Thrilla in Religia-Apologies to the Marquis of Queensbury

Atheism has no real bearing on the social well-being of anything because we're just meaningless things that are made up of chemical reactions.

Atheism has everything to do with social well-being. It is anti-social to believe in gods as that belief divides mankind.

Theism on the other hand puts meaning on life in a mandatory fashion.

The only meaning theism puts on life is that life is merely a stepping stone to death (afterlife) and that while you are alive, you must obey and worship gods.

theism tries to give order but the humans can not completely accept that order or follow it in a absolute manner

Then, theism doesn't work, absolutely. Especially, since there are many different kinds of theism that you theists continually war over, you idiots can't even decide on what's right or wrong.

The difference between Atheism and Theism is simply the rate at which Entropy is increased. Theism slows Entropy down a little, Atheism doesn't

As usual, you have it completely backwards.

Peace be unto you ;)

Up yours.
One of the main problems with theism is it is ugly.
One of the main problems of atheism is that is plagued by a persecution complex
