nations in the dust
From an age of wood and stone, through bronze, iron and steel
In the forests and in the trees and in both man and beast
For a hundred-thousand years and onto the future days
He’s the earth, he’s the sky and he’s the solar blaze
Io Pan! God of death and all creation
Io Pan! God of lust and of nature
Great god of the internet, his web around the earth
In every city in every land, across the whole wide world
Pan, Herne, Cernunnos, Lord of the Sacred Flame
But to the Christian fools Satan is his name
Angel of the Seraphim, they dread him more than death
And they wait for apocalypse, they wait with bated breath
Io Pan! God of death and all creation
Io Pan! God of lust and of nature
Io Pan! God of all that stands before us
Io Pan! God of light and god of darkness
Great god of the wild hunt, speed us to the prey
To the game, to the stars, speed us all the way
Guide for me my axe of flint and let my aim be true
Lord of darkness, Lord of light, lead us to the truth
Great god of the Universe give me my heart’s desire
Give to me the gift of flight and your eternal fire
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poor christians took the image of Satan from the Greek god Pan

Avatar, it was a joke. I wonder what Satan does look like. He was suppose to be the most beautiful angel ever. So one could imagine how good he/she looks.
"You are the most evil, illogical twisted being I have ever ran across and from that moment I only desired to kill you."

Gee, that sure sounds like somebody is posessed by Satan... to kill Satan!

I mean, come on! If you're really so against Satan, and he's such an evil mean bastard, then you wouldn't want to kill him. That's just the kind of thing you would think he thinks you think he wants you to think he does think!

Thanks for the bad so I can appreciate the good.


Thanks for the illusion of Satan.
Dear Satan,

I understand that it is power that you crave and so the beginning of the end came for you when you started to put others down and use physical force to make your way through the world. You wondered at the power you had and wielded this like a great sword however the more power you gained, the more people looked to you for answers and guidance and in your stupidity knew how little you actually knew and so became scared of your own power and began to renounce it by abusing it and therefore those around you.
If you look to God again he will show you the way and if you decide to only ever be a servant of God you will never have ultimate power and control again so there will be no need to fear. If you feel a bit lost then look for God again however you must never lose sight of him. God can and will show you the way, if you let him,


Dear God,

I love you :D lol

This is my last letter. I'm sick of writing them. After all, you already know what I'm going to say, don't you? Yet you want to hear me say it.

Well, you know the situation. I waited. You didn't come. I waited longer. you didn't come. everyone keeps saying you're gonna come. He promised. He's coming. guess what? i don't have time to build fires in the park, churches in the wilderness if you're not coming. I no longer expect you and i'm not waiting any longer.

Say i'm lost. well, you lost me. That's your loss.

Mr. One-way Relationship, Prayer is talking to a wall. I'm sorry, but I never got anything out of it. I'd rather climb the wall than pray to it. Climbing is much more rewarding.

Oh, i know what you would say.
Pride got in the way.
My heart is smaller than my head.

that's good stuff, it really is. but, you know, I know, I can't stick around waiting for my heart to change. aren't you the one who's supposed to change hearts? well, get here and change it. that was all i was ever asking for.

I refuse to be helpless and call on you again. Oh, that day may come, sure enough. But even then, should I expect you to come in all your glory? No, I think not.

You want me to give up thinking, give up doubting. it's not likely. you want me to be you and that's the worst thing a parent can require of their children.

Show yourself! God of Glory, Love and Comfort, show yourself. I don't see you. You don't speak. You don't show up.

Sorry, I will not have a relationship with an idea I believe in but can't converse with. I can't do it. You gave me too much wisdom and intelligence for that.

Furthermore, you should know that I'm extremely bitter and angry with you. But you know me, I'm an understanding and forgiving fellow. I'm sure if you came around, I'd light up like oil fields in the night.

That's all I'm asking for. Come around.

Until then,


P.S. I loved you.


What's up, brotha wing-man???!!!! I saw this shitty movie last night, but they had this guy masquerading around as you---he was the best part!

anyway, I'm looking forward to this weekend. See ya there!!! I expect you'll be there first. After all, you always are!!! Put a good word in for me with the ladies before i come, eh!

ciao for now,

I mean, come on! If you're really so against Satan, and he's such an evil mean bastard, then you wouldn't want to kill him.

** Evil is a understatement
The only way to kill satan is to quash the existence of evil. To deny the existence of evil denies the existence of Satan: Satan is not a red guy with horns but the personification of pure evil.
To God

Thank you for waking me this day and help me to learn how to pray.
I take responsibility for my actions and realize the devil didn't make me do
anything, yet he was there to entice me.
Realizing now it was a test, I failed misearbly, the price my soul I waged, had not you rescued me speedily at the will of the devil I would be this day.
Thank you for not forsaking me. Lord don't give up on me. Please forgive me for cursing Eve, I realized I would have failed as well and if you can forgive her Who am I?
I thank you for allowing me to see supernatural things and I do look forward to exploring your great universe. Well I most go now and I'll try to behave. Amen

Empty Dragon,
Falling under the power of Satan does not make anyone evil. It makes someone need salvation, but who doesn't. Christians too easily fall into the trap of alienating people in the name of "righteousness" or whatever. The Bible tells us not to condemn. Jesus did not come for us who believe, but for those who don't believe.

Mark 2:17
On hearing this, Jesus said to them, It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.