Time Slips


Valued Senior Member
Have any of you had an experience which I could best describe as 'time-slip', where time has peeled back, if you like, to show (however briefly) an event which happened in the past? I've heard of certain examples, and I just wondered how common the phenomenon was?
The time structure is collapsing, it has reached crititcal mass one could say and must reshape itself. So therefore glimpses from both past and future and parallell realities are getting more vivid and bledning so much with the present that the present you switches focus to that past or future instead.
I have a "flash back" from time to time which throws be back to another time and era. I am usually back wherever I was at the time I had a great trip! :cool:
In November of 1771, Newcastle-on-Tyne was hit with an enormous flood after heavy rain. Much damage was caused along the riverside, and hundreds of people were swept out to sea--the flood struck in the early morning, and caught people still in their beds.

Now in 1975 a Scottish woman arrived in Gateshead, knowing nothing of the town's history. In a letter to the author of the book I'm quoting from (Peter Robson, Grisly Trails and Ghostly Tales, 1992) she claimed to have the gift of second sight, and that it had been passed down through her family for generations. Anyway, to quot directly from the book, "Yet one Sunday in November she was standing looking down from the High Level Bridge towards the bustling Quayside Market...She looked down into the river...She could see no water at all, just thousands of people crying in pain, begging for help, all raising their hands and moving like liquid down towards the sea. She could hear a thousand screams, all drowning and in torment....Every time she crossed the bridge the same thing happened...."

Now that was a timeslip--where an intensely terrifying event has been recorded in some way by some natural process which we don't understand as yet, and replayed over and over on the anniversary of its occurrence.
phh, you guys are mystics. if you really believe this shit you should leave this site and never come back. there are perfectly acceptable, and more rational, scientific explanations for these phenomenon. did you ever stop to think about how many people have odd hallucinations and are never recorded because they don't fit anything historical? did you ever stop to realize that this woman could have heard about the flood there and forgot that she knew? the memory could then surface subconsciously and make he think of lots of people being washed out to sea. she would not know why she had this "vision" because she didn't remember hearing that fact. rather than a second sight being passed on generation to generation, I think a memory defect has been passed on.

Bebelina seems to be the only one with more than a half a brain in here. thanks you for not being a wacko Bebelina, it is much appreciated. although, you did spew a lot of garbage about collapsing time structure, which looses you a few points.
Oh Cato, I'm probably the wackiest of them all....:D And that has aboslutely nothing to do with my brainsize.

Anyway, if you want them, they are there, the scientific explanations. But they don't rule out the "mystic" explanations, they can co-exist, if you let them....
well, you gotta define mystics here.Mystic explaination is virtually a Non Existant explanation, so well yeah they can co-exist on imaginery plane
zion said:
well, you gotta define mystics here.Mystic explaination is virtually a Non Existant explanation, so well yeah they can co-exist on imaginery plane

As I see it, the mystic experience is anything that can't be explained by currently-understood laws of physics. Personally, I think there are laws of Nature which we don't yet understand, so the events which happen because of those laws are brushed aside as 'impossible.'
Can you exlain what you mean by 'time-slip' abit further?
do you mean physically finding yourself in another era, or prehaps 10 seconds ago and then comming back to the present... or do you mean simply seeing or perceiving a future event before it occurs?
heliocentric said:
Can you exlain what you mean by 'time-slip' abit further?
do you mean physically finding yourself in another era, or prehaps 10 seconds ago and then comming back to the present... or do you mean simply seeing or perceiving a future event before it occurs?

Seeing an episode from the past or seeing the future before it happens. Maybe only for a few seconds; and people will either interact with you or not. Try googling 'time slip' or 'time-slips' and see what you come up with.
My friend said he had that once. He's a big lier though. Also we did make up this whole theory on how time works and how the universe will just cease to exist when it reaches a preset amount of time.(assuming there is limited matter) Time could relaspe on itself to stop this from happening.
Bebelina said:
The time structure is collapsing, it has reached crititcal mass one could say and must reshape itself. So therefore glimpses from both past and future and parallell realities are getting more vivid and bledning so much with the present that the present you switches focus to that past or future instead.
are you refering to time generally or just the thead starter?

If you are referring to time generally I can totally agree except to say that the time wobble as I called it has been just about fully rectified. [ the actual wobble started in the mid 80's]
if you are saying what I think you are saying I must admit I am impressed!!!

from what I have come to know the time wobble had it's cusp around 1999
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I was talking about time in general, adressing the thread starter.
I'm thinking that it might never regain its former structure, but loosen up more and more. The "wobbles" will probably come in waves, first small then....
As above so below.
Bebelina said:
I was talking about time in general, adressing the thread starter.
I'm thinking that it might never regain its former structure, but loosen up more and more. The "wobbles" will probably come in waves, first small then....
As above so below.
The comment "As above so below", is reference to the Dakini Oracle yes?
Dakini oracle? Haven't heard of that one, but will google..:)

A tantric tarot deck, very nice. But that's not where I got the expression..it's a common saying, can't even remember where I heard it first.
But the meaning is in short that the physical and spiritual are reflections of eachother.
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