Tiger Woods Groveling on Every Channel

He was whining about how he felt "entitled" to do what he did. What is up with someone thinking they are entitled to be a serial adulterer? No morals?


He was rehearsed, insincere and boring. He should just go away.

I guess you have NEVER made any errors in judgment in YOUR life for you are quick to judge others for their problems aren't you while forgetting about your own. Everyone makes mistakes even though you think they shouldn't. He has done what he can and continues to try and get help unlike many others who only decline further down the wrong path.
error of judgment? There is a facebook group for women who have slept with him
error of judgment? There is a facebook group for women who have slept with him

As he stated he thought he could do anything he wanted because he had the money to do so. That, to me, is an error of judgement. I could see it as other things as well, but that's my take.
As he stated he thought he could do anything he wanted because he had the money to do so. That, to me, is an error of judgement. I could see it as other things as well, but that's my take.

I do think its ridiculous how peoples sexual lives are put under the microscope. The only person who has a right to an opinion here is his wife. The rest are just projecting onto him values which they probably don't uphold as well either.
error of judgment? There is a facebook group for women who have slept with him

Yeah...quite a massive error I would say. You could maybe get away with calling it that if it happened once or twice, but that isn't the case. Maybe he could use the old saying " it was an accident" next. Maybe his wife could call it en error in judgement when she cut off his dick. ;)
He's only groveling because he still wants to get paid. He should have said, "sure I slept with all those women, I'd do it again, and it's no one's business but my own.".
Oh please.... So you think his wife should look past it and all is forgiven?

Hilary Clinton did it. :shrug:

I don't think you can compel anyone to be faithful. Either they will be or they won't.

Anyone who hooks up with Tiger next should be aware that marriage is not an impediment to shacking around for him.
The weird thing here is that he must have known he was going to get caught. If you're a famous person you might be able to get away with cheating on your wife with one or two people, maybe even three or four if they're all discrete, but 15+? It should be immediately obvious that you just aren't going to be able to pull that off without people finding out.
The weird thing here is that he must have known he was going to get caught. If you're a famous person you might be able to get away with cheating on your wife with one or two people, maybe even three or four if they're all discrete, but 15+?

Well, I thought the same thing, but. It had been going on for quite a while so it took a decent amount of time to get caught. Also, his group of people were covering for him. It might have started with 1-2 and when it was easy to get away with it, he went full throttle.

In his defense:

Seriously people, put yourself in his place. You are the RICHEST athlete EVER in the world in your primetime and you travel a lot and happen to love sex. Women around you are falling all over you. Add that together and I would say 85% of us would have done the same thing...It is easy to be faithful without temptation and opportunity....
In his defense:

Seriously people, put yourself in his place. You are the RICHEST athlete EVER in the world in your primetime and you travel a lot and happen to love sex. Women around you are falling all over you. Add that together and I would say 85% of us would have done the same thing...It is easy to be faithful without temptation and opportunity....

I think little of any of the jerks out there whoring around on their faithful wives (as I feel for men married to tramps).

But if my 100million dollar endorsements had image clauses, I'd be scarred to death to screw that up.
And I don't believe the whole sex addiction thing, that's a load of crap. He just wanted some strange and used bad judgement.
He's only groveling because he still wants to get paid. He should have said, "sure I slept with all those women, I'd do it again, and it's no one's business but my own.".

I agree with this statement. His sexual habits in no way alter his ability to hit a small white ball accurately. All the rest is no one's business but his own.