To Christians: Testemony

Lightbeing ...

It still Boggles my mind.
My advice would be to understand that the equality of individuals is a theoretic state respected by convention. In reality, there is great inequality between people. Just as some are faster or slower, some are smarter or more dullard, some are intuitive, some are numb.

The simple fact is, though, that some people cannot cope with the whole of the moral universe that tradition has thrust upon them. They need these reductions of God in order to make God serve against their fears.

It boggles my mind, too, but such considerations usually get put away for the time being. Right now it's like the problem with Americans. The stupid people have decided that equality means superiority. We can all be equal if we all just convert to Christianity and throw out the Constitution that allows that bastard Christianity to exist. Some people have such limited constructions of morality that the theocratic devil-play of Puritan Salem is the only way they can feel secure in their fictional affirmations of their legitimacy against fear.

It's quite sad. I cannot even begin to quantify how much of the human endeavor has been wasted on Christianity.

The temporal toll is easily measured. The human toll is lost to history; the economic toll an even more abstract consideration. The only other quantifiable toll has been the spiritual toll, which equals approximately infinity minus one.

I always loved that assertion Christians make: "Research of many religions!" Whatever. How many of those research forays were undertaken while under the Christian paradigm? For what purpose did you undertake the research? Mostly, you'll find that such research, if a word can be so abused, merely seeks affirmations of preexisting faith points in the Universe.

It does, indeed, boggle the mind.

Tiassa :cool:
When John speaks of his notice he does not remain a stationary on looker. He walks, speaks, and interacts in the setting. He clearly states he is in the spirit, in other words he does not elude to his physical body being somehow transported to this place. Based on the assumtion that this place does in fact exist, the Christian mind would need to allow that his spirit was in fact transported seperately from his physical body and was able to move around, speak, and interact in the actuall setting. If not then one has to assume it was nothing more than a dream and therefor holds no credibility. So for a Christian to deny the ability to move with out the physical body would be a complete disownment of their own faith.

Christians will say an encounter with a spiritual form is more than likely demonic. Yet men of God were often visited by angels.

They say that psychic ability is demonic...yet in the old testament it states "the prophets of old were known as seers". It also encourages seeking the gifts of prophecy and dicernment.

When Samuel heard his name being called in the night...would not a modern Christian tell him it was a demon?

If a man wandered around naked, walking the streets and foretelling the future he would quickly be institutionalized and diagnosed with schizophrenia...however in the Bible such a man was a prophet.

It has always seemed odd to me that most Christians today tend to give credit for almost all miraculouse occurances to the devil. Makes you wonder who they really worship....goodness knows they seem to fear and respect the "king of the demonic" more than God. They adamently dispute the very things that they uphold when they sate unmoveing faith in the Bible. If God does not change then how can they justify that He did those things then but will not or can not do them now?
Excellent point there

Originally posted by Taken

If a man wandered around naked, walking the streets and foretelling the future he would quickly be institutionalized and diagnosed with schizophrenia...however in the Bible such a man was a prophet.

Should give you an indication of the true nature of the ancient "holy men". That is if you were "open-minded" enough to consider it.
Whatever you guys are smoking, I want about thirty pounds of it. :p

Sorry, just having fun.