Time-warner Bans Prisonplanet From The Net!

duendy said:
so why do you think the Illuminati aren't real then?...watch this folks......two- sentence-charlie's gonna tell us

First off, congratulations. I think that's the first thing I've seen from you that wasn't all garbled up and misspelled. :D

To the point: They are nothing more than figments of your paranoid/delusional mind. Too many acid trips, too little reading of reliable sources and too much reading of the products of bonker mind's similar to your own.

I've read MANY of your posts and 90% of what you say clearly indicates that your brain is damaged beyond repair. You talk about mystical things as if they were real. You posess very little knowledge of real science yet you continously argue (sensesly, at that) whith those who do.

The most accurate classification of your mental state would be an idiot-savant - sans the savant part.
Light said:
First off, congratulations. I think that's the first thing I've seen from you that wasn't all garbled up and misspelled. :D
i assure you the effort wsn't for you. you disrespectful pice of shite

To the point: They are nothing more than figments of your paranoid/delusional mind. Too many acid trips, too little reading of reliable sources and too much reading of the products of bonker mind's similar to your own.

me:::haveyou ever had an acid trip? you disgustingly rotten little todger?

I've read MANY of your posts and 90% of what you say clearly indicates that your brain is damaged beyond repair. You talk about mystical things as if they were real. You posess very little knowledge of real science yet you continously argue (sensesly, at that) whith those who do.

me:::well if i am brain damaged whats that make you then...?

The most accurate classification of your mental state would be an idiot-savant - sans the savant part.

and that's it is it? i politely ask you to offer an intelligent critique about the Illuminati, and you just attack the asker?

what a useless little phony arsed gob shite are aren' you?
duendy said:
and that's it is it? i politely ask you to offer an intelligent critique about the Illuminati, and you just attack the asker?

Huh? Isn't that like asking for an intelligent critique about Snow White or Santa Claus? How can one have an intelligent critique about someone else's fantasy?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Huh? Isn't that like asking for an intelligent critique about Snow White or Santa Claus? How can one have an intelligent critique about someone else's fantasy?

Baron Max
but you CAN have an intelligent critique about SnowWHite and Santa.....these characters mean someting. they didn't just pop out of the air. they hav folk lorish meanings that can be dug for, and explored

but forget tem for the mo. we are talking of te Illuminati. it isof nu use whatsoever for people to just post eg 'ahhhh just a load of crap the illuminati bahhhhumbug' etc....exfukin plain whyyyyy? WHY are they an illusion, a fantasy? am all ears...
duendy said:
but you CAN have an intelligent critique about SnowWHite and Santa.....these characters mean someting. they didn't just pop out of the air. they hav folk lorish meanings that can be dug for, and explored

but forget tem for the mo. we are talking of te Illuminati. it isof nu use whatsoever for people to just post eg 'ahhhh just a load of crap the illuminati bahhhhumbug' etc....exfukin plain whyyyyy? WHY are they an illusion, a fantasy? am all ears...

Simply because there can be little said about something that exists only in someone's mind.

As to WHY they are an illusion, that's a very hard question. No one really knows how a brain becomes so miswired. We do know some of the causes - like trauma and chemicals, but why it becomes so deranged isn't clear. It seems to not be able to distinguish between the real and the imaginary. But the precise mechanisms of the imbalance is still very much up for debate.
Light said:
Simply because there can be little said about something that exists only in someone's mind.

me::eek:r...more so...there can b little said by someone who hasn't the foggiest about the subject? so covers it by just hurling abuse and put downs and having ad hominem fits

As to WHY they are an illusion, that's a very hard question.

me::i do see you are atruggling. oh dear......

No one really knows how a brain becomes so miswired.

me::eek:h, here we go again. this dude cant give it up!

We do know some of the causes - like trauma and chemicals, but why it becomes so deranged isn't clear. It seems to not be able to distinguish between the real and the imaginary. But the precise mechanisms of the imbalance is still very much up for debate.

i know. it must be VERY difficult for you. didums

let me know when you want to get off your highhorse and talk intelligntly. IF i am in the mood, you disrespectful bitch
Duendy said:
it isof nu use whatsoever for people to just post eg 'ahhhh just a load of crap the illuminati bahhhhumbug' etc....exfukin plain whyyyyy? WHY are they an illusion, a fantasy? am all ears...
Because there cannot be one all-encompassing conspiracy. There are many smaller ones, to be sure, but the human race is too unreliable and flawed to do anything that perfect.
duendy said:
i know. it must be VERY difficult for you. didums

let me know when you want to get off your highhorse and talk intelligntly. IF i am in the mood, you disrespectful bitch

you actually mad me laugh this time! :D Funny how someone in your condition can accuse another of not talking intelligently.

What I was talking about when I said difficult and not understood is the actual physiology of the miswired brain. We do know HOW it works, just not WHAT makes it be that way.

Incidentally, no bitch here - I happen to be male.
Light said:
you actually mad me laugh this time! :D Funny how someone in your condition can accuse another of not talking intelligently.

What I was talking about when I said difficult and not understood is the actual physiology of the miswired brain. We do know HOW it works, just not WHAT makes it be that way.

Incidentally, no bitch here - I happen to be male.
hah! that dont mean you aint no bitch bitch........ALL you have done whilst you been here is bitch bitch bitch
spidergoat said:
Because there cannot be one all-encompassing conspiracy. There are many smaller ones, to be sure, but the human race is too unreliable and flawed to do anything that perfect.

first off checkout thepyramid structure of the Illuminati and tat will give a clue how conspiracies can work. ie., people on lower rungs not realizing intentions of te upper eschelons

also, do not underestmate people. especially people with vast vAST sums of money and power.....who want to KEEP it!
duendy said:
also, do not underestmate people. especially people with vast vAST sums of money and power.....who want to KEEP it!

And all of those people will/do agree on the methods of actions? Surely you can't believe that even three people can agree on every issue?! And here you think that many, many people continue to agree?! ...if they do, they must not be human.

Baron Max
ok illustration....there are 7 of you and 7 others. you lot have their hands on all the riches and power and are workin the other 7 to make your riches keep getting bigger. and you have the 7 divided, into 3.5 vs 3.5. the first 3.5 are black and the second white. so you use various psychological manipulations to make tem hate each OTHER and not even notice YOU lot......you have all agreed that this situation is completely advantageous for your continuin prosperity.......you shake hands on it in agreement and fequent various culbs where you waffle on bout how you are gonna increase your power to the nth degree
You deal in fantasies, Duendy .....there is no argument for or against someone's fantasies. Please try to deal in the realities of the world and of human nature.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
You deal in fantasies, Duendy .....there is no argument for or against someone's fantasies. Please try to deal in the realities of the world and of human nature.

Baron Max
even if it were true. i can assure you tat my fantasies are a damn sight more human than your fantasy of shooting a 65 year old man dead for 'reistin arrest' you horrible person you....doubt you are even sincere in your evil you are that evil
Alex Jones is too extreme and a closet-AntiSemite. It is the responsibility of the media to deny such people from expressing themselves.
Zionist said:
Alex Jones is too extreme and a closet-AntiSemite. It is the responsibility of the media to deny such people from expressing themselves.
anti zionist/
and..themedia do deny him freed to express thus he expresses alternatively away from big media. yet yo want to deny him that. whats yer name agin??
Duendy, have you ever considered your penchant for angry discourse? I mean, think about it ...you seem to get so violently angry at just words on a computer monitor that I worry about you and those like you. Do you pound on the keyboard as you type? Do you froth at the mouth as you read or type the words? Do you bash your head into brick walls because of something you've read somewhere that you don't like?

Please, for your sake, reconsider your anger ....and try real hard to remember that all of this is just words on a computer monitor ....nothing more than that, nothing!

Baron Max
Prince_James said:







See, I can state foundationless crap too.
Thing is, IF the illuminati exists, you wouldn't know they existed, that's what makes them an illuminati, "secret organization".
There is no good reason to use AOL as your ISP anyway. I don't like them, their software, their policies, and it's easy to get better service almost anywhere. Also, you might think that a company has the right to ban anything that it wants, but the customer pays for a general purpose communications system. If its reach is artificially limited, it is a defective product. The company's right to control the use of its services does not extend to selling a defective product.