Time travel is Achievable

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Umm... I would just like to point out the obvious... dah time-travel is possible.. it has been for a looooong time... all you have to do is jump on a plane in Sydney, fly to India and already you've gone 4 hours back in time. You can't go back to the past but you sure as hell can time-travel.
rainbow__princess_4 said:
Umm... I would just like to point out the obvious... dah time-travel is possible.. it has been for a looooong time... all you have to do is jump on a plane in Sydney, fly to India and already you've gone 4 hours back in time. You can't go back to the past but you sure as hell can time-travel.
dats rubbish.what u c is due 2 d reflection of light frm dat obj. if u move faster den light den u wll b able 2 c what is goin 2 happen van light will fall over it after sometime.
get2it said:
dats rubbish.what u c is due 2 d reflection of light frm dat obj. if u move faster den light den u wll b able 2 c what is goin 2 happen van light will fall over it after sometime.
err it may be humour!
Irregardless, what about the implications of the soul/mind? Would a "rewound" being perform the same way? Would this prove an absence of soul/mind?

Also, how close to this technology do you think we are? All it requires is nanotechnology advancements, and of course massive servers. I'm talking for a small space, such as a bedroom. Not an entire world.

ok, so you make a time machine to go back and fix something right? lets say to save your dog from getting run over. you build it and go back in time and save the dog. heres where it gets crazy... from this point on you wouldnt know what you did. because the dog never died, you would never have built the time machine, or even thought of making one (in a serious manner anyways). so if any kind of time travel occured/occurs... we would never know. it would be the new status quo
get2it said:
dats rubbish.what u c is due 2 d reflection of light frm dat obj. if u move faster den light den u wll b able 2 c what is goin 2 happen van light will fall over it after sometime.
Well you don't appear to have written in english... but from what I understand you seem to be talking about light-reflections and the speed of light... which has WHAT to do with going back across time-zones?! People acknowlege I got you on that one!
Time travel at this time is impossible. Time travel in the future would be impossible because if it was the present would be filled with time travellers. What may be possible is virtual time travel into the past where you experience the past via computerized holograms, sort of the holodeck on the enteprise. Nature must forbid time travel to prevent out of control feedback loops.
I'll save myself the trouble of reading the previous posts and just tell you that time travel into the future happens all the time, in fact I do it a lot. Here's how to do it in three easy steps.

1. Get on a plane heading towards someplace else about six hours away.
2. Eat pretzels and watch in-flight movie.
3. Get off plane in new location.

Congratulations! You traveled approximately one second into the future because you were traveling at a faster than normal speed for a long duration of time. (this is an actual documented fact)
Congratulations! You traveled approximately one second into the future because you were traveling at a faster than normal speed for a long duration of time. (this is an actual documented fact

You're mistaken, let's say you've a twin, now you travel on a plane faster than your twin, after getting off the plane, according to einstein, you have aged less than your twin standing still about a fraction of a second. Tha's not time travel, it's time dilation due to high speeds.
I think the point here is if your plane flys either towards an oncoming rotational axis or away from one.
(Basically moving the goalposts of the landing strip to either be moving away from you or towards you.)

If it's moved towards you while your fly towards it, your going to reach their sooner than if it hadn't of moved.
If your flying towards it and it's moving further away then obviously it's going to take longer than if it hadn't of moved or if it moved towards you.

The appearance here is that you gain or lose time because your travelling for either a shorter or longer duration based on rotational spin, since the earth doesn't sit still while you fly around it.

Note here that you might point out that you can play catch with a ball in a car, as long as there is no high speed speed increase or decrease you can pretty much catch it in the same spot.

However when your talking about an aircraft that doesn't mearly go up for the brief period of time before gravity kicks in, this relationship of the ball being hurled in relative momentum has no effect. Namely while an aircraft is airborne it no longer has anything to do with the Earths Gravity in the sense of why your still standing on it's surface and not flying off.
Stryderunknown said:
I think the point here is if your plane flys either towards an oncoming rotational axis or away from one.
(Basically moving the goalposts of the landing strip to either be moving away from you or towards you.)

If it's moved towards you while your fly towards it, your going to reach their sooner than if it hadn't of moved.
If your flying towards it and it's moving further away then obviously it's going to take longer than if it hadn't of moved or if it moved towards you.

The appearance here is that you gain or lose time because your travelling for either a shorter or longer duration based on rotational spin, since the earth doesn't sit still while you fly around it.

Note here that you might point out that you can play catch with a ball in a car, as long as there is no high speed speed increase or decrease you can pretty much catch it in the same spot.

However when your talking about an aircraft that doesn't mearly go up for the brief period of time before gravity kicks in, this relationship of the ball being hurled in relative momentum has no effect. Namely while an aircraft is airborne it no longer has anything to do with the Earths Gravity in the sense of why your still standing on it's surface and not flying off.

Look up the following link on time dilation when travelling at high speeds.


I think that was what Scrollmaker was refering to.
I wouldn't worry too much about which version he meant, it's so miniscule without the ability to deal with those facts at a level where they actually are accomplishable. It was said before that Quantum Mechanics are trying to work out how the universe works by trying to split the atom with a Hammer.

Without the right tools for the job then the probability is what you are trying to achieve is an improbability.
Stryderunknown said:
I wouldn't worry too much about which version he meant, it's so miniscule without the ability to deal with those facts at a level where they actually are accomplishable. It was said before that Quantum Mechanics are trying to work out how the universe works by trying to split the atom with a Hammer.

Without the right tools for the job then the probability is what you are trying to achieve is an improbability.

How true. Some things have to wait for the right time for all the ingredients to be there.
its interesting how this comes up from time to time. usually born by the misuse of the term impossible. in the past and even now when someone says something is impossible they often do not have a good reason, this has undermined this.

it was once said that a positron is an electron going back through time. i would suggest reading books on the arrow of time. while there are hundreds of ideas, and tons of great plots there are some serious things that point to a fixed direction in time. these having nothing to do with resolving issues and contradictions.

the usual concept of getting around it would be to fold space/time but again this is just to get around the issues of an arrow of time.

the first law of thermodynamics puts a kabosh on things.
the universe tends towards disorder.

while no one argues that the pasage of time can change based on conditions those conditions are well established. going back in time would be more than just a techological innovation.

i would say that its not around the corner.. nor is it in the future that we would be able to at all. the speed of light is the barrier, and though there is still things to learn and nuances to work over.. the large concepts are pretty fixed as to time and space...
and nagasaki and hiroshima kind of lend a lot of proof that its right on target as well as a lot of other things more mundane to us...

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