To all christians


I've never read him either. But anything is better than the Bible - hell, C++ manuels are probably a lot more fun and a whole lot more usefull!

*Grumble grumble grumble* My head hurts, and my neck hurts, and the muscles in my back hurt, and my sinuses are all stuffy, and I can't sleep, and the SAT is really confusing to study for.....

I have an inalienable right to grumble

Oh, and Lovecraft - start with 'Mountains of Madness' or 'Rats in the Walls' - his scariest, IMO. 'Herbert West - Reanimator' is his funniest.
C'mon, Xev

Oh, please, Xev. You can do better than second-tier performance art.

And I still throw my hat behind The White Ship, Celephais, and Charles Dexter Ward. :D

And, of course, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath.

Tiassa :cool:

Tiassa: Oh I agree with you wholeheartedly on Herbert -DAMN IT! Damn it! Not quite fresh enough! - West. Very, very funny, especially for a materialist. :)

But I stick by my choices. There is a wonderful lyricism in 'Mountains of Madness' that I haven't seen elsewhere in gnaii Lovecraft's work. Perhaps in 'Dream Quest'.

Of course, Adamski, you might want to read 'Call of Cthulhu' - just so that you have a better handle on my babble about the Great Old One. But I found the 'Call' almost - well - boring.

P.S: For a very funny short story about love, book publishing, and interdimensional squid/man/dragon monsters, 'Love's Elderich Ichor' by Ester M. Friesner. It's in the 'Cthulhu 2000' anthology of Lovecraft inspired writing.
Ya know, something just hit me the other day, I don't know why I'm remembering it now...

But I remember somewhere ( in a book I read ) the author asked, " If you were born in Egypt in 3000 bc, what would you believe? Would you believe in the Christian? It didn't exist then! The Jewish Myth? Islam?

Probably not. You would probably believe in th death cycle, Osiris, and the battle with his brother Set, and you would probably believe that the Sun was really the God, Ra. "

Good point if you ask me.
Originally posted by Tinker683
Probably not. You would probably believe in th death cycle, Osiris, and the battle with his brother Set, and you would probably believe that the Sun was really the God, Ra. "
There're a lot more reasons to believe in Ra too:
1. You can see the Sun.
2. You can feel the power of the Sun and demonstrate its effect on the world.
3. The Sun is the source of all life on this planet.
4. The Sun can be benevolent (light for food plants to grow, warm summer days).
5. The Sun can be malevolent (sunstroke, sunburn).
6. The Sun is the source of all weather.
7. The Sun is the source of power for all our petroleum burning vehicles.

All that stuff science says about the Sun being a star is a lie. The Sun doesn't look anything like a star, anyone can see that. It's all a conspiracy by the liberal left to make us look foolish and make people stop believing in the One True God. Ra!

Witness the victory of the Sun over the powers of darkness during the next eclipse. Witness the power of the Sun as I release it from this stick of wood! Witness the salt flats in Utah, evidence of the supreme power of the Sun as it dried up an entire sea!

Pardon me… I got a bit carried away. (Adjusting my collar and quietly walking away)


I liked one of the first posts that read something like religious people exist only to supply him with stupid people to entertain him, that was funny. All posts subsequent have been BORING. I didn't even read any of them, too long, too boring. Piety, any form of mysticism, faith, religion, whatever you want to call it is just as ignorant as atheism, they're both closed minded. Only those agnostic get my respect.

Not only am I agnostic, but I consider religion one of the most serious problems of humanity. When a believer accepts a deity as more important than his/her life than the believer will see others as unimportant; human life will be secondary, and that's when the problems begin! Believing there are higher beauties than human life is a serious mistake common not only to religions but also to nationalism and certain ideologies, such as communism and extreme forms of environmentalism. In all of these cases, believers are willing to sacrifice human life for some higher goal and that's when we have hijackers throwing airplanes into skyscrapers, kamikaze pilots, suicide bombings, etc.

I believe it was Sir Richard F. Burton who once said, "The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never worshipped anything but himself." Marinate on that.

And Stephen F Roberts also once said, "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours". Take some time to ruminate on that as well.
Adam said:
Jesus Fuggin Christ, Xev, bringing up the christian bible is hardly fair when discussing that religion...

Let me get this straight... you're saying that when discussing christianity it is hardly fair to bring up the christian bible?