To Dave and H-kon

Yeah, I am going to sit here and listen to condescending advice on how I am weak minded from a 14 year old brat who cannot spell, type, or write. You know what dipshit? Just shutup. Broad, stereotypical statements like that just piss people off, as this post reveals. How do you know I am turning to organized religion? Did I say that?
dexter...just shut the fuck up. I will not accept condescending and insulting "advice" from the likes of you. Yeah you really have a strong mind. How hard is it to quote Jesse Ventura?

FYI, I am not going into organized religion. Why don't you stop making assumptions, generalizations, and sterotypes?
Ladies and Gentlemen! It's time for:


Battlin' Corporal Hudson and Dynamic Dexter will mop up the board with each other and anybody who gets in their way! Let's get ready to RUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLE!

(Enter, sexy blonde with big sign saying "1")
Sorry for the two posts...I had thought I had deleted that first one. It was too harsh, so I changed it to the second one.

Looks like my weak-minded self messed up. ;)

P.S.--Who would be the enforcer in Smackdown? You? I vote for Lori.
hey corp. i thought i read in one of your posts that you were going christian, i must of read wrong or something
and also i didnt know who wrote that quote, i seriously got it from my friend, who oviously did, sorry for my imature acts, they will hopefiully not occure again

that is all

I am becoming a christian. That does not equate to organized religion. Christianity = Following the teachings of christ, not blindly obeying some reverend or the pope.
i'm merly saing that religion is a crutch. used buy some people, i'm not saing that your wrong, i respect you if thats your choise, but i'm just saying that it 'might' drag you down

thats all i got

I don't know how any reasonable person can look at all the mysteries of life, and the amazing nature of the bible, and not accept the existence of some being above our comprehension (and no, I am not referring to aliens).

I could use the same argument against your religous beliefs, whether or not you know you have them. Seriously, can you offer any evidenc (not counting television) that a race of aliens we refer to as "Grays" crossbred themselves with apes to create a farming race to support them?

Admit it, that belief is a leap of faith and you know it. Just as christianity or judaism is.
i agree, i'm not saying the religion is bad realy, from were i come from it is, but i guess some people like it, and yes, it is just a bunch of faith, and i do beleive in god, just not he same way that you do, i beleive than he is just there and doesnt interfer, but knows everything, sorta like the force, seriously. but i dont thinnk that he really interacts, i think that the interaction is our selfs, casue we use more of our brain when we do that, so.......


thats all i got

I am saying that your belief we came from a cross-breeding between aliens and gorillas is a religous belief, not a scientific one.
Uhm.. just wanted to say that i got the package from you, and it's now been sent to trusted people.

Farieshaman.. I know so far that the DNA sheet isn't DNA, it could be a moleculestructure, but it isn't DNA.

DNA goes like this . AAFG, EDGR and so on ( about)where each letter is a code.

Gonna get back to you on that as soon as i know more. :)