To Everyone. From A_Canadian. Goodbye?

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"the subforum itself is fun by one of the most arrogent people ON sciforums."

I don't run this subforum... I just post here.

oh... you didn't mean me :)

Still, I don't think Stryder's interactions are all that significant. He only comments or moderates when there are clear violations of rules or if a thread gets out of hand.
This subforum is horrible... the subforum itself is fun by one of the most arrogent people ON sciforums.

So, why are you still here posting?
Ophiolite said:
You know what btimsah. Every time you ask that question I am going to repost this extract from one of my posts in one of your threads. .

"Allow me to diverge to discuss my own view on ET’s for a moment. I am fifty six. For close to fifty of those years I have been fascinated by the possibility of alien life. I have read volume after volume at both ends of the spectrum, from Daniken to Sagan. You will understand, because I suspect you share these emotions with me, that I am desperate for us to get evidence of life out there. Microbes on Mars would be the biggest thing outwith my personal life I have experienced. Intelligent aliens would, to employ a cliché, blow my mind. I want this so badly I can smell it.

But I only want it if it is true. And to determine its truth I have to apply the scientific method. I have to be skeptical. I have to question. I have to accept simple explanations over complex.(You are probably tired of hearing of Occam’s razor.). I have to agree with Carl Sagan, “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. (Tired of hearing that one too, I imagine.)

That’s why the skeptics, or at least this skeptic, give you such a hard time. Not because we don’t want to believe, but because we do want to, but beyond that we want the truth, unvarnished and unaffected by how we would write the truth. Because we don’t write it, we only observe and interpret it. That is a grave responsibility and deserves to be treated as such."

You want what will never be found. My threshold, and every ordinary person, is not has high as yours.

The sheer amount or type of evidence you require will never be recieved. You will not believe aliens are visiting us untill, "everyone knows". That's why you debunk every thing you can, untill NASA or some giant scientific community confirms it. If THE WORLD does not stamp it with approval - then the claim is nuts and must be destroyed.

Occam's razor could be the problem. Not the solution. Especially in a field in which we know almost nothing.

Simplest explanation tends to be the right one. What's so damn simple about UFOLOGY?

It's ironic, but I think the fact that I AM NOT scientist helps me to have the vision, that you lack. At least on this issue. I have nothing wrong with scientists. I admire them, but on this issue they seem to be lost. No vision, or ability to study and investigate this field. Hell, even NASA said as much. "We can't do a study on UFO'S, it's not a science". Then why apply occams razor to it?
btimsah said:
You want what will never be found.
You are much more pessimistic than me then. You think aliens will never contact us, or expose themselves clearly when visiting Earth, or reveal themselves through some aspect of their technology, or communicate via some part of the EM spectrum. Damn, these pesky aliens sure are out to confuse us with their subtle ways and hidden activities.
btimsah said:
My threshold, and every ordinary person, is not has high as yours.
Correct. Scientists, when they are taking a solid scientific view of the world, are not as gullible as every ordinary person/.
btimsah said:
If THE WORLD does not stamp it with approval - then the claim is nuts and must be destroyed.
I'm going to quote a study for which I cannot give you the source, because I have forgotten it. My apologies for that. According to a study I read , last year, around half of the adult population of the US believe that UFO's are alien visitors. This is an example of how THE WORLD has given its stamp of approval to ETs. But Science is not a democratic institution, where the truth is decided by majority vote. I regret that your conclusion on what will convince me that ETs are real is quite erroneous.
btimsah said:
Simplest explanation tends to be the right one. What's so damn simple about UFOLOGY?
Exactly my point.
btimsah said:
It's ironic, but I think the fact that I AM NOT scientist helps me to have the vision, that you lack.
Strange. All the evidence I have, from psychological tests, personal observations, judgements by employers, assessments by peers, point to the fact that I have well above average vision. [Also that I am crap at golf and have to work out which way to turn a screwdriver each time I pick one up.]Vision tells you where to look. Science helps you understand what you are seeing.
Simplest explanation tends to be the right one. What's so damn simple about UFOLOGY? ”

Exactly my point.

Actually, I’d think that should read: “What’s so damn difficult about UFOLOGY?” thereby making Occam’s razor not apply. I don’t see what makes it so far-fetched and complicated as to not believe it. There are billions of stars and universes out there that are older than our planet. What’s so hard to believe that a more advanced race would be able to visit this planet? What a simple-minded view of thinking everyone/thing else has the same technology, limits, and lack of understanding the newer parts of science as we do.

If I saw a UFO or even an alien, while I would obviously be excited and all, I’d basically just be like “cool, a UFO/alien”. I wouldn’t all of a sudden have my whole understanding of the world crumble and think “Wow, an alien! This is the most important discovery ever! We need to do research in this field ASAP!” because that would just be doing what people have known for years. A wee bit too late, ya know? Scientists already do research in the unknown where theories and the like can be completely false thereby wasting their time. Why should UFOlogy be any different as to having to finally wait until one lands right in front of them before doing any research? It’s a lot more believable than some crazy ideas some scientists can come up with and would most likely have a higher chance of success in their research too.

- N
Ophiolite said:
You are much more pessimistic than me then. You think aliens will never contact us, or expose themselves clearly when visiting Earth, or reveal themselves through some aspect of their technology, or communicate via some part of the EM spectrum. Damn, these pesky aliens sure are out to confuse us with their subtle ways and hidden activities.
Correct. Scientists, when they are taking a solid scientific view of the world, are not as gullible as every ordinary person/.

They HAVE contacted us. They have exposed themselves clearly when visiting earth. We've photographed them. In highly populated area's, and in sparsely populated area - but you're still waiting for them to land, walk out on a major intersection and stay their till "EVERYONE KNOWS". lol.. kinda funny. Maybe you could tell me what you're waiting for them to do exactly? If someone see's their craft, you debunk the testimony. If someone photographs the craft, you debunk the image. If someone videotapes the craft or probing incident you debunk the incident. So, at this point I suppose I'd like to know what you're looking for? You have not even touched upon the possibility that evidence of alien existance has been hidden. To say I am pessimestic about finding out the existance of ETI, does not question you're vision but something else. :D

I'm going to quote a study for which I cannot give you the source, because I have forgotten it. My apologies for that. According to a study I read , last year, around half of the adult population of the US believe that UFO's are alien visitors. This is an example of how THE WORLD has given its stamp of approval to ETs. But Science is not a democratic institution, where the truth is decided by majority vote. I regret that your conclusion on what will convince me that ETs are real is quite erroneous.

You would require the (70-100%) of the Scientific community to "agree" that aliens exist, or you will continue debunking UFO'S.

Strange. All the evidence I have, from psychological tests, personal observations, judgements by employers, assessments by peers, point to the fact that I have well above average vision. [Also that I am crap at golf and have to work out which way to turn a screwdriver each time I pick one up.]Vision tells you where to look. Science helps you understand what you are seeing.

That is odd. I don't know why someone can have such great vision in the real world, but when it comes to the issue of UFO'S becomes straught with skeptiscm and doubt. I would say, driven by the disire to get rid of UFO stories or claims in some cases.

I wonder if stryder will lock this post too? Those mind control agents will get me if I don't stop posting rocks. It's ironic, but the ONE TIME SEVERAL people claim one of my DAMN IMAGES IS NOT A ROCK - he locks the thread because their nothing but rocks! lol
(Q) said:
This subforum is horrible... the subforum itself is fun by one of the most arrogent people ON sciforums.

So, why are you still here posting?

A Canadian said:
This is my last word in the pseudoscience section, except for this thread.


(Q) said:
So, why are you still here posting?

I don't know... I find it helps to pay attention, sometimes. Would you not agree with that?

So 'A Canadian' you're going to keep posting in a thread that says goodbye, but not actually leave the subforum?

I interpreted this thread as you flouncing off to lick your wounds, and that we wouldn't have to put up with your BS anymore. Seems Q thought the same.

So, if you've finished saying 'goodbye' I guess thread can be closed, and then we will be rid of you for good!
btimsah)))))i feel an empathy with your passion. and i can also see the impasse between yu and the 'scientists'

i also have seen fottage that i feel is noteworthy (the most powerful one being fottage shot in Bazil at the eclipse in the early 1990s (may have BEEn 1990)...and so am flabbergasted when i have seen that, and heard eye witness reports from people i SENSe are real, and then hear the sceptics still gling on about 'anecdotal'

however, i can see that in a way they are 'trapped' by the criteria demanded by their scientific model. in one way it is a tool that gives a freedom, yet in another way i see it is a drag, and totally incongruous for the extraordinary tricskterishness of the phenomena we are calling UFOs and ETs. it gives me the image of police sirens sounding and flashing chasing a cat-burgler who is very cunning and how the fuk are they gonna catch him ....?
Blah blah blah, retard supports retard, no evidence, no irrefutable testimony, no credible source.

So duendy, still waiting for clarification, are we talking UFOs ot ETIs? Don't be shy! Don't hide behind terminology. What is UFO, and what is ETI? Should be simple, for a man of your understanding!
duendy said:
btimsah)))))i feel an empathy with your passion. and i can also see the impasse between yu and the 'scientists'

i also have seen fottage that i feel is noteworthy (the most powerful one being fottage shot in Bazil at the eclipse in the early 1990s (may have BEEn 1990)...and so am flabbergasted when i have seen that, and heard eye witness reports from people i SENSe are real, and then hear the sceptics still gling on about 'anecdotal'

however, i can see that in a way they are 'trapped' by the criteria demanded by their scientific model. in one way it is a tool that gives a freedom, yet in another way i see it is a drag, and totally incongruous for the extraordinary tricskterishness of the phenomena we are calling UFOs and ETs. it gives me the image of police sirens sounding and flashing chasing a cat-burgler who is very cunning and how the fuk are they gonna catch him ....?

In my little opinion, I feel the reason they debunk or are skeptical to begin with is due to the nature of UFOLOGY. Their waiting for what they like to call, "hard evidence of aliens", and untill that evidence exists you're claims are "anecdotal". Even though - The sum of the claims and evidence should be enough for a normal person.

They require extraordinary physical evidence, otherwise those cases will be debunked. I am just not like that.. :)
btimsah said:
- The sum of the claims and evidence should be enough for a normal person.

So, do you believe in God, simply because a lot of other people do, and therefore it must be true?

By the same token, you must believe in all major world religions, because they have many followers. This must give you a headache, what with Christians saying Jesus was the Messiah, and Jews saying he wasn't, and you holding both ideas simultaneously!
phlogistician said:
Blah blah blah, retard supports retard, no evidence, no irrefutable testimony, no credible source.

So duendy, still waiting for clarification, are we talking UFOs ot ETIs? Don't be shy!

d__ i'll out-bold you any day dudey!

Don't hide behind terminology.

d__ is that wht you think i'm doing? hmmmm weird

What is UFO, and what is ETI? Should be simple, for a man of your understanding!

true. A UFO is what it stands for. something not known. what you see to do is KNOW ALL of it and reduce to to 'earth lights'. not really scientific at all. rather defenisve-in-ignorance. wonder what the french term of that is...?

And 'ETs"? this'll be where people have seen entities from crafts, and had encounters with them.
what ARE they? again, ae you wanting to put 'they' into ONE category? are we to believe that unlike the fact that EVERY stone on a beach is unique that EVERY ntity must be an 'ET', or every ET must be the same. and every UFO must be the same?

in your case all eithere natrual phenomena like 'earth lights' OR false. a reaction of chemicals in the brain?
btimsah said:
I wonder if stryder will lock this post too? Those mind control agents will get me if I don't stop posting rocks. It's ironic, but the ONE TIME SEVERAL people claim one of my DAMN IMAGES IS NOT A ROCK - he locks the thread because their nothing but rocks! lol
I can't let this pass. Nobody claimed the image (number 2) was not a rock, only that it was 'unusual', 'possibly anomalous' and 'interesting'.
Typical of your blind misinterpretations of reality.
Oh dear, has my vision suddenly deserted me?
Ophiolite said:
I can't let this pass. Nobody claimed the image (number 2) was not a rock, only that it was 'unusual', 'possibly anomalous' and 'interesting'.
Typical of your blind misinterpretations of reality.
Oh dear, has my vision suddenly deserted me?

Some claimed number 2 did in fact look anomalous.

So, there's no blind misinterpretation of anything. Other than where you want to take it.

In fact, the only one of us who has any sort of misinterpretation's here is you. When you suggested I was a student doing an experiment on here. Talk about delusional. (okay your not really delusional, but I am doing what you would do. Claim you're delusional, just for debating points even though I know damn well you're not. It's great for theatre.) :D

Anyways, you could have just responded by saying. "I DID NOT SAY IT WAS NOT A ROCK" - Even though I never said that. The one with the problem here, is you, not me.
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btimsah said:
Some claimed number 2 did in fact look anomalous.
I am pretty sure I was one of them. Have you heard of an anomalous rock? Saying it is anomalous does not exclude it being a rock.
btimsah said:
In fact, the only one of us who has any sort of misinterpretation's here is you. When you suggested I was a student doing an experiment on here.
Correction, I noted that your behaviour suggested you might be conducting an experiment. It was tongue in cheek.

btimsah said:
Anyways, you could have just responded by saying. "I DID NOT SAY IT WAS NOT A ROCK" - Even though I never said that.
Which would not have addressed the fact that you are either twisting or misunderstanding what others are saying.

btimsah said:
The one with the problem here, is you, not me.
I look at photos of the moon and see rocks. You look at the same photos and see structures. And I have a problem?
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.
-Albert Einstein

would that be the quote you are looking for?
I'm going to close this thread because of my over zealoused arrogence.

I'm not 100% what A_Canadian was trying to suggest other than becoming upset that the forums has all the hissy fitting, name calling and hair pulling that I need to clamp down on.

I also need to clamp down on the repetition that occurs, thats why the Rock thread went. I know you can try to paint the thread as something more colourful than a moon rock however it's not so much the content of the thread that made me pull it but the usual personal attacks in both directions where a discussion turns into either an arguement or Flamewar.

This means reacting tougher, since I've allowed alot of room for people to do what they want and that has in turn created alot of disregard to posting ettiquette. I'm sorry I can't please everyone but thats the way life is, not all the time do people get it their way everytime.
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