To Christians: How did you come to terms with God's apparent immorality? / Revisited

I came to terms with it personally after I saw 6 threads discussing his immorality, and such compelling arguments as "It's bullshit" and "then he's a bastard".
Do you think that pointing out an apparent weakness in someone, that they may be unaware of, is a personal attack?

Yes, that is why it is called a "personal" attack as you are attacking the person as opposed to the ideas and concepts presented.

Why not tell us how you really feel?:rolleyes:
If were trying to denigrate you by pointing out the weakness it would be an attack.
If I were determined to show you in a bad light by pointing out the weakness it would be an attack.
If I wanted to publicly embarrass you it would be an attack.

That was not my intention. I offered an observation I thought my be helpful to you. I thought you might wish to take stock of the negative views you held of religious people. When you assured me your apparent hatred was not real I thought you might wish to consider how your posting was readily misinterpreted.

It seems you wish to do none of these things. It seems you do not believe you have any weaknesses, or certainly none that I have identified.

I shall simply reflect on the fact that when your parents, your teachers and your friends pointed out a weakness you considered that to be a personal attack. I don't believe I can find any common ground with someone who views the world that way. Thank you for exchanges. They end here.
I shall simply reflect on the fact that when your parents, your teachers and your friends pointed out a weakness you considered that to be a personal attack. I don't believe I can find any common ground with someone who views the world that way. Thank you for exchanges. They end here.

You are not my parents, my teacher or my friend.

Now, that your through attacking me, it would be prudent for you to revisit your own weaknesses, now that you've trotted out pointing out others.

I would list them here, but that would be personal attacking you and I wouldn't want to stoop to that. :)
Your assertion may be somewhat misplaced. I have no hatred of things or ideologies. It's clear that religions like Christianity or Islam or any other monotheism are a serious detriment to mankind and our survival. They have done great harm to humanity for centuries and they continue to do so. It's time they were eliminated so that humanity can come together as one and do things for humanity rather than invisible gods.

Religions hate, they hate humans, they hate other religions and their followers, they hate homosexuals, they hate the earth and everything on it. It is the religions that propagate hatred, sir. And, whenever we want to do anything about it, we are the ones labeled as "haters" of their gods. Ridiculous, isn't it?

YOU are a fucking liar Q. And for as much as you accuse others! I DON'T HATE.

You can't see the forrest through the trees and you're just fine with that.
YOU are a fucking liar Q. And for as much as you accuse others! I DON'T HATE.

You can't see the forrest through the trees and you're just fine with that.

*tsk tsk*

Sweetcheeks, just do a search for "hate" in your posts ...:xctd:
YOU are a fucking liar Q.

Perhaps, you could talk to miss Hipparchia, she appears to be quite interested in causes of hatred. :)

I sensed a certain Christian element in your statement there, yes?