To Christians: Testemony


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
Hi Christians!

I've been experiencing something that Christians don't usually experience (or never experienced). You know that we are Spirits, we have a soul and we live in a body. Well, this night I started to feel my Spirit instead of my body! I woke up in the middle of the night and suddenly felt my Spirit and started to get out of my body! I know that you would never imagine this... so let's go slowly.

In the middle of the night, I felt myself inside my body. Then, I suddenly sit down and let my body there. I was tied only within my leg and feet. When I got up in the morning, I was very rested. More then usually, because the Devil have been torturing me for months. I've usually been feeling extremely tired. But this time no! Instead, when I remembered what happened during night I felt the Holy Spirit. Then I started to cry of happiness!

I guess the Holy Spirit is trying to make me get out of my body to win the freedom God promised us. If I'm the first Christian to experience that, God probably wants me to pass the message ahead. He wants to give us complete freedom! And this includes freedom from our bodies!

Thank God for He wants to give us completly freedom!
Thank Jesus!

Make an appointment to see a psychiatrist as soon as you can.
No comentaries Cris...
Sometimes you act as a child... :)
What's not bad, actually... ;)

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
No comentaries Cris...
Sometimes you act as a child... :)
What's not bad, actually... ;)


LOL!! truthseeker you have issues. Go see a doctor or try not to get too drunk.:p :p
I don't drink... I don't like alcohol... :eek:
I don't like doctors either... :bugeye:
Hehe... just kidding...

I like nurses...
Hellooooo nurse!!! :D
Kidding again... ;)

Better go to bed and see if I can get out of my body today... :)
See you in another dimension!
In another space...
another time...

Truth is known as an OBE and you are not the first Christian to experience it. And it does not require medical intervention.

The first recorded event of a "Christians" haveing one can be traced all the way back to the conversion of Saul and the vision of John I believe.

It is an experience that can be accounted for in many religions and cultures...prayer, trances, meditation, OBE's are not unusuall.
Taken, is known as an OBE...

I know. You can see my other post about it. In parapscycology: "Questions about OBE".

...and you are not the first Christian to experience it.

Great... then I don't need to figth the Christian community to prove me right...!

And it does not require medical intervention.

I know... I was just playing with them... :D

The first recorded event of a "Christians" haveing one can be traced all the way back to the conversion of Saul and the vision of John I believe.

Thanks for the information! I really needed it. I will probably talk about it at church tomorrow... If you have the exact scripture, plese tell me... :)

It is an experience that can be accounted for in many religions and cultures...prayer, trances, meditation, OBE's are not unusuall.

I know it. I studied it in many Religions. And used to do meditations. And I still do Tai Chi Chuan, which have been very evolutive in my spiritual affairs. The problem is that many Christians don't accept it. Some even say that is a Devil's thing!

Other things such as UFO's are very denied by them too. But you can find everywhere in the Bible the description of the "clouds". And in other Religions such as the Vimanas in the Hinduism...
In the Torah...
In the Qur'an...

Thanks for the informations and support! :)

Taken, truthseeker,

OBE’s and NDE’s.

OBEs are easily induced by dissociative anesthetics such as the ketamines... the OBE is a confusion between reality and fantasy, as dreams can be upon first awakening. The brain tries to reconstruct events and in the process visualizes them from above- a normal process we all do when "decentering" ourselves (e.g. when you picture yourself sitting on the beach or climbing a mountain, it is usually from above, looking down).

Both OBE’s and NDE’s have been created in the laboratory under controlled and clinical conditions. These are not supernatural occurrences but the expected effects of normal brain behavior.

It is unfortunate that many people when presented with unusual events turn to superstition or credit the occurrences to gods rather than seek scientific understanding. Like primitive peoples of old you are choosing to believe your own fantasies than research the events properly.

*Originally posted by TruthSeeker
You know that we are Spirits, we have a soul and we live in a body.

I can see from this why you were so easily led astray.

We are a soul, made up of a spirit which is IN us, and a body which is what we see.

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
(Genesis 2:7, KJV).

Only two parts which are combined to make the third.

The spirit is IN us.
It is not us.

The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, says the LORD, which stretches forth the heavens, and lays the foundation of the earth, and forms the spirit of man within him.
(Zechariah 12:1, KJV).

But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.
(Job 32:8, KJV).

Taking the spirit out of the body kills a person...

For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
(James 2:26, KJV).

*Well, this night I started to feel my Spirit instead of my body!
When I got up in the morning, I was very rested. More then usually, because the Devil have been torturing me for months. I've usually been feeling extremely tired. But this time no! Instead, when I remembered what happened during night I felt the Holy Spirit. Then I started to cry of happiness!

I guess the Holy Spirit is trying to make me get out of my body to win the freedom God promised us. If I'm the first Christian to experience that, God probably wants me to pass the message ahead. He wants to give us complete freedom! And this includes freedom from our bodies!

Your misunderstanding of what is actually going on leads to such demonic deception.
Satan is simply trying to convince you to commit suicide.
A demon of religion working together with a demon of suicide will team up to confuse people in just that way.
We are a soul, made up of a spirit which is IN us, and a body which is what we see.... The spirit is IN us. It is not us... Taking the spirit out of the body kills a person...

A couple of quick questions. How does the spirit remain inside us? What prevents the spirit from coming out? Do we have control over our spirits? Is the spirit a separate entity from our consciousness? Does the spirit learn? Are spirits good or evil? How does one remove a spirit from a body? Can one prevent their spirit from leaving their body? Does the spirit determine character? Is there a finite amount of spirits?

Thanks in advance. :)
*Originally posted by (Q)
How does the spirit remain inside us?

That's a good question.
I don't know.

*What prevents the spirit from coming out?*


*Do we have control over our spirits?*

There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death: and there is no discharge in that war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it.
(Ecclesiastes 8:8, KJV).

*Is the spirit a separate entity from our consciousness?*

...the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.
(Ecclesiastes 9:5, KJV).

*Does the spirit learn?*

It doesn't need to, since it keeps us alive.

*Are spirits good or evil?*

There are different kinds of spirits.

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
(John 4:24, KJV).

Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire:
(Psalms 104:4, KJV).

So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.
(Acts 19:12, KJV).

But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.
(Job 32:8, KJV).

So, yes there are good and evil spirits.

*How does one remove a spirit from a body?*

A six-pack of bullets or a bomb has been known to do the trick.

*Can one prevent their spirit from leaving their body?*


*Does the spirit determine character?*

Your choices determine your character.

*Is there a finite amount of spirits?*

We are free!

Are you Christian?

Devil doesn't trick me so easily...
If you read what happened when I woke up...
you will see that the Holy Spirit came for me and made me remember what happened. And it was probably the Holy Spirit that helped me get out of my body...

Two things that you forgot...

God made us to be like Him.


God made us to be FREE.

This means that we are Spirits as He is... and this give us complete freedom. Do you think that it is freedom to live in a body for decades? We are much more free. Our bodies can't fly, but our Spirits can! Now I'll speak as the Bible does...

Look for the birds! They fly so freely through the sky! And they are not so important for the Lord as we are! Do you think God would make us less free then them? No!!! We can fly! As the Bible says, we are Free! We are free Spirits!

And we are Spirits like Him. We just need to grow up spiritually. Someday, everyone (I hope) will be like Him!

Re: We are free!

*Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Are you Christian?

She says she is, but she doesn't preach any form of Christianity I've ever heard of.
She does a much better job preaching paganism, wicca, buddhism and hindusim, preferably all mixed together.

*Devil doesn't trick me so easily...*

It's easier for him to trick you than you seem to realize.

*And it was probably the Holy Spirit that helped me get out of my body...*

Why would the Holy Spirit do that, when he wants to keep everyone else in one piece?
Besides, "out" of your body, you're just dead.

*Two things that you forgot...
God made us to be like Him.

God made us to be FREE.

This means that we are Spirits as He is...

Read up on this a bit.
Jesus said he wasn't a spirit.

Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.
(Luke 24:39, KJV).

Besides, we are made in the IMAGE of God, not exactly like him.
The Bible is clear on who is spirit...

Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire:
(Psalms 104:4, KJV).

You aren't one of his angels.

* you think that it is freedom to live in a body for decades?*

It beats the alternative which is not living at all.

For as the body without the spirit is dead,...
(James 2:26, KJV).

*And we are Spirits like Him.*

You're just making that up.
We are souls.

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
(Genesis 2:7, KJV).

At what point did that verse change and we become spirits?

You're ignoring...

But there is a spirit in man...
(Job 32:8, KJV).


The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which ... formeth the spirit of man WITHIN him.
(Zechariah 12:1, KJV).

Here's what actually happens if the spirit is "free" from the body...

If he set his heart upon man, if he gather unto himself his spirit and his breath;
All flesh shall perish together, and man shall turn again unto dust.

(Job 34:14,15, KJV).

You can turn into dust if you want, while thinking you'll be "free," but you'll actually just be dead.
For all you Christians

How can you believe in a so-called "Holy Book" that has been misinterpreted and mistranslated for centuries. How can you trust the Bible when Books have been taking out and also has obvious inserts. How can you dedicate your entire life and faith to these Books? Knowing all this to be true, it is pretty depressing for me to sit back and watch. I could never allow myself to believe in such a theology that has been tampered with by Men. How can you?
You're just making that up.
We are souls.

What I've allways heard is that we are Spirits and we have a soul. I read a book about a Christian pastor that got out of his body and came back. What do you say about this...?

You are partially right. And you forgot about the different kinds of Christianism like Gospel, Catholic, Protestant... It's not only one religion anymore. The differnce between them is the way they interpret the Bible. The most ancient kind of Christianism is the Gnostic Christianism and came from the times right after Jesus. It's the best interpretation we can rely on and at that time, the Bible was much more accurate.


Regardless when each version of the Bible was written, it is now 2000 years later!!! Men have put their paws in Every Holy Book, especially the ones written 2000+ years ago. The logical and rational conclusion would be not to trust it and not hold it to such a high Athority.
There is still hope that one of these old Bibles is in a museum somewhere in this planet... and perhaps even outside... :D

Well, if you find it let me know. But you have already made your decision in your Faith and Life to be a Christian without reading a "pure" Bible. Knowing this my question would be, why? How can you let yourself when you know this to be true?
For two reasons: years of Research and intepretation of many Religions and Intuition.
