To prove God not existing, atheists conflate God with invisible unicorns.

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Pachomius said:
Now, what is your information of the concept of God?
From my part, my concept of God is that He is the creator and operator of the universe and everything with a beginning.
From Seattle
I don't have a concept of God since I don't have an evidence for God. Any "concept" of God which any evidence for God would just be whatever story someone (anyone) who believes in such a concept has made up.

Whoever wrote the story about "Superman" decided that he can fly using a cape. I can't give you my "concept" of Superman unless you are just asking me if I've read the story.

In that case you wouldn't need my "concept" as it wouldn't matter. Just read the story.

Seattle, Yesterday at 11:59 AM #612​

Dear Seattle, I am asking you to present your information of the concept of God at least from you stock information of English vocabulary; I am not asking you about what you know or what you don't know: so, please do not anymore keep repeating "I [you] don't know" when you write in this thread, I want to talk with people who know, not people who don't know, at least people who know from their stock vocabulary meanings of words they are using.

Read again my request to you:
Pachomius said:
Now, what is your information of the concept of God?​

So, dear Seattle, please just search into your stock English vocabulary and present your information on the concept of God in your stock English vocabulary.
Pachomius said:
Now, what is your information of the concept of God?
From my part, my concept of God is that He is the creator and operator of the universe and everything with a beginning.
From Seattle
I don't have a concept of God since I don't have an evidence for God. Any "concept" of God which any evidence for God would just be whatever story someone (anyone) who believes in such a concept has made up.

Whoever wrote the story about "Superman" decided that he can fly using a cape. I can't give you my "concept" of Superman unless you are just asking me if I've read the story.

In that case you wouldn't need my "concept" as it wouldn't matter. Just read the story.

Seattle, Yesterday at 11:59 AM #612​
Dear Seattle, I am asking you to present your information of the concept of God at least from you stock information of English vocabulary; I am not asking you about what you know or what you don't know: so, please do not anymore keep repeating "I [you] don't know" when you write in this thread, I want to talk with people who know, not people who don't know, at least people who know from their stock vocabulary meanings of words they are using.

Read again my request to you:
Pachomius said:
Now, what is your information of the concept of God?​

So, dear Seattle, please just search into your stock English vocabulary and present your information on the concept of God in your stock English vocabulary.

You don't need me if all you want is what is in the dictionary. You already know what is in the dictionary for the various definitions of the various gods.

You also want someone who "knows" what God is but only the religious "know" what God is. The non-believers can't "know" what the concept of God is when they don't think there is a God.

I have a "concept" of dinosaurs even though they don't currently exist because they did actually exist. That's the only reason I have a concept of dinosaurs.

I don't have a concept of God or of unicorns or of ghosts.

This thread has gone on long enough without accomplishing anything so I'll end here.
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...present your information of the concept of God​

My early Sunday school concept of God;;; an old man who was the father of Jesus an was always watchin us... lived in the sky (heaven) an put all the animals on a boat so they woudnt drown... an when people died they got to live wit him up in the clouds (heaven).!!!

Now i see Bible God as a monster.!!!
Do you thank some people will have a beter afterlife than others.???

It will depend on the individual. Some will find it difficult due to the sins they've committed. and all of a sudden realise that there was a God after all. At this stage I think they will have to thank Christ for basically excusing all sinners.

Luke 23:33-35King James Version (KJV)

33 And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left.

34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.

35 And the people stood beholding. And the rulers also with them derided him, saying, He saved others; let him save himself, if he be Christ, the chosen of God.
How can there be two different answers? Aren't you both of the same religion? Is one of you wrong? How are we to distinguish which answer is correct without any evidence one way or the other?

I agree, the afterlife will be harder for some people to cope with, so yes it will defo be better for some people.
I agree, the afterlife will be harder for some people to cope with, so yes it will defo be better for some people.
Thank you, but that did nothing to answer my questions...

It will depend on the individual.
How can there be two different answers? Aren't you both of the same religion? Is one of you wrong? How are we to distinguish which answer is correct without any evidence one way or the other?
Help me out here...
He said "Definitely", and I agree, I simply elaborated on what he said.
But why? Why are some people "more worthy" of eternal happiness while others... well, not so much?

One question has always bothered me - what about the people that have never been exposed to the gospel through outreach? What happens to them? They never even had the chance to choose to accept Christ - what is their afterlife like?
Some will find it difficult due to the sins they've committed. and all of a sudden realise that there was a God after all. At this stage I think they will have to thank Christ for basically excusing all sinners.

Ok... so when people wake up after bein dead an then realize that God is real... they just need to thank Christ an then they will have a good afterlife.???
But why? Why are some people "more worthy" of eternal happiness while others... well, not so much?

One question has always bothered me - what about the people that have never been exposed to the gospel through outreach? What happens to them? They never even had the chance to choose to accept Christ - what is their afterlife like?

I never said "more worthy" what I'm saying is is that a lot of people are going to be on their knees when they discover that God was real all along, while others(the believers) will be worshipping night and day and they'll love it.

It doesn't matter if some tribe haven't heard of Him, Luke 23:33-35 still applies to them.
...a lot of people are going to be on their knees when they discover that God was real all along, while others(the believers) will be worshipping night and day and they'll love it.

Will the believers in heaven still have free-will an be tempted to sin.???
It doesn't matter if some tribe haven't heard of Him, Luke 23:33-35 still applies to them.

Yes... those who have never been taut to believe that Jesus is ther savior get a free pass to heaven... so to guarantee that you'r children make it to heaven try an get a Muslim family to adopt them very early on.!!!
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