To prove God not existing, atheists conflate God with invisible unicorns.

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To Spidergoat:

How is your information about virtual particles and radioactive decay, both of them I understand from you that they are popping in and out of existence without a cause, how are they relevant to the issue of God existing in concept the creator and operator of the universe and everything with a beginning?

Spidergoat, Wednesday at 2:13 AM Post #200
I can give examples of this. So called virtual particle pairs arise with no apparent cause in the vacuum of space. Radioactive decay also seems to occur with no cause. So yes, the science shows that not everything with a beginning has a cause, at least not for quantum scale events.

Spidergoat, yesterday at 12:08 PM Post #217
The issue with anything at the quantum scale is that ordinary measurement is impossible. That is to say, unlike one's nose, measuring such a particle necessarily changes it. All we can say is that virtual particles seem to work as a means for calculating particle interactions. The only difference between a virtual particle and a real one is duration. The standard of being as real as the nose on your face may be inappropriate. If you feel that this is unreasonable, I will withdraw the example and instead emphasize the causelessness of radioactive decay.​
How is this relevant to God? It provides a reasonable naturalistic explanation, if not a confirmed one, for the universe. Naturalistic explanations always have preference over supernatural ones, since nothing supernatural has yet been shown to exist.
Dear Spidergoat, you say:

Naturalistic explanations always have preference over supernatural ones, since nothing supernatural has yet been shown to exist.​

You bring in two terms which I like us to dialog on in order that we will have a concurred on understanding of their concepts.

Tell me, as you are the one bringing in the terms:

Natural explanations ... supernatural ones,

I invite you to tell me and readers here what is your understanding of the two terms above insofar as they are concepts.

So, when you reply to this post from yours truly, please present your understanding of the concepts in these three terms:

Natural explanation
Supernatural explanation

And give an example of each.

Annex [Post #221 from Spidergoat]

Pachomius said:

To Spidergoat:

How is your information about virtual particles and radioactive decay, both of them I understand from you that they are popping in and out of existence without a cause, how are they relevant to the issue of God existing in concept the creator and operator of the universe and everything with a beginning?

Spidergoat, Wednesday at 2:13 AM Post #200
I can give examples of this. So called virtual particle pairs arise with no apparent cause in the vacuum of space. Radioactive decay also seems to occur with no cause. So yes, the science shows that not everything with a beginning has a cause, at least not for quantum scale events.

Spidergoat, yesterday at 12:08 PM Post #217
The issue with anything at the quantum scale is that ordinary measurement is impossible. That is to say, unlike one's nose, measuring such a particle necessarily changes it. All we can say is that virtual particles seem to work as a means for calculating particle interactions. The only difference between a virtual particle and a real one is duration. The standard of being as real as the nose on your face may be inappropriate. If you feel that this is unreasonable, I will withdraw the example and instead emphasize the causelessness of radioactive decay.?​

How is this relevant to God? It provides a reasonable naturalistic explanation, if not a confirmed one, for the universe. Naturalistic explanations always have preference over supernatural ones, since nothing supernatural has yet been shown to exist.

spidergoat, Yesterday at 9:03 PM Post #221
Natural explanation..."Evolution" which, like all science, is based on presented a hypothesis that can be falsified and where so far all tests have not been able to falsify the hypothesis.

Supernatural explanation..."God did it" where there is no evidence for there being a "God" and where there is no hypothesis involved which could be falsified.
Thanks Seattle for your reply, but I was expecting Spidergoat to continue with me on our dialog; anyway, we may also you and I talk about the concepts of explanation, natural explanation, and supernatural explanation.

Now, I notice that you have not given your write-up on what is your concept of explanation, and also your write-ups on natural explanation and supernatural explanation; you do not tell readers what they are but you only give narrative accounts; please tell readers what they are, all three terms:

natural explanation
supernatural explanation

insofar as they are concepts.

Like this: for example if I were to give my concept of God, I would say that

God in concept is the creator and operator of the universe and everything with a beginning.

You do notice that I specify what is God, namely,

that [in concept] He is the creator and operator of the universe and everything with a beginning.

Now, another example, if I were to define my concept of what in concept is a sentence, I would say:

Sentence: in concept a sentence is an assembly of words indicating a thought.

So, first you have to tell readers, when you define the concept of something, what it is -- before anything else of a narrative orientation.

Do you get the idea?

First, you and I -- and I expect Spidergoat to return to our dialog, first we must be systematic in our exchange of views, that means first we concur on the concept of a thing we are determining whether it exists in objective reality or not, then when we have achieved concurrence on the concept of the thing, we proceed to look for it in concrete actual objective reality, namely, the concrete actual objective real thing that corresponds to our concept of it.

Do you get what I am trying to tell you?

If you have another idea on how to do systematic exchange of views on the existence of something, then you tell me: so that I will see whether I can concur with you on your idea on how to get to conclude on the existence of something to exist or not in concrete actual objective reality.

So, when you reply to this post from me, tell me what are your concepts of explanation, natural explanation, supernatural explanation, or you tell me how to engage in an exchange on the existence or non-existence of something in concrete actual objective reality.


From Seattle

Natural explanation..."Evolution" which, like all science, is based on presented a hypothesis that can be falsified and where so far all tests have not been able to falsify the hypothesis.

Supernatural explanation..."God did it" where there is no evidence for there being a "God" and where there is no hypothesis involved which could be falsified.

Seattle, Yesterday at 12:59 PM Post #223

From Pachomius

Dear Spidergoat, you say:

Naturalistic explanations always have preference over supernatural ones, since nothing supernatural has yet been shown to exist.​

You bring in two terms which I like us to dialog on in order that we will have a concurred on understanding of their concepts.

Tell me, as you are the one bringing in the terms:

Natural explanations ... supernatural ones,

I invite you to tell me and readers here what is your understanding of the two terms above insofar as they are concepts.

So, when you reply to this post from yours truly, please present your understanding of the concepts in these three terms:

Natural explanation
Supernatural explanation

And give an example of each.

Pachomius, Yesterday at 4:07 AM Post #222

Annex [Post #221 from Spidergoat]

Pachomius said:

To Spidergoat:

How is your information about virtual particles and radioactive decay, both of them I understand from you that they are popping in and out of existence without a cause, how are they relevant to the issue of God existing in concept the creator and operator of the universe and everything with a beginning?

Spidergoat, Wednesday at 2:13 AM Post #200
I can give examples of this. So called virtual particle pairs arise with no apparent cause in the vacuum of space. Radioactive decay also seems to occur with no cause. So yes, the science shows that not everything with a beginning has a cause, at least not for quantum scale events.

Spidergoat, yesterday at 12:08 PM Post #217
The issue with anything at the quantum scale is that ordinary measurement is impossible. That is to say, unlike one's nose, measuring such a particle necessarily changes it. All we can say is that virtual particles seem to work as a means for calculating particle interactions. The only difference between a virtual particle and a real one is duration. The standard of being as real as the nose on your face may be inappropriate. If you feel that this is unreasonable, I will withdraw the example and instead emphasize the causelessness of radioactive decay.?

How is this relevant to God? It provides a reasonable naturalistic explanation, if not a confirmed one, for the universe. Naturalistic explanations always have preference over supernatural ones, since nothing supernatural has yet been shown to exist.

spidergoat, Yesterday at 9:03 PM Post #221

According to Spidergoat, an example of something having a beginning but without a cause are virtual particles popping in and out of nothing without a cause.

But he has evidently chosen to no longer take part in dialog with me, and I tend to think that when it comes to concepts, he and atheists generally are very deficient; they can spin webs of deep sounding ideas on manipulation of math, but grounded on a very thin gruel of empirical data.

And when they are requested to present the concepts of these ideas, they are at a loss, because these ideas purely in their minds are not solidly founded on facts and logic: facts from the concrete actual factual objective world of reality outside their mind, and logic by which science and technology make sense, and produce inventions to make life most livable for mankind and enjoyable.

So, what are their ideas good for? Science fiction.
What empirical data is there on the side of the theist? Absolutely nothing.

To answer your question, I'm not even sure what supernatural is. Is it magic? Your argument has been flawed from the beginning, as I pointed out a long time ago. No one knows if the universe began, and even if it did, it doesn't prove that your definition of God applies. A naturalistic explanation is one that doesn't invoke magic, only known material phenomenon. I don't even need to show an example of something that began with no cause. So what if everything has a cause, you would still have to show that that cause is and can only be a God.
You said yourself, science leads to technology, the proof of it's effectiveness. What empirical method are you using? Fiction and faith apparently.
How do theists come up with specific beliefs from an unknowable God? It's one thing to make up God in the first place but then to pretend to know every detail of what "he" wants and is thinking is something else.

"I know there is a God because I have a warm feeling that can only come from God....and I also know his position on sex, food, marriage, praying, football,..." :)

It's like measuring the width of a table with a wooden ruler and listing the width as 12.322352123593 inches. The implication is that you took a very precise measurement but your tool isn't capable of that so everything after the .3 is nonsense.

Just "knowing' that there is a God is delusional but pretending to know more than that is just nonsense.
How do theists come up with specific beliefs from an unknowable God? It's one thing to make up God in the first place but then to pretend to know every detail of what "he" wants and is thinking is something else.

"I know there is a God because I have a warm feeling that can only come from God....and I also know his position on sex, food, marriage, praying, football,..." :)

It's like measuring the width of a table with a wooden ruler and listing the width as 12.322352123593 inches. The implication is that you took a very precise measurement but your tool isn't capable of that so everything after the .3 is nonsense.

Just "knowing' that there is a God is delusional but pretending to know more than that is just nonsense.

How do they think they know there is 1 but ONLY 1 rather than 33 gods. How do they think they know their god will never change its mind & put everyone in heaven or everyone in hell. How do they think they know their god cannot lie to them.
All the nonsense is part of their delusion. IF they can pretend to know 1 or a few things they cannot know, they can pretend to know a hundred or even a thousand.
Maybe we need a Telethon to raise money to be used for research into the cure for the religious disease. It might be as hard to cure as cancer but since it affects more people it might be worth it.
Maybe we need a Telethon to raise money to be used for research into the cure for the religious disease. It might be as hard to cure as cancer but since it affects more people it might be worth it.

I don't know how money could help. It might require making a few things illegal. Brainwashing children, teaching them to not properly question things & telling them they should, will or deserve to suffer for eternity should be illegal. The latter, at the least, IS child abuse. Telling anyone they should, will or deserve to go to hell should be a hate crime. The vast majority, IF not all, of priests & preachers should be convicted of fraud & sent to prison like other nasty con artists.
But as long as most people are or pretend to be theists, such will not happen. People under the guise of religion are allowed to do & get away with what would not be allowed otherwise, mainly because there are so many of them.
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I don't know how money could help. It might require making a few things illegal. Brainwashing children, teaching them to not properly question things & telling them they should, will or deserve to suffer for eternity should be illegal. The latter, at the least, IS child abuse. Telling anyone they should, will or deserve to go to hell should be a hate crime. The vast majority, IF not all, of priests & preachers should be convicted of fraud & sent to prison like other nasty con artists.
But as long as most people are or pretend to be theists, such will not happen. People under the guise of religion are allowed to do & get away with what would not be allowed otherwise, mainly because there are so many of them.

OOPS! I wish there was a cancel button. Please ignore the repeat. Unless you want to read it twice.

Why? Because we are psychologically and physiologically capable of it.

Is there any evidence that people have stayed in love for the whole of their lives (from the first moment they fell in love)? Or are you guessing, based on what you think our capabilities are?

In what way is "Originator of all" not specific enough?

The originator of what? Chocolate marshmallows?

Yes, one must look for evidence that rationally and unambiguously leads to "God" rather than be merely an observation that fits every theory under consideration.

First one has to stop pretending that ‘’God’’ means anything one wishes it to, and accept what is meant when theists speak of God (be it the biblical, quranic, or vedic text or religions).
Then you will have a better idea of how to sought after evidence.

It would need to be something that can not possibly be evidence that fits any alternative possibility, that can only possibly lead to the conclusion of "God", or at least such that any alternative notion that it does fit fails Occam's razor compared to "God".

The manifestation of the material world is an ideal evidence, unless you think matter can create itself, or the universe just popped out of nothing, and nowhere, into existence.

Which do you think is more plausible (given that we know intelligent minds create)?

How? You have to accept that they are correct, and you have to do so in the same manner that you accept God exists - i.e. without any support whatsoever. Whether you accept the scriptures or not makes them no different in this regard, no better supported. There is no grounds to take them further than acceptance.
Afterall, I could accept with the same level of support that my lawn is blue.

Every person I know, past a certain age, has the ability to accept something without believing it is true, and they use that discrimination all the time.

It is how we are able to comprehend, understand, and enjoy movies, books, comedy, social interactions, and so on.
The support comes from comprehension, and understanding.

You could accept your lawn is blue, or you may watch a movie in which the lawns suddenly turn blue, and accept that as part of the plot. But you know it is green, because you experience, and your knowledge has concluded that it is green.

It does no such thing. If anything it merely shows how the analogy is equally valid to the scriptures and essential religion in so as much as they refer to God.

The point is, it does not refer to God. It refers to a strawman.

But it is evidence of every theory that it fits, even competing theories (and I of course use the term theory unscientifically).

You have to start from somewhere. As you said, evidence must be something that cannot be explained by natural means.

The perspective of needing to be fallacious to make it meaningful?

You’re the ones accusing me of circular reasoning, and a baseless accusation at that. How is it possible to believe something, so that you may believe that thing? A question you have not answered properly.

By saying that everything is evidence, you are including everything that is material, and yet you say it is somehow wrong to look at the material aspect??

Firsty, the logical conclusion, if God exists, is that everything is evidence. Do you or do you not agree?

Other than that criticism, I simply can't see how any of your conclusions flow from the "logic" you claim.

It does if you accept the God as the supreme original being, from whom/what comes everything. In the same way you accept the main character in Superman. It doesn’t mean you have to believe it, but at the very least it makes sense.

Not really: it has always been, for me at least, at rather a high level - "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" etc.

Who says it’s extraordinary? We have ample evidence of what the finite mind can achieve, so what could a mind like God’s achieve?

It’s only extraordinary because we deem it so. Anything that accounts for the origin of the material manifestation, can arguably be deemed extraordinary, but some extraordinary thing(s) must be right.

My point is not that one can choose, but that if one is not in the cycle of believing to believe then one will not believe until some threshold is reached.

Again, believing some to be real, in order to believe that that thing is a nonsense, and that is not what I’m saying.
It is possible to accept something, and suspend belief, and that is what I’m talking about. So please wasting time.

Please show me, logically, how it is possible to believe in God and yet not believe.

I’ve shown you how we can logically accept God, and all His characteristics without believing in Him.

I don't fully comprehend your point, that much is obvious, and if you want me to understand then I would think the onus is on you to explain.

I’ve explained it to you enough times. The lack of comprehension is clearly down to you.

I have tried to point out the areas of contradiction I have noted, of confusion in your replies, and where I simply disagree.

And I keep telling you they’re not contradictions, through explanation, but you still accuse.

It works. Period. Whether we deem it silly or not. It is meant to explain precisely and clearly (through exaggeration / comparison to the absurd) why some atheists do not believe in God. It is not meant to work in any other way.
As an explanatory analogy it works.

It doesn’t address God, it addresses a contrived notion of God, by equating God to known childish or silly characters.

IOW, somebody could come away thinking that I don’t believe in God, because, like invisible trains that live on a planet occupied by invisible trains, I can find no evidence of Him/It.
It says nothing about God.

Because whatever their notion of God, the use of the analogy by them tells me that they have no evidence of that notion.

And if their notion of God is some object like, invisible flying Christmas trees, then they’re hardly likely to find any evidence. So why bother? Unless of course they come to their senses like their one time like-minded brother, Anthony Flew.

Is there any evidence that people have stayed in love for the whole of their lives (from the first moment they fell in love)? Or are you guessing, based on what you think our capabilities are?
There's anecdotal evidence, but it is more a guess based on what I think our capabilities in this regard are. I wouldn't place my life on it being true, and I'm quite open to evidence to the contrary.
The originator of what? Chocolate marshmallows?
What of the term "all" is confusing you so as not to be specific enough?
First one has to stop pretending that ‘’God’’ means anything one wishes it to, and accept what is meant when theists speak of God (be it the biblical, quranic, or vedic text or religions).
Then you will have a better idea of how to sought after evidence.
No, one merely has to define God, irrespective of what others might mean it to be. If I define the "God" that I accept as "originator of all" then that is what I have accepted, and it is for evidence of that that I would look for.
What you are requiring is someone to look for evidence of your God.
The manifestation of the material world is an ideal evidence, unless you think matter can create itself, or the universe just popped out of nothing, and nowhere, into existence.

Which do you think is more plausible (given that we know intelligent minds create)?
I think it more plausible that the universe began, and after that we make no unwarranted assumptions and don't merely interpret our observations to fit preconceived notions.
Every person I know, past a certain age, has the ability to accept something without believing it is true, and they use that discrimination all the time.

It is how we are able to comprehend, understand, and enjoy movies, books, comedy, social interactions, and so on.
The support comes from comprehension, and understanding.

You could accept your lawn is blue, or you may watch a movie in which the lawns suddenly turn blue, and accept that as part of the plot. But you know it is green, because you experience, and your knowledge has concluded that it is green.
Sure, where there is evidence to the contrary we quickly disband with such notions.
But where there is no evidence, why accept as true one notion but not the infinite other notions for which there is no evidence that rationally and unambiguously supports the notion?
Oh, look, we're back to the teapot.
The point is, it does not refer to God. It refers to a strawman.
From your point of view, but since it is aimed from the atheist perspective where it is not a strawman, your objection is moot.
You have to start from somewhere. As you said, evidence must be something that cannot be explained by natural means.
Yes, I start from somewhere: not making unwarranted assumptions, and only accepting that which is necessary to satisfy the observations. God does not fit into that model.
You’re the ones accusing me of circular reasoning, and a baseless accusation at that. How is it possible to believe something, so that you may believe that thing? A question you have not answered properly.
You haven't asked before, so it would be difficult to answer it properly.
But it is not baseless - you require one to believe in the veracity of the scriptures in order to be able to then believe in God, and if you believe in God you then believe in the veracity of the scriptures. Cyclic.
Firsty, the logical conclusion, if God exists, is that everything is evidence. Do you or do you not agree?
It is a truism.
However, if God does not exist, then everything is evidence that things can exist without God. Do you or do you not agree?
Assuming that you do, for you must if you understand logic, then the existence of everything is neither evidence for nor against God. i.e. it does not lead rationally nor unambiguously to the conclusion "God".
It does if you accept the God as the supreme original being, from whom/what comes everything. In the same way you accept the main character in Superman. It doesn’t mean you have to believe it, but at the very least it makes sense.
I've never doubted that God makes sense: it is a logical conclusion if you accept his existence as the premise, or beg the question in other ways. It is the soundness of the assumption / premise that has always been the issue.
You believe the premise true. You are unable to provide any evidence. I have yet to see any, that rationally... blah blah blah.
Who says it’s extraordinary? We have ample evidence of what the finite mind can achieve, so what could a mind like God’s achieve?
It is the existence of God and his mind that is extraordinary... or are you claiming that God is ordinary?
It’s only extraordinary because we deem it so. Anything that accounts for the origin of the material manifestation, can arguably be deemed extraordinary, but some extraordinary thing(s) must be right.
Sure, and those extraordinary things are only accepted as right when there is evidence to support them.
Again, believing some to be real, in order to believe that that thing is a nonsense, and that is not what I’m saying.
It is possible to accept something, and suspend belief, and that is what I’m talking about. So please wasting time.
It is indeed a nonsense yet that is what you are asking.
I’ve shown you how we can logically accept God, and all His characteristics without believing in Him.
I can accept without believing, but it becomes a useless endeavour when it adds nothing to the alternative of simply not accepting. There is nothing that accepting (but not believing) in God does for me: such things are an irrelevancy and serve no practical purpose. So what point is there to accepting, other than as a thought experiment?
It doesn’t address God, it addresses a contrived notion of God, by equating God to known childish or silly characters.
No, it doesn't address a contrived notion, it addresses any notion that the person has no evidence of that rationally and unambiguously points to the conclusion that the notion exists in actuality. Period. The notion of God in question is irrelevant if it fits the parameter of the atheist having no evidence.
IOW, somebody could come away thinking that I don’t believe in God, because, like invisible trains that live on a planet occupied by invisible trains, I can find no evidence of Him/It.
It says nothing about God.
It says that the person has no evidence of God, whatever the notion of God is that the person has. It is not designed to say anything else about God. Why do you think it does / should?
And if their notion of God is some object like, invisible flying Christmas trees, then they’re hardly likely to find any evidence. So why bother? Unless of course they come to their senses like their one time like-minded brother, Anthony Flew.
And without any evidence the analogy to the teapot is valid.
Your argument does not change this, you simply expect the analogy to say more than it is intended to, and complaining when it doesn't.
aerdena said:
First one has to stop pretending that ‘’God’’ means anything one wishes it to, and accept what is meant when theists speak of God
You are the most rigid denier here of what other theists mean when they speak of God. Atheists debating theists have to accept the various theistic at their word, just as they have to - and do - accept your version.

ardena said:
Firsty, the logical conclusion, if God exists, is that everything is evidence.
Depends on the God. Nothing would be evidence of your God, since your God is supposed to have created everything just as it is while being able to have created it any other way as well - so no feature or existant would carry any implication regarding Its existence.

ardena said:
It is possible to accept something, and suspend belief, and that is what I’m talking about.
And that is what almost all the atheistic do, when dealing with whatever version of deity some theist has come up with this time. Anyone who can read a novel or follow a theatrical production with enjoyment is familiar with that possibility.

You seem unable to do that, yourself, with other people's Gods, and that is why you are unable to follow the invisible unicorn or orbiting teapot argument - instead, you somehow come up with this:
It doesn’t address God, it addresses a contrived notion of God, by equating God to known childish or silly characters.
which reveals a basic incomprehension of the entire discussion.

It's the theist, not the atheist, who is equating their deity with contrived or childish characters. That's the point.
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I'm not being idle, I'm serious and deliberative. Surely God would know what's in my brain. This isn't some passing turn of phrase, it's what I think.
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