To Saquist..

Valued Senior Member

Seemingly the thread we were talking in has actually vanished. If I remember correctly it was the Denke thread and we all know what a freakasaurus he is so it's of no surprise :)

Anyway, if you're upto it I would like to sorta continue where we are at.

You stated that we are in the 7th day. You went on to assert that genesis uses a different method of timescale or something.

Anyway, I would appreciate it if you would explain. Thanks.
I'd hate to presume that I can speak for most people, kindly fill me in on the details just to prevent me making an error.

I think the idea that the Earth was created in 6 24-hour periods is nonsense.

What do you think about that?
What do you think about the idea that the Earth was created in 6 days (six 24 hour periods)

To me the idea would seem somewhat understandable for an advanced alien species terraforming a planet - It will take some work. If we're talking some all powerful god entity I would have thought 6 gazillionths of a nanosecond would be sufficient.

From a biblical perspective it took 6 days and required a rest at the end.
If God created the earth then why not take the bibles word for it that he did it in 6 days ?
If God created the earth then why not take the bibles word for it that he did it in 6 days ?

according to the bible he did create the world in 6 days because on the 7th day he rested which is why sunday is suppose to be the day of rest (LOL)
according to the bible he did create the world in 6 days because on the 7th day he rested which is why sunday is suppose to be the day of rest (LOL)

Yes i agree, but Saquist here says it isnt so.

Personally im with Snakelord on this:
Snakelord said:
To me the idea would seem somewhat understandable for an advanced alien species terraforming a planet - It will take some work. If we're talking some all powerful god entity I would have thought 6 gazillionths of a nanosecond would be sufficient.
To me the idea would seem somewhat understandable for an advanced alien species terraforming a planet - It will take some work. If we're talking some all powerful god entity I would have thought 6 gazillionths of a nanosecond would be sufficient.

From a biblical perspective it took 6 days and required a rest at the end.

And on the 8th day, God turnith to his client and spaketh, "That will be tree-fitty."

The whole "7th day being Sunday" sadly results from uninformed chauvinism; the Jewish calender was sufficiently different from ours. In fact, their calender started on Sunday, meaning the Sabbath would have actually been on Saturday.

But all of this is meaningless drivel anyway, who cares really? The Sabbath is about as useless of a religious tool as fasting (Jesus didn't even respect it). I've heard several interpretations of these "days" as symbolic and they supposedly represent much greater lengths of time than our "days". This is supported (weakly) by sparse verses here and there (2 Peter 3:8,10; Ezekiel 4:4-6). These verses nicely clean up some early contradictions (i.e. God: "If you eat of the tree, this day you will surely die."...and Adam was kicked out, not dead that very day. Well now a day constitutes as 1000 years, so He is all of a sudden right on as usual). Sounds like somebody can't pick up on figurative language.

Speaking of figurative language, there is another view; that the Sabbath isn't a period of 24 hours that is magically more pious than any other set of hours, but a state of spirituality in relation to God, as are all the other "days". This interpretation recognizes the absurdity of the literal words of the Bible, and so cloaks it in a shroud of metaphor (as if this is somehow better). Some are ambitious enough to play theological connect-the-dots to such an extent that they claim the first chapter of Genesis is actually a microcosm of all of time (which also nicely piffles the contradictory and adjacent two accounts of creation in Genesis); the seventh day a day of "rest" because by this time, Jesus has returned (once again, not literally, but spiritually in his people to such an extend that you might as well be looking at a physical Jesus) and the Earth experiences a Golden Age of revelation and harmony with God.

Of course, I don't buy into any of that either :D

To me the idea would seem somewhat understandable for an advanced alien species terraforming a planet - It will take some work. If we're talking some all powerful god entity I would have thought 6 gazillionths of a nanosecond would be sufficient.

From a biblical perspective it took 6 days and required a rest at the end.

Instrestingly enough the Bible says it took 6 Days and then it says it took one day.

Were they 24 hour periods?
Infact if you were to go by the litteral each period was half a day.
You should search my Genesis thread which expalins this in detail.

There are many misconceptions about what Genesis is saying...
I've heard several interpretations of these "days" as symbolic and they supposedly represent much greater lengths of time than our "days". This is supported (weakly) by sparse verses here and there (2 Peter 3:8,10; Ezekiel 4:4-6). These verses nicely clean up some early contradictions (i.e. God: "If you eat of the tree, this day you will surely die."...and Adam was kicked out, not dead that very day. Well now a day constitutes as 1000 years, so He is all of a sudden right on as usual). Sounds like somebody can't pick up on figurative language.

Aye, this is what I was waiting to hear Saquist say. He hasn't said it yet so I've gotta wait :)
Aye, this is what I was waiting to hear Saquist say. He hasn't said it yet so I've gotta wait :)

If i understand correctly Saquist said in another thread that each day constitutes as 1000 years ?
Then saying that Adam would die that day means nothing more then if i said "you are going to die this millenium". Hell of a prediction :bugeye:
If i understand correctly Saquist said in another thread that each day constitutes as 1000 years ?
Then saying that Adam would die that day means nothing more then if i said "you are going to die this millenium". Hell of a prediction :bugeye:

He hadn't yet fully developed his prophecy skills, give him a break. You gotta start somewhere.

The serpent on the other hand...pwned that n00b.

I'm sure this has been posted before and I don't think it's entirely relevant but it's funny as hell.
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