To All Esp Skeptics: Read It And Weep!

I've been here long enough to recognize an impass when I see it, this is a situation of proof vs belief without evidence.

Some people, either through 'experience' or assumption, know what they know and no evidence is needed. Others look at the billions of people who claim trillions of things (often they are contradictory 'truths') and need some degree of proof or be able to experience it directly to believe one point over the others.

These two camps can't debate successfully because the funamental rules of their belief systems are not compatable. It's like arguing with a tree, you can scream 'till your lungs bleed but it still won't hear you. No one will leave this discussion with different beliefs than they entered it with.

Lets face it, this debate ended before it started.

EDIT: Ah ha! It just occured to me what the problem is, this thread was addressed to the skeptics but doesn't offer what a skeptic would need to sway their views. This thread isn't for skeptics, it's for the people who already believe in ESP.

It should have been called 'To All ESP Believers: Read it and Continue to Believe!'
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Originally posted by buffys
I've been here long enough to recognize an impass when I see it, this is a situation of proof vs belief without evidence.

Some people, either through 'experience' or assumption, know what they know and no evidence is needed. Others look at the billions of people who claim trillions of things (often they are contradictory 'truths') and need some degree of proof or be able to experience it directly to believe one point over the others.

These two camps can't debate successfully because the funamental rules of their belief systems are not compatable. It's like arguing with a tree, you can scream 'till your lungs bleed but it still won't hear you. No one will leave this discussion with different beliefs than they entered it with.

Lets face it, this debate ended before it started.

EDIT: Ah ha! It just occured to me what the problem is, this thread was addressed to the skeptics but doesn't offer what a skeptic would need to sway their views. This thread isn't for skeptics, it's for the people who already believe in ESP.

It should have been called 'To All ESP Believers: Read it and Continue to Believe!'

Dear buffys:

I think you should add a third camp to your very limited view of the world. The third camp would be those arrogant enough to speak for everyone.

No one was trying to convince anyone of anything let alone PROVE something to someone. The point was that a Nobel Prize winner came up with a theory offering a possible "scientific explanation." But you're right about the title not being properly worded. I should have entitled this post, "To those who have a Nobel Prize on their mantle, read it an enjoy!"

And, personally, I would much rather debate a tree than you. At least they offer shade whereas you offer nothing.

wow, angry little fella aren't ya. Try reading the post again after you calm down a bit, you missed the point completely.

No one was trying to convince anyone of anything let alone PROVE something to someone.

If you weren't trying to convince anyone or prove something perhaps, 'To All Esp Skeptics: Read It And Weep!' was a poor choice for the thread title because it implies EXACTLY that.

You can backpeddle all you want but you're title speaks for itself really.
Quantum Quack:

I assert that you don't really know anything about quantum mechanics, or what it entails. I might be wrong. But your use of new-age buzz words like 'quantum emotional communications' suggests that you don't understand the quantum at all.
Originally posted by NEMESIS
The point is if you first do not know what ESP is, then how can you set an average for it?
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100. What is it? Statistically you have a 1/100 chance. Statisitically nobody has been able to demonstrate the ability in this or other tests.

For if we use the hypothesis that this is a "function" then how the hell do we determine a "guess" from using "ESP"?

Ever hear of probability.

I also love it when perfectly rational questions as concerns methodology and protocol are completely ignored and not answered in favor of mocking. Do you really think this is a valid way of determining whether anything has validity?

Perhaps you could point to where I mocked you? I think not. I see the majority of the mocking coming from your side.

So I ask you and MRC Hans again what would be the correct protocol for determining whether such a thing as ESP exists?

What EXACTLY are you saying you (or someone else) can do?
Originally posted by buffys
wow, angry little fella aren't ya. Try reading the post again after you calm down a bit, you missed the point completely.

If you weren't trying to convince anyone or prove something perhaps, 'To All Esp Skeptics: Read It And Weep!' was a poor choice for the thread title because it implies EXACTLY that.

You can backpeddle all you want but you're title speaks for itself really.

Dear buffys:

Better to be angry than dense. And do you ever attempt thought? Ever?!!!

And it is "your" title and not "you're" title for "you're" is a contraction for "you are". God in heaven give me strength!

Now you are trying to tell me what I meant by the title. At best you can only tell me how you "interpreted" the title. And it implies what it states. That a Nobel Prize not only accepts ESP quite comfortably, but has managed to construct a model by which it works.

It gives validity to the subject and further offers a wonderfully, rich, insightful explanation if one cares to read. Obviously you can't even read my title nor get past it so this leaves you out. But for anyone else out there, PLEASE read the article. It's quite good.

Do you like to base arguments on authority instead of self though?
ah yes, when all else fails jump on a spelling mistake. The last bastion of a failed argument, that and insults. Is that the best you have? I don't feel the need to point out insignificant errors to make my argument better.

I beleeve you accuzed someone of mocking earlier, I've gone through the thread and you are, hands down, the mocking/insult champ of this discussion. It's hilarious, you start a post with 'Dear (insert name):' and if the person you're responding to disagrees in any way you condescend and rage at them. Ya, that'll help your point.

I rekomend cutting down on you're coffee intake, or get a dog.

If a simple discussion (where the majority of insults hurled are from you) can make you this angry I'd consider avoiding forums, your going to have a heart attak.

BTW - I sprinkled some spelling mistakes throughout so ya have something REALLY IMPORTANT to attack.
ahh the proof we are all waiting for....

It's called the "Forum syndrome"

The proof is there and predictability is easy to establish.

It's quite simple really

First step, an attempt at opening discussion ( with a leading question)

Second step, discussion downgrades to debate. ( especially over word meaning and ...yes spellings. )

Third step, Debate downgrades to arguement. ( where word meanings get totally lost and spelling looses diversity)

Fourth and final step, every one gets pissed off, packs their bags ( words ) and goes home.

Sound a bit like middle east peace talks hey?

And who said there is no proof of psychic ability?


Ohh BTW there is one more step and that is that some of us come back and do it all over again.

There you go I have predicted the future,,, beware
It really IS that predictable isn't it, doesn't say much for humanity. Also this type of topic has the extra friction factor, 'believer vs skeptic'. It almost always degrades quickly.
From the link:

In order that it can model individual thought, we suppose that individual life forms can perturb the background state so as to create a localised ‘thought bubble’, tied to the individual concerned.

It’s interesting that he bases his theory on this one assumption yet offers no explanation as to how this so-called ‘thought bubble’ is conceived. So, Nemesis sez:

That a Nobel Prize not only accepts ESP quite comfortably, but has managed to construct a model by which it works.

Slow down there, cowboy – there is nothing to indicate his theory works aside from his assumption that ‘thought bubbles’ exist.

Where is his experimental evidence on ‘thought bubbles?’
Originally posted by Quantum Quack

Second step, discussion downgrades to debate. ( especially over word meaning and ...yes spellings. )

The fact that you think the transition to debate is a 'downgrade' puts your intellectual curiosity into question.
thats interesting, the same thing crossed my mind. Personally, i'm a big fan of debate and don't see it as a bad thing or a lower form of discussion at all. Debate (to me) is just a fancy word for a civilized discussion of opposing views.

BTW - I've never looked the word up so I may be wrong but that's always been my impression.
Originally posted by buffys
It really IS that predictable isn't it, doesn't say much for humanity. Also this type of topic has the extra friction factor, 'believer vs skeptic'. It almost always degrades quickly.

No arguments degrade when IDIOTS join the conversation. Are you also known for carrying that wet blanket with you to a party?

And I will once again try to convey to you what the INTENT was of posting this by QUOTING from the first statement made. I said:

"So there is the possibility as presented by Josephson. I believe the line for apologies starts on the right. It may help to deliver that apology to all you have offended on your knees for it seems that is where we all belong in relation to the understanding of the great mysteries of the universe.

Sat Nam (said on MY knees, tongue firmly held in cheek) to one and all,

Now, buffys, does this sound like I was expecting to change anyone's mind or get into an argument? Is this really what this conveys to you? I will give you a hint:


adj : cleverly amusing in tone; "a bantering tone"; "facetious remarks"; "tongue-in-cheek advice" [syn: bantering, facetious] adv 1: in a bantering fashion; "he spoke to her banteringly" [syn: banteringly] 2: not seriously; "I meant it facetiously" [syn: facetiously, jokingly]

Please note it says, "not seriously."

You know in looking over my posts on this site, I will say I have a definite Jekyll and Hyde thing going on. I veer wildly from preaching peace and love to skewering someone and taking no hostages in a verbal barrage. I really must do something about that. Actually there are those pills the nice doctor gave me....:eek:

Take care, buffys,
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Originally posted by Persol

Ever hear of probability.

No. Did he used to date Winona Ryder?

I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100. What is it? Statistically you have a 1/100 chance. Statisitically nobody has been able to demonstrate the ability in this or other tests.

Au contrare, mon ami! I have done a quick search on the web and have found...voile!

An excerpt says:

"During that period he had participated in tests involving nearly 700 runs through the standard deck of ESP cards, averaging approximately 32% successes as compared with the mean chance expectation of 20%. Nothing like this prolonged series of tests had ever been made up to that time, and Hubert Pearce's performance was recognized even then as highly exceptional."

I did not thoroughly check this out to see if was bogus, but it does seem to have been published many times. Don't really know if this is proof of a valid test, but it's the best I can do right now since it's late. It would seem to disprove your notion that NO ONE has done this. I do apologize this if it's nonsense.

And I did note that the mocking came from the woowoo MRC Hans and not you. Pardon my pooling of the two of you into one entity.

Originally posted by (Q)
From the link:

That a Nobel Prize not only accepts ESP quite comfortably, but has managed to construct a model by which it works.

Where is his experimental evidence on ‘thought bubbles?’

Do you guys ever do any work for yourself? Want me to get you a beer while I'm up?

I will see what I can find.

No arguments degrade when IDIOTS join the conversation. Are you also known for carrying that wet blanket with you to a party?

Hey! Good timing. Thank you NEMESIS, I think you've illustrated my point better than I would have been able to in 100 posts.

Shall we return to the subject now or would you like to continue to scream? I'll start an 'insult people' thread if you'd like, in an appropriate environment I'm more than happy to join in but we were discussing ESP right? It's hard to remember at this point.
Originally posted by buffys
Hey! Good timing. Thank you NEMESIS, I think you've illustrated my point better than I would have been able to in 100 posts.

Shall we return to the subject now or would you like to continue to scream? I'll start an 'insult people' thread if you'd like, in an appropriate environment I'm more than happy to join in but we were discussing ESP right? It's hard to remember at this point.

You're quite a charmer and I can see you do not even take an olive branch when it is offered. Instead you throw dried leaves. It will put you in good stead in life.

As for things being hard for you to remember, I'm sure you are well-acquainted with this problem. It must be like gum on your shoe at this point. Perhaps you could start taking notes?


P.S. The original post was about ESP. Please let us return to this subject and not have anymore ridiculous responses!
that was an olive branch? ok, ill take your word for it.

P.S. The original post was about ESP. Please let us return to this subject and not have anymore ridiculous responses!

I thought I just said that ... anyway, on we go. While we were bickering some good points were brought up.

(Q) said:
It’s interesting that he bases his theory on this one assumption yet offers no explanation as to how this so-called ‘thought bubble’ is conceived.

I agree, it's kind of a theory built on top of another theory and little of the mechanics of how these bubbles operate is really addressed,

Persol quoted NEMESIS:
So I ask you and MRC Hans again what would be the correct protocol for determining whether such a thing as ESP exists?
Persol responded:
What EXACTLY are you saying you (or someone else) can do?

For me its as simple as getting people who claim to have these abilities and ask them to demonstrate what they can do. The protocol can be derived from the alleged abilities. If someone can, for example, move objects with their mind just set objects of varying weight in front of them and say 'show me'. Obviously all the normal testing rules would be applied and it would have to be repeatable but it seems like a pretty simple thing to test, you just need someone who can actually demonstrate some form of ESP. Once you have that, the actual testing should be easy.
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Originally posted by buffys

Persol responded:

For me its as simple as getting people who claim to have these abilities and ask them to demonstrate what they can do. The protocol can be derived from the alleged abilities. If someone can, for example, move objects with their mind just set objects of varying weight in front of them and say 'show me'. Obviously all the normal testing rules would be applied and it would have to be repeatable but it seems like a pretty simple thing to test, you just need someone who can actually demonstrate some form of ESP. Once you have that, the actual testing should be easy.

Dear buffys:

This has already been done. Please READ what I replied to Persol.

"Au contrare, mon ami! I have done a quick search on the web and have found...voile!

An excerpt says:

"During that period he had participated in tests involving nearly 700 runs through the standard deck of ESP cards, averaging approximately 32% successes as compared with the mean chance expectation of 20%. Nothing like this prolonged series of tests had ever been made up to that time, and Hubert Pearce's performance was recognized even then as highly exceptional."

So someone has bettered this probability that is so important to everyone. Can I now assume that the discussion is closed because Persol and you and everybody else has agreed that if someone can do this then there is such a thing as ESP? Or do you now prove yourself to be hypocrites by wanting another hurdle jumped over? You see, this is part of the problem. People say they want this, but then when the evidence is presented to them they dismiss it with a wave of their hand. I have submitted the evidence, so now do you all accept ESP?

And in terms of what I "say" I can do, I have explained this once, twice and will not repeat it a third. It really would help for everyone to read what has been said so people didn't have to repeat themselves. But in terms of people believing what I do what I say I can do, I found this charming bit written by skeptic on tarot card reading. This person really is an idiot. On this site:

Bob Novella says this:

"Cold reading is a skill used by tarot card readers, psychics, palm readers, iridologists, astrologers, and even salesmen to gather information about a subject. The process begins with careful observation, supplemented by knowledge of statistics and the commonalties of human nature. From these starting points general statements are made, statements which are likely to be true about almost anybody. Visual and verbal feedback from the subject is then used to pursue accurate statements and abandon dead ends, all the time honing the initial guesses to more and more accurate conclusions. In the hands of an expert, the technique can be frighteningly successful, almost uncanny.

Cold reading is not one simple trick but a number of different methods for gleaning surprisingly accurate information about someone's personality characteristics and problems, all with ostensibly little effort. By definition this information is gathered on the spot by conversation, keen observation and a good memory. In contrast, the term 'hot reading' has been applied to information gathering that precedes visual and physical contact, usually through special databases, directories and other resources. Cold readers, though, do not need to rely on such sources. All that is needed is interaction with the subject. Before any interaction, though, most accomplished cold readers have as an information foundation, knowledge of probability and the common denominators of the human condition."

Now I have never done this before in my entire life. The fact that this person demeans everyone and puts everyone in the same charlatan low-life category irks me. You can see where he is wrong on the most basic of things for he asserts that these readers have:

"knowledge of probability"

So I am slammed in one direction by Persol with being accused of not even knowing if such a thing as probability exists and now in this article, it seems I am "MASTER" of it. I suppose if I had to be one of the other the latter is more appealing, but I'm afraid both are very untrue.

In terms of the model, again, the link is there. There is plenty of evidence and all theories until proven are theories. Are you (not you, buffys, but you in general) asserting that before someone hypothesizes a theory they need absolute proof? That should cut down on this activity. Beside this should be unnecessary as Persol has asked for someone to outgun probability. This has been done already.

So we have all agreed on proof being beating probability. It has been done. Now what are we now discussing?
Now what are we now discussing?

I thought we were discussing the validity of the paper you linked in your original post. So far, it has no validity because of the erroneous assumption of 'thought bubbles.' The paper is useless unless it can show some evidence in this regard.