Tin Foil Hats: Do they actually work?

Tinfoil Hats: Do they actually work?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • No

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • Not just a simple answer, more in appended post.

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters
Yeah. I was kind of aiming in woo-woo land there, as it seemed appropriate for the thread, but altering audio, video, or magnetic frequencies within range can affect your mood.

I'll agree with all of that except the very last statment. There is absolutely NO indication of ANY kind that "alternating magnetic frequencies" has any effect on the human brain. If you know of a study that proves otherwise, I'd certainly be interested in reading it. (Not from some woo-woo site, of course.);)
Yes. I'd mentioned that the caps would not work. The only effective weapon of defense would be your own personal ELF transmitter which I am now selling for the low, low, price of $3999.99.

BTW: these are not radar frequencies. we are talking about simple ELF frequencies like below channel 2 on your tv. The kind they'd use in the Navy to ask subs to surface.

You could download many trance inducing audio/video "THETA" frequency hypnosis aids online. But how do you fight against the ELF threat.
The kind they'd use in the Navy to ask subs to surface
You mean the kind where the sub has to trail a kilometres-long aerial to receive them?
Got a better idea than spending $4k - I'll just stop fitting a receiver that size to my head...
not 4K - $3999.99 (for u, taxes in).

Space Preservation Act of 2001 considered ELF a weapon.




Dr. Beck, Dr. Becker, Dr. Marino, Dr. Eldon Byrd, Dr. Puharich, Dr. Victor Adamenko, and many other scientists conducted additional research into this phenomena and confirmed its potential as a health hazard. By 1984, having recognized the endemic nature of this problem, efforts were put toward developing a unique instrument to protect an individual from harmful ELF frequencies. In late 1985, ELF International solved technical problems and developed a "shielding chip." This chip was tested and shown to shield a human body from harmful electromagnetic fields (radio waves).

If you are not convinced, then it is safe for you to buy that house near the "POWER LINES", O.K.

Hey I said I didn't buy into it, do your own research. lol
not 4K - $3999.99 (for u, taxes in).
1 cent difference? Near enough for engineering purposes.

From the link:
Some subjects showed lock-on (entrainment) over a wide frequency range, while other subjects showed no lock-on whatsoever.

That sounds like a "not proven" to me. More work is required to either find out why some subjects did (or didn't) respond or if the results were flawed.
O.K. I give up. If you want to work beside a transformer outputting low frequency radio waves, go ahead. I'm going to just accept it as fact based on my "current" understanding. My links were not the greatest, but I think it is already "common knowledge" ELF can be disruptive to the human psyche.

That's what is good about the internet, we can research much more readily than we could 10 years ago.

P.S. I do not own a Ham Radio. ELF generator, or tin foil cap.
Define "work".
Do they make you look like a moron?
Yes, they work for that function.

Is there really something that humans need to be protected from? Well besides HAARP of course:D
I don't look like a moron. My tin hat's on the inside of my skull.
True. Tin Foil might increase your reception. lol

EMF radiation could probably be countered to some degree by broadcasting a less harmful field around your body. Similiar to the way a low volume transistor radio held to your ears could block out a rock concert.

I do not indorse Tin Foil Caps, unless you want to purchase one from me, then I'd be for them.

I was speaking figuratively and tin foil caps would do nothing except help you pick up chicks. lol
Just line the inside of a regular hat with tinfoil.

That way your enemies won't know you're protected, either, and won't try other and worse means.

But Kwilhorn's right, they don't protect against ELF rays. You need one of his jamming transmitters for that.

For cell phone protection, tiinfoil one of those bombardier hats with the earflaps, or a construction hardhat liner, and put your phone on "speaker" setting at least 27" from your head.

As far as mind control, rather than mere surveillance, that is normally accomplished by the intermittant subjection of the visual field to carefully organized sequential patterns of small, geometric shapes of particular kinds proven to create aberrant mental fields in the pre-conditioned brain.
In the 1960s, US successfully developed radio-frequency weapon. This weapon can be used to attack the human heart and kill people (without leaving evidence of external injury), so it will look as if the victims died of heart attacks. Thus, the CIA's assassins switched to using radio-frequency weapon to induce their victims to have heart attacks.

(Source) "Wonder Weapons" by Douglas Pasternak, US NEWS & WORLD REPORT, (7 July 1997)

Perhaps we should also be seeking tin foil vests.