To Dave and H-kon


killer of terrorists
Registered Senior Member
Dave did you ever find anything out from the dna scan i sent you and anything else?
H-kon did you receive your packet? was just curious. Our phone is about to be turned off this week and we will be gone Friday,the day is drawing closer. Don't let people with diet soft drink names get to you lol i dont pay attention to his ramblings anymore either. Well take care all and glad to see your still on the board Searcher dont forget xfiles tonight and roswell friday lol Take care all and Happy Thanksgiving and merry xmas see yall next year unless i see something else worth responding too. I did see the alien skull show and hold my opinions on that for now until the dna results come back dont speculate. I was sent the same pic last year from a paleontologist in Egypt and hold my thoughts on these skulls. Well take care all.
In Love and Light

Eric Cooper
Hey Faerieshaman,

Thanks for the reminder, but I couldn't forget X-Files anymore than Dustin Hoffman's character in Rainman could forget People's Court! :) 2 hours 'til Mulder & Scully!

But doesn't Roswell come on Wednesdays? I've only seen that one twice so far. It's pretty good, but X-Files is by far my favorite.

yes dexter its a new show on wedmesday nights pretty good...xfiles was excellent but wonder where they'll go with it now. Annasazi has always intrigued me.
Way to go dexter! All you need is capitalization, and you will have typed 2 sentences that don't look moronic!! :D
Hi Eric,
nothing so far...had a computer meltdown and have just started rebuilding everything here.
I'll post it when all is well in the hard drive, and see what anyone else can make of it.
I will not comment on the other stuff except via email to you.
Keep in touch!
Kind regards,
shut the hell up corp. hudson, i can fucking spell right, for most of the times, its just that my fingures miss the letters most of the time. so that is the only reson.

what time is the show on???

Oh, I'm sorry dexter. I didn't realize that your fat fingers hit the keyboard so bluntly that you couldn't pick the correct letter all of the time. I really do apologize. I shouldn't make fun of those with disabilities, and you have both physical and mental.

BTW: Was it you that is athletic and dating a cheerleader? If so, I would like to hear more on the subject.

[This message has been edited by Corp.Hudson (edited November 15, 1999).]
me dating a cheerleeder? ha, i could, and i have. but that was beezle that said that dude, and i dont have fat fingers. i'm not fat, dude, i can do like a ton of pushups and shit so i dont think that i'm fat, i think that its your sorry ass thats too big for a normal ass chair, like then u sat on a scale it said "to be continued"!!!!

Yeah, you could date a cheerleader. I love when people make such broad, unsupported statements about themselves. Most Junior High Schools dont even have football teams, much less a chearleading squad. You yourself claimed you had a typing disability, and that you could not hit the right key. So are you now claiming a mental, rather then physical, disability?

You can do, like a ton of pushups and shit. Yeah, sure you can. And I only wish I was as fat as you claim. I am honestly trying though, I really am.

[This message has been edited by Corp.Hudson (edited November 16, 1999).]

Ignore Corp.hudson he is just trying to piss you off. the more you respond to such crap, some how in verrry twisted way he feels better about him self, and can't find any other means of satisfaction.


What did you do date the quaterback?

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born

[This message has been edited by 666 (edited November 16, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by 666 (edited November 16, 1999).]
I apologize for my earlier comments, they were out of line. I should be nicer to those younger then myself, help in their development. Although I admit that I should not have made the comments, I do stant behind their truthfullness.

[This message has been edited by Corp.Hudson (edited November 17, 1999).]
You do what behind their truthfulness? LMAO! Gottcha!

God loves you and so do I!
No, you did not "get" me. Stant is in fact what I meant. I thought that you, of all people, would understand its meaning. Stant is a word taken from the bible, and its first use in the bible was in Exodus, as Aaron used it as a way of saying he supported Moses. J/K ;)
Please close this pathetic thread, I'm suffering here!!!!

Thanking you in advance,
dude, corp. my school has a hella good cheerleading squad. but we dont have a football team, it isnt that pop here in redding. not evan really in high school. and i'm not fat dammit. i'm like 5'6.5 and 125 lbs and i dont have a mental thing either so screw you, ur just a jealous ass. k?? cause i'm a hella lot smarter than you ever were. alright i gtg eat dinner bye everyone

thats all i got

Don't worry about it Oxygen. I apologized because I am attempting to adopt the principles of christianity, and become a religous and moral person. I will not allow any amount of mispelled and immature gibbing to change that.
dude corp. its your choice, but i'm just warning your, organized religion is for the week minded, nothing good will come of this!! trust me, i mean its your choise, you can be a week minded fool too, but i lived that life, my whole life. and i'm not a dumb ass anymore..

this is just a friendly warning, and i'm sorry bout being a dick
