Yes that is a foolish way to synchronize clocks that are 8.25 light seconds apart....
Let's try and explain it this way.....
You are on earth....I'm sitting on the Sun.....
How do we synchronise our clocks?
You send me a message on the "mark"to synchronise my clock at 1200hrs...Good.
I receive that message 8.25 minutes later at 1208.25 hrs
Are you seeing the fault in your "analogy"yet?
The cheapest way, since you know the separation is for one to send the "t is now" zero MARK to the other who sets his clock to 12:08:25 when the signal is received.
A more costly way is to have mirror at both sites and go what you hope is the midway point and test it with brief flash sent at same time towards each mirror. When reflected light form morrow "a" returns before than from mirror "b" by "delta t" seconds you move c(delta t)/2 farther form mirror "a" Then send more flashes and the msg: "These came form our mutual mid point."
BTW, one (or more) of the visits to the moon left "corner cube" mirrors on the moon. They have been used to confirm experimentally that the moon to Earth separation is in fact increasing. Tidal dissipation is why.
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