Time theory of everything


Registered Senior Member
Extreme level theory


Creator/Author: Khalid Masood

“TIME THEORY OF EVERYTHING” is ‘The Time Universe Theory!'
I propose, only Time exists in the Universe: “Time Creates Space, Life, Consciousness, and the Universe Itself.”
"Time tells matter how to create, matter tells time how to survive !"

The only truth about the physical universe is that it is not physical. Life and matter of this universe, is nothing but a physical illusion.

The smartest thing of the universe is universe itself. Universe is not only small and finite. Universe ‘on the whole’ is smartest phenomenon of the Universe. On the whole universe is shapeless, massless and weightless. I CAN PICK IT UP !!!
Einstein’s “second law,” m = E/ c^2 i.e. m = E/ c2 [ How mass drives from pure Energy] raises the question whether mass can be understood more deeply as energy. And can we build, as Wheeler put it, "Mass Without Mass"? are the best predictions in favour of my "Time Theory of Everything."
In my view the first question is “How pure energy drives from time?”. The universe is not what it used to be, nor what it appears to be, as Frank W ilczek of MIT quoted in first chapter ‘Getting to it’ of his book titled "The Lightness of Being" [ mass, ether, and the unification of forces ] also supports my theory. Infinity is finity on the whole.
There is nothing original under the physical phenomena. All physical properties of the universe are secondary in nature.There is a universe behind the ‘physical universe’ which is ‘dark’ and primary universe. If a “Theory of Everything” is Holy Grail of cosmology, “Time Theory of Everything” is Holy Grail of physics!
Physicists are hunting for an elusive particle that would reveal the presence of a new kind of field that permeates all of reality. Finding that Higgs field will give us a more complete understanding about how the elusive universe works!
I believe in bold imagination in research. I believe universe is not acadamic, and is not bound of our physical theories. Capture Higgs particle, ‘eyes on a prize particle’, the search for the Higgs boson [God Particle] and creation of micro black holes is nonsense idea.
Higgs boson is not destiny! We have to rethink TIME and ETERNITY.
Basic and primary stuff of the universe is not physical. All matter, energy and fundamental forces of nature are secondary and reffered by a unified primary force of nature. There is a ‘co-ordination force’ in between ‘God’ and all secondary forces of nature, which is more important than Higgs boson. I suggest this force is time. Time is invisible presence and the only basic building block of the universe and everything in it.

[A union of forces and time]

Time is mother of all fundamental forces.
"Forces-time" in which time exists as fifth force with four fundamental forces.
Deep down, the particles and forces of the universe are a manifestation of time.
TIME is a coordination force of the universe and multiverse referred by nature.
Nothing has independent existence except time. All three and extra dimensions of space are of time’s dimensions. Time is not a 4th dimension of space. Time is mother of all dimensions.
Password of time is in the Mind of God!
Tell me about the nature of time, I can create the Universe, a Macro Black Hole, Higgs boson and even Life!
If all cosmologists of the world say a foolish thing it is still a foolish thing!
I have suggested in my "Time Theory Of Everything" that "God does not play particles game with the Universe!"
Three of space and one of time that three space dimensions and one of time dimension is wrong idea. Time is included in three space dimensions, but not as a 4th dimension i.e all dimensions of space are dimensions of time.
TIME IS NOT A MANUFACTURED QUANTITY. Time has independent existence and fundamental. Space is a manufactured quantity and secondary form of time. I believe in infinite extra spatial dimensions of time only, and I know what these dimensions are, but I don’t believe time as extra dimension with space. I don’t believe in extra dimensions of space, I believe in extra dimensions of time! Three dimensions of space and one dimension of time is absolutely wrong idea. Our physical universe exists in three or 11 dimensions of time! [as string theory proposed,10 of space and one of time dimension] “There isn’t just one dimension of time,” says Itzhak Bars of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.”There are two. One whole dimension has until now gone entirely unnoticed by us. Two time / 2T Physics” [New scientist 13 October 2007, Hypertime, Cover story] Why we need two dimensions of time? Why not we need 11 and many more dimensions of time?
Higgs boson should be named “TIME PARTICLE."


The study of the theory that all fundamental particles and vibrating one-dimensional strings are fluctuations of zero-dimensional and unidimensional Extreme Levels Of Energy.

I don’t believe particles in any shape or dimensions as basic building blocks of matter, energy, and everything in the universe. I have an alternative “Fluctuating Extreme Levels” hypothesis which is a part of my “Time Theory of Everything” [Extreme Level Theory] Extreme Level Theory suggests that basic building blocks of everything in the universe are composed of ‘Fluctuating Extreme Levels’ of energy. In ‘Extreme Level Theory’ of time, Extreme Levels correspond to different entities and quantities. If Extreme Level Theory proves correct, photons, electrons and neutrinos are different due to changes in the fluctuations of extreme levels. Prior to Extreme Level Theory, subatomic ‘particles’ were envisioned as tiny balls or points of energy. Extreme Level Theory works on the premise that the tiniest subatomic bits that make up the elements of atoms actually behave like ‘Fluctuating Extreme Levels’ and not like vibrating or dancing strings! Higg’s Field is a “Time’s Field”…….. Photon is no more now a particle, a wave, or has features of both! Photon exist at fluctuating extreme level of energy.


I believe in my 'physical' motto: "Time tells space how to create, space tells time how to expand and bend."
Deep down, the particles and forces of the universe are a manifestation of time.
Gravity is a manifestation of time-space.
P.S: It's time-space and not space-time. TIME COMES FIRST.
Our entire research focus must be on "How time interact with matter and energy?" and "Time, matter and energy, how they interact with each other?"
Time can take the form of motion, light, electricity, radiation, GRAVITY.....just about anything honestly.
Time theory of gravity is the best rival of General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Loop Gravity.

My “TIME THEORY OF EVERYTHING” will change the meaning of Matter, Energy, Natural Forces, Consciousness, Life & Extraterrestrial Life and Death.

It's not time, it's matter which is disappearing from the universe.

"I am part of the universe as my heart is part of me. Therefore I am part of God."

Khalid Masood
My theory is that posts like this are a result of time. Specifically too much time on your hands and over use of a bong.;)
Khalid periodically spams this nonsense over at PhysForums.
I think I'm going to be ill. Won't someone PLEASE block this woo-woo from posting anything on this site!?!?!? :bugeye:
I don't think this is spam. Rather it is esoteric. Khalidcustoms has a perception of something, but he is still looking for the correct words so others can understand.


How does the Planck length fit into your theory?
Nothing smaller can exist in nature.
Why is it that exact length?
I don't think this is spam. Rather it is esoteric. Khalidcustoms has a perception of something, but he is still looking for the correct words so others can understand.

And the wellwisher is still selective in whom he wishes well ... :rolleyes:
If fifty million people say a foolish thing it is still a foolish thing!

Here is a statement of Max Tegmark,MIT physicist-"If we dismiss theories because they seem weird, we risk missing true breakthroughs"

When Dr.RUPERT Sheldrake's book A New Science of Life was published in 1982,the science journal Nature called it a "candidate for burning," while the equally prominent New Scientist hailed Sheldrake as an explorer who "in an earlier age discovered continents"

"Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible."
M. C .Escher

"If at first an idea does not sound absurd, then there is no hope for it."
Albert Einstein
But none of that means that every batshit wacki idea has anything to it.

How does the Planck length fit into your theory?
Nothing smaller can exist in nature.
Why is it that exact length?
The Planck length: This is the quantum of length, the smallest measurement of length with any meaning, and roughly equal to 1.6 x 10^-35 m or about 10^-20 times the size of a proton.
The planck time: This is the quantum of of time, the smallest measurement of time that has any meaning, and is equal to 10^-43 seconds.
Fluctuating Extreme levels are extremely small with no length and no time. They are fluctuating at zero or single dimension of time and space to create more dimensions of time.
If you are going to annoy us with multiple postings of the same thing, I hope you don't plan a long stay on this forum.
Mod note: I've already moved one of these to the cesspool, but one in alt theories is probably warranted. For now.
The way I approached time was to consider what would be the state of the universe if we stopped time. This will zero out time so we can see what is left and then infer what time is based on what is missing. An analogy is looking at a system that is complicated. We will zero out gravity to see all the other variables left and thereby infer the nature of gravity.

If we zero time, by taking a snap shot of the universe, there will be no velocity and no acceleration. We can still have mass, particles, distance and position, and potential energy. But there is no form of dynamic energy or any force able to act. All force appears to be in equilibrium. This tells us something about time, through inference based on no time within the system.

If we assume god is time, for the sake of argument, since there are things left over, when time is removed, time alone is not sufficient to define God. It places a limit on god.

The same is true of the scientific definition of time which does not take into consideration what is time needs to be based on what is lost.
Same procedure as always, folks:


If everyone will just follow that simple procedure he/they will tire of no attention and will simply go away - they cannot handle having no audience. ;)
Same procedure as always, folks:


If everyone will just follow that simple procedure he/they will tire of no attention and will simply go away - they cannot handle having no audience. ;)

I prefer the BANNED for life myself.