Time to Evolve?

Well... the only reason you want peace TruthSeeker is because you are selfishly looking out for you own survival. So the area that you live in must be bad enough for you to worry about your own survival being put into jeopardy by an unpeaceful fellow. It's not like you care about anyone else or anything crazy like that. If you woke up the next day and had super powers that made you immune to all harm, then you wouldn't want peace at all since it wouldn't increase your chances of survival anymore. Haven't you understood anything that Dr Lou Natic has said? Pay attention! Dr Lou Natic is here to enlighten us.
Saith said:
Well... the only reason you want peace TruthSeeker is because you are selfishly looking out for you own survival. So the area that you live in must be bad enough for you to worry about your own survival being put into jeopardy by an unpeaceful fellow. It's not like you care about anyone else or anything crazy like that. If you woke up the next day and had super powers that made you immune to all harm, then you wouldn't want peace at all since it wouldn't increase your chances of survival anymore. Haven't you understood anything that Dr Lou Natic has said? Pay attention! Dr Lou Natic is here to enlighten us.

Hahahaha!!! Seriously... :D

No. I live in a VERY peaceful area. I want peace because chinese, african, spanish, brasilians and many other have no peace. That's why I want peace in the world. :p
Dr Lou Natic said:
I think organised violence is imperative for such a species as our own. Cultural evolution is fine, but there is no precedent for escaping real evolution all together which is what we have done and I can see that it has caused countless problems, not only with human beings but with the entire planet. I don't think trying to make everyone comfortable all the time is a noble goal at all if it is to the detriment of everything else. Which it inevitably is and lets face it we can't reach that goal anyway, just trying screws everything up. Its not worth it.
:eek: I don't understand. Which problems?

Dr Lou Natic said:
People should still be in clans, have territory, and defend that territory against intruders, killing them if necessarry. Ecology demands this. This doesn't mean we have to be savages. Would you consider people from shakespearian times to be savages? Well they followed this natural law.
I don't see nothing much different from that today, when exactly occurred the attempts to change our basical natural behaviors, or when they had changed?

Dr Lou Natic said:
Obviously it is not a hindrance on how great we can be. In fact it has much more potential to make humans something truely admirable than the 'structure'( :rolleyes: ) we have now. And truthseekers plan to have no violence at all(which will never happen) would be a disaster even if it could happen. Plus it would be very lame and make earth incredibly boring right up untill it eventually deteriated and forced people to become cannibals untill they became extinct on a barren desolate ugly planet.
Its all very cute to want everyone to just get along. But the reality wouldn't be cute at all and it has no place on this planet.
how exactly achieved non-violence would turn out to be a disaster, with cannibals and everything?
personaly i think we need our violent side... really what would the world be like if we where all tree hugging hippies...

what have tree huggers gave us besides tofu meat substatues..

whats has the barbarian horde gave us...? lets see what pushes people to invent new things.. look at the past when has the most major advancements in tech taken place.... when we where on the threat of destruction...

if you let your self settle down and like the peace then you think its good anuff now..

not to mention if we changed our genetics really how many of you women out there would want a panzie non agresive wimp that cant beat his way out of a wet paper sack... not to mention the fact if the hole world did not do the same changes then you would be in big trouble everone would push you around and odds are kill you off...
shadarlocoth said:
personaly i think we need our violent side... really what would the world be like if we where all tree hugging hippies...

So if your not violent, then you are a tree hugging hippie... And I suppose if your not a pornstar then you a virgin too right?

shadarlocoth said:
whats has the barbarian horde gave us...? lets see what pushes people to invent new things.. look at the past when has the most major advancements in tech taken place.... when we where on the threat of destruction...

What are these "most major advancements" that wouldn't have taken place "when we where on the threat of destruction".

shadarlocoth said:
if you let your self settle down and like the peace then you think its good anuff now..

Violence isn't the only thing in this world that causes problems you know. It's not like a doctor is going to stop helping people because he enjoys peace.

shadarlocoth said:
not to mention if we changed our genetics really how many of you women out there would want a panzie non agresive wimp that cant beat his way out of a wet paper sack...

So if your not violent then you're a "panzie non aggresive wimp"? Do you really think that you could kick the ass of any man who wants peace? Just because someone wants peace doesn't mean that they are incapable of fighting for it, people have fought for peace many times.