time for a new place

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free thinker
Registered Senior Member
its time for a new place to discuss psuedoscience and other related topics.

this forum is NOT the place for this, too many negatives talking bullshit about their own selves, yelling we are crazy-

please private message me if you agree with what i say. this thread will be closed soon but you can still contact me.

this thread's purpose is to discuss whether or not the true psuedo'ers here believe that we are being treated unfairly. this thread shall stay in this forum to get the PSUEDO'ers OPINIONS, NOT THE ENTIRE SITE's. moving this thread is a direct action AGAINST this THREADs purpose, and constitutes disrupting the thread. we want to hear from the psuedo'ers and their opinions. so leave it !
Are you trying to turn pseudoscience into some kind of cult by stifling intelligent discussion?
Hey zonabi,
Is it that bad? It sounds like they've gotten under your skin. It upsets me too when you try to speak your peace and someone fills up your thread with irrellevencies, or worse, flamers. I have seen a bit of it in the last day but it sounds like you've been targeted.
I must say that I find profanity in a written rant distasteful and counter-productive(although I sometimes cuss like drunken sailor):)
I would not join a new site so I could say 'Fuck those fucking fuckers', I enjoy diverse opinions on a related topic. Is their a way to start a thread and the thread starter has priority on their ignore list?
So, what am I saying? That we free thinkers are not crazy and need no conventionalized 'proofs', That I agree with your sentiment of unrelated discussion interfering with the flow of an idea, and that unless the b.s. brings me down, I will continue posting here, and ignore the fools.

Don't let 'em step on your eyeball,

Insanely Elite
I should close this thread, purely because it seem Zonabi that you might have started a bunch out of anger for one thread being closed. I've mentioned in the other thread which is now closed (Bad Moderation) my reason for the closure of the thread, and the fact that you or anyone else at anytime can PM me in regards to a closed thread to either find out why it has been closed or to seek a better moderation method to deal with the thread in question [namely reopen it]

I mention this Zonabi because I'm not here to upset you, or close you off from real discussions, and I'm not like a wall, I can listen and fix anything you believe an error if you are willing to think of messaging first before complaining.
Pseudoscientifically, zonabi, I was going thru a similar head-spin during this past week after being absent from posting in a long while. I'm in a new headspace and feel like posting again — befittingly in the pseudoscience forum since that's where my head is at these days, except that, darn it, I feel intimidated. Why? Because, as it happened, I also was questioning the (new) moderator's stand during the week after noticing how he so casually closes threads with such facility based on some obscure notion that "pseudo" and "science" is being too pseudo and not science enough for his liking (or for the rest of the areas of the forum). So, as I was intensely questioning his stand in this subforum, he, coincidentally (pseudoscientifically — talk about ESP... ), starts a new thread called "What is Pseudoscience?" Fancy that. Now, this is really really cute: as you might recall, Crazymikey, shortly before being banned, brought up an interesting query to the table, and something that had always been on my mind ever since I started visiting Sciforums, and also the reason why I've always felt constraint from posting in this subforum — namely, why "pseudo" science, anyway? :

I do not feel it is appropriate, in fact it is demeaning, to label the topics of Ufology, Paranomal and Theoretical science, such as time-travel and superluminal physics, as psuedo, or FAKE science.

typical response as demonstrated by the administration, Porfiry:
...and there's another segment of users who think there's no place whatsoever for this material on sciforums, and are only placated because it is called false science.

Obviously, this subforum, that wishes to explore the issues of ufology, the paranormal, and theoretical science, solely exists for the benefit of those who are not convincingly into ufology, the paranormal, and the theoretical sciences, but is being tolerated as such so as to — as the moderator here so aptly put it in another thread:

I had to say no, as without Pseudoscience people would be at each others heals in the rest of the areas of the forum because of their "Release" methods.

So, in a sense, this subforum has been branded and will continue to be checked as a FAKE science against "true" science, or rather, in my opinion... this is the mob's version of a Delphian temple: a plastically surgical disneyland.
Personally I find that word PSEUDOSCEISCE to be derogatory and demeaning to those that really try to apply KNOWN science facts to the mysteries and anomalies of science. Some are really here trying to DISCUSS these things in light of what we know of science. Granted we may not be scientists, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have PRACTICAL application experience in real life to relate with.

This isn’t the worst forum I have been at, yet it is in the top 10 of pseudo-debunkers and information control agents. Zonabi, I too have had about enough of the crap that goes on at these so called “science forums”. So we have two choices, overcome with patience, or let the chips fall where they may. Maybe it is the lack of “common sense” so prevalent in the world today.

Hell, you should have seen the fiasco at another forum that caught me totally unawares and unprepared to handle the tactics of the “information control” agents that are so prolific at these forums. They managed to disrupt the thread and lead me down a path long before I knew I was on that path of pseudo-debunkers.

I say stay here and fight for getting the real questions out there, and maybe finding some of the real answers too.. Help those new ones learn the truth of these “skeptics” and prepare them for what is really coming. In any case we can try.

Great post Roid
I understand now more clearly the stance the so called "skeptics" have on an issue such as UFO's.
I am stuck in the middle.
I have seen 25-30 mettalic discs at close range with a freind.
As I have mentioned many times, there are no if's, ands or buts as to what I saw.
Plain as day.
Now these are either top secret military vehicles trying to cause confusion of some kind by commiting to such actions as just hanging out over populated areas "as in my case, Kelowna,B.C. Canada", if there so top secret, why are they doing that.

Or these were crafts from elsewhere.
Either explanation kicks me in the face.

I do not consider this to be a science at all, in my own opinion.
I don't know what to call it.
It's something I have seen.
I can't quit my job and study this phenomena.
And quite frankly, if this is another race from somewhere else,
I am scared.
I don't want to have to change. I like my life, the goals I have, and what I want to do with my life.
I am kind of pouring myself out here, but, I really hate the place I am in on this particualr subject.
I just want everyone to know.
I want to know.
Know what?
That there is something more going on, militarily or extra terrestrially.
PLease do not close your your selves off to whats happening.
Pretty general I know.
Need a smoke.
Trying to quit.
Maybe after this one. wink wink
You know, on the one hand I just want to forget about this UFO issue, but something inside won't let me.
Well I guess this is the kicker, I would have to be crazy not to.
For all of you are the so called "skeptics" on the topic of UFO's in the manner I have described above.....I don't know what to say.
Talking about this on Sci-forms is the LEAST I can do.
I don't talk about this with anyone else.
Theres no way I can talk to my family about this in a serious fashion.
No way. Guess I'm not so independant as I like to think I am.
Or maybe I feel like they just don't need to know.
Why, what's it going to change?
As if everyone doesn't already have enough to be concerned about.
Anyways.....I'm blabbing.
Peace Out, to every one.
Think for a moment Moementum7
I have seen 25-30 mettalic discs at close range with a freind.
(Don't feel bad, I have been kicked in the face twice in my life at seeing a UFO and I have flown several types of small aircraft.)
They have been seen for centuries, so how could military have had them then? You are not the first to see them. Maybe some do have similar crafts that are top secret today. Or they may be some captured ones. We WILL know some day.
Stryderunknown said:
anyone else at anytime can PM me

Zonabi, excellent posting, here and in the closed thread. I have been posting less and less lately because of the bad treatment from others.

PM'ing about any issue is taking the issue behind the scenes and not dealing with it in the open for all to see what transpires. I totally disagree with this tactic for handling sensitive issues or issures with potential of being sensitive.

These ones that are disruptive need to be dealt with, they are the problem and moderator intervention is not helping either. There seems to be moderation where moderation is not needed and no moderation where moderation is needed.
I would not say it is because the moderator is new to his job, I would boldly say the moderator is part of the problem.

I have not left scifoolems, neither would I give these disruptors the satisfaction of thinking they would cause me to leave, I just change my tactics in dealing with them (one tactic is to not respond to them, ignore them).

Momentum7 wow,
When I think about, I'm scared too. I try not to think about it. Then I can't help it.
PMing me doesn't mean stuff goes behind the scene's it just removes all the stuff that comes with putting it in public view. If people realise particular people are upset about their threads being filled with mindless input from people that are just trying to discredit what is being said then they are more than likely to end up being targeted more often because they rose to the occasion.

My intension of asking people to PM if they feel an injustice when posting was to deal with that issue, and to keep it as quite as possible so as not to add insult to injury.

You complain about the casual closure of posts, there has only been one complained about both by Norval and Zonabi, Norval send "three" complaints, all titled the same, but didn't point at anyone in particular, So I initially closed the thread.

However Zonabi started a few posts, which they needed of done, because if they had mentioned their upset I would of reopened it on re-evaluation, since I forget that people that have actually suffered events in their life potentially have things to discuss in that area (And I apologise to them for the hastey closure), I was just trying to kurb the SCIFI debunking.

As for what I do as a Mod, You should blatently see that I'm trying to maintain some form of mediation, I don't want to be too heavy handed, or too soft with dealing with posters.

Currently I have allowed alot to ocur in some topics, purely because no-one has asked for intervention, I could under my own steam mediate without warning, however if I start doing that, how many more posts about threads being closed or deleted are going to appear? (Remember as a Mod I Mediate/Moderate)
craterchains (Norval said:
Personally I find that word PSEUDOSCEISCE to be derogatory and demeaning to those that really try to apply KNOWN science facts to the mysteries and anomalies of science.
Personally, I find what you call a theory, demeaning to science... hence why we have the pseudoscience forum.
Stryderunknown said:
PMing me doesn't mean stuff goes behind the scene's it just removes all the stuff that comes with putting it in public view.

My intension of asking people to PM if they feel an injustice when posting was to deal with that issue, and to keep it as quite as possible so as not to add insult to injury.

You complain about the casual closure of posts, there has only been one complained about both by Norval and Zonabi, Norval send "three" complaints, all titled the same, but didn't point at anyone in particular, So I initially closed the thread.

With PM'ing it does just that, takes it out of the public view, "all the stuff" is what should not be hidden.

No, I personally have not reported any particular post as offensive nor have I complained in a PM about thread locking, my reason for not doing so recently is because I have an unstable computer for the last week or so but I would do very similar to Zonabi's approach as in creating a new thread to keep it public.
My rule of thumb is anyone with something to hide uses Private Messages.
FOCL,,, sorry :D , my assumption such as it was :rolleyes: is based on a report button that is on each post in the thread, thus I thought it would report THAT post. Oooops, :eek:
My rule of thumb is anyone with something to hide uses Private Messages.
No wonder you spam this forum with stupid theories and posts. If something is between two people, use PM. The rest could care less that he closed your thread.

You rule of thumb neglects that it could just be saving forums space and "edit time" by removing posts that aren't needed before they begin. Otherwise it actually increases the time I spend dealing with un-necessary posts about posts that I should or shouldn't have done something about, when it could have simply been addressed without the necessity of a topic being created.

I know you and others are stickers for The Freedom of information, and don't like people doing things autonomously, however metaphorically speaking do you really need to know everytime someone takes a dump?
Stryderunknown said:

I know you and others are stickers for The Freedom of information, and don't like people doing things autonomously, however metaphorically speaking do you really need to know everytime someone takes a dump?

No, not interested in someones dump but I am tired of posters shitting in threads and using words to wipe their asses with.

Don't PM's take up space, take up memory, so why PM? Why not make the sensitive issue public, what are you afraid of?
FieryIce, it's not about Fear. Get it through your head, it was just to remove un-necessary flames caused by being public, since they aren't necessary. (unless you have a high blood pressure, then you will more than likely think its necessary)

Also you complain about people "dumping" in posts, however your not exactly innocent of it yourself are you? If you are complaintive about particular posts, then mention which ones your complaining about...

I suggest you can do that in public, complain about others input into threads if you feel it outrages you so, as apposed to "asking for re-evalution of a moderation move" which can be done by PM since it's not exact DIRT is it?.
you complain
you are complaintive
your complaining about
complain about

All in just 4 sentences? :eek:
Why Stryder?
If you cant take the complaints againt valid thread disrupters, obviously you havent learned how to identify the flamers and disrupters yet, quit moderating. Now you are complaining about complainers and she hasnt even yet begun to complain. :confused:
Piss and moan about your moderators job somewhere else. :D JK
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