Tin Foil Hats: Do they actually work?

Tinfoil Hats: Do they actually work?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • No

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • Not just a simple answer, more in appended post.

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters


Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
I'm sure many have you have heard about people that wear tinfoil hats thinking that they can keep out the nasty government run brain manipulation devices from otherwise ruining yet another perfect thought or stealing yet another perpetual motion invention.

The question I however raise is: Do they actually work? Or are they just another needless fashion accessory intended to manipulate the gullible to part with their hard-earned cash?

I know I would question if the quality of tinfoil implies whether the shroud should actually work considering that it doesn't wrap a persons head fully and that certain frequencies can still quite happily pass through without any problems what so ever.

Frankly, I wouldn't want to shroud my head as I'm sure the outcome would be similar to something like a baked potato should you actually be threatened by the wrong type of frequencies.

Admittedly I would like to see some serious discussion about what would be the perfect shroud material based upon frequency however I am pretty sure that such a discussion would manifest itself into anarchy anyway. So simply if you can, do the poll and add your thoughts after the..... well... Post.
Wouldn't the answer to this question depend on whether the government is able to read your thoughts in the first place?
It was a Rhetorical Statement, it doesn't have to be a government it could be anything like: aliens, MIBs, Elvis, Satan and his minions, The ghost of nostradamus or that weird looking guy that sometimes apparently appears at places you tend to be. These by no means are all of them (or in fact any of them) but it's really dependent on peoples own *beliefs* and what they choose to accept over whatever perpetrator has suggested they are.
The people doing the mind reading doesn't matter, but to answer the question we need to know how they are doing it. To foil something you first need to know how it works.
The people doing the mind reading doesn't matter, but to answer the question we need to know how they are doing it. To foil something you first need to know how it works.

Now that is a good and serious question.

Currently the only answers that can be given are from a small selection of outdated papers from various neuroscientists suggesting the impossibilities of such interfacing, however they are written circa 1970-1980's.

You can also suggest that while everyone has similar physiology, they are not in fact identical, so what works for one person would not necessarily work the same for another.

further you can imply that if such a system was to matrix an individual, it would need to be able to triangulate an individuals position similar to GPS. Since this would normally mean a tracking device, the only other assumption is that when a target has been acquired a continued lock has to be maintained by that target being constantly followed, resulting in the harassment that people attempt to explain about and usually fail to.

As to what area of the spectrum is used, it's known that it's obvious not observable or audible by external observation using no sophisticated equipment. Observation would also suggest the lack to certain types of equipment usually prone to electromagnetic pollution showing no signs of being effected. However there is a question as to UV levels, however current experiments are non-conclusive due to contaminated testing (Standing in the sun tends to tint sunshades).

Even with the frequency identified and the philosophy of how a lock is achieved there is still the problem of identifying the actual method of interfacing with a human mind. It's known that Temporal Lobes deal with our Speech Recognition and Speech synthesis and they are closely connected to our actual hearing. It could therefore be hypothesised that should a sound be generated at a specific frequency it could reverberate the eardrum and not be heard by anyone else than the intended victim (apart from perhaps a sine waveform by the unintended people around them).

If further penetration of the mind was/is possible then such synthesis would be taken further, why stop at just auditory creations and invest time in visual. It would start with at first the low quality visuals with say black and white or monochrome with a step up in regards to depth and colour. However it can be suggested that increasing the colours will of course require a greater range of the spectrum available and will possible push levels into areas that shouldn't be pushed.

Visual interpretations would obviously involve creating three dimensional matrixes within the Occipital Lobe regions, in theory.

Notibly all these interactions occur within specific areas of the brain but do not manipulate the Frontal Lobes that are usually identified with a person ability to rationalise thought. So it can be suggested that when external influence is implanted into a persons brain, their own rationalisation concocts what's going on and who is responsible and lowers the chances for an accurate depiction of events.

It can be further suggested that long term use of a radiological spectrum will place the Subject, Testee, Volunteer or Victim at risk from radiation poisoning along with various changes within their physiology. Unfortunately only the professionals trained with a knowledge of such goings on would actually be able to see these changes as being caused by such external entities as most people in psychiatric professions do not have the training or access to such clandestine projects/uses.
There is more to add, however I'm just going off the top of my head.

For instance the usage of an external frequency would suggest the manipulation of a persons own brain subcomponents in the form of Neurons. If they aren't directly interacted with, then they would be queued by what means would be necessary to generate a connection. Their "Natural" use would of course burn a certain amount of calories during use and this amount is greatly increased due to external traffic.

This would leave the victim over a long duration of time suffering from feeling warn, tired and perhaps not want to do things even though physically they might not have done anything. It would appear like some form of neurosis to the untrained eye, perhaps misdiagnosed as a mental condition.
I think the first question (as opposed to assuming that it's impossible) is to first figure out what thing (wave, signal, whatever) can be broadcast that has *any* effect on activity in the brain. It doesn't really matter what effect it has, or how minuscule the effect is.....just that it acts in some/any capacity as an external influence. The same would go for finding something/anything with the capability to remotely analyze brain activity.

The next would be to analyze tin foil's effectiveness in reducing or blocking it.

One example (really reaching on this one) would be certain forms of radiation. I know some are effected by relatively small amounts of tin foil. If I remember correctly, tin foil chaff was used to confuse radar in ww2......of course, I'm not so sure those same forms of radiation have any influence whatsoever on neuro-chemical transactions.
Indeed, it would have to be understood how such things are suppose to block radiation of any form.

For instance original statements of such "mind control" being impossible concluded that direct interaction with the human brain would be improbable because of the "Blood Brain Barrier". (According to Neurologist, Dr. Penrose)
I believe the assumption was that the flow of blood around the brain would potentially absorb radiation and/or make any passive listening or active interaction improbable (perhaps due to the body's own bio-electromagnetics), since it would distort anything being listened too.

However his conclusions I believe were only based on one area of the spectrum.

It can be suggested that there are two ways to block frequency and a few ways to "Jam" frequency by creating pollution data. The problem with Jamming however is creating an active signal which might in itself have unidentified consequences.

The two methods to block involve either hiding behind an extremely dense mass i.e. Lead shielding. The denser the matter and the greater the volume of the material the less chance of radiation being able to reach the other side, however the problem with this method would be the static environment it would have to reside in like a Bunker. (Just out of interest it is possible to penetrate soil/rock for distance, however I'm not entirely sure as to what depth and it would require real geophysics planning to pick a location that utilises natural deposits that either aid blocking or jamming to it's advantage.)

The other method involves shielding where the materials used attempt to have "holes" smaller than the wavelength of the frequency trying to penetrate it. One layer however wouldn't suffice, since multiple layers would generate collision of any frequencies that manage to penetrate. This creates in a way it's own form of polluted data.

It can be suggested that a perfect shield would require more than just a sheet material but also randomised electromagnetic impulses (Static systems would be observed over time and therefore potentially weaknesses found) and even crystalline deposits in an attempt to increase the chances of Diffraction.

I suppose you could suggest that I don't personally think that tinfoil would be enough to protect anyone. (Please note my theory/reasoning to how things work isn't necessarily completely accurate and there are people that know more about why certain shielding works. It would be great to hear from some of them.)
Many believe that because we EVOLVED from single cell organisms, that our cells are capable of memory engrams. Partially as a defense mechanism.

i.e. You're a little ameoba zipping around on New Years, and suddenly the water you are in gets cold, then you "swim" into an area with a very low PH level, and it causes you damage (Pain?). This event is recorded, and the next time your membrane touches cold water again, your cell responds by expecting the lower PH. A higher level organism may even attempt to swim away for fear of the waters acidity. Our brain consists of "The primate brain" (frontal lobes, etc.), The mammal brain (smaller central region), and the "reptilian brain" at the top of the spine. Many believe that our unconscious and/or conscious mind is a cummulative affect of cell interaction throughout your entire body,

Just ask Tom Cruise / John Travolta

So you would need the entire body foil wear.
yes they work...the better apparatus is a copper mesh with a thin soft iron foil coating. The idea is to prevent any magnetic field to affect your brain such as high voltage power lines. The copper mesh acts as a Faraday Cage to prevent high frequency waves doing harm to your brain.

On the other hand, FCC would have you believe that cell phone frequencies, radio frequencies etc. do not damage your brain. They may reduce your IQ by 15 points, but who needs more than 100 anyway?

Just to be safe side, if you live in a city, it may be prudent to put a copper wire mesh in your hat and wear them....but do not tell anybody....:D
Tin foil hats probably do impact with radio waves and other invisible radiation, simply by being a metallic substance.
People who use cell phones incessantly are probably 15 I.Q points lower than average.

This is interesting...somebody actually put a practical spin on the possibility of tapping into someone's plans. The cell phone. Put down the tin-foil and then turn off your cell phone.
It does seem that many scientific communities have discovered that emmanating ELF, one can alter moods in large communities. Perhaps this is why washington is a murder capital, as it is bombarded by bothersome ELF from terrorrists. There are ways to block ELF, and that is by broadcasting a beneficial 7.8 hertz EMF to yourself. It is not imagination. The flashing of a strobe light can alter your moods, or induce seizures. Sadly tin foil hats offer no protection. Just a $2000 transmitter, of which I am now selling for $4000. lol

So forget mind reading, how about mind altering.

google "woodpecker Russian broadcast ELF"
for 60 000 hits on the subject.

You may never sleep again. Bwa-ha-ha-ha
Yeah. I was kind of aiming in woo-woo land there, as it seemed appropriate for the thread, but altering audio, video, or magnetic frequencies within range can affect your mood.

This is basic. It can also induce seizures in epileptics. There is a potential to cause mood fluctuations.

Did you know that by varying the speed of a strobe light, you can create anger in a subject. This is not fantasy.

Yes, I knew the woodpecker theory was a little far-fetched, but the potential is there. It is like saying the
"GWEN" defense system is not really for weather, but to control our brains. lol

who knows? But I think this idea has more potential as a need for "tin foil caps" as any other I've heard mentioned here.

I don't buy it, but this site may convince you to buy a few "tin foil caps"


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With the power output available from most radar systems a tin hat would do exactly zero - radar frequency is microwave - it'll cook your internal organs. Probably less even conducive to continued free thinking than having your mind altered.:eek: